At the Shore: Part Two

A sea otter!!!
Farley saw this fellow, swam out to where the sea otter was swimming and then the two proceeded to play tag for nearly an hour while I watched from shore!  It was the most magical thing I have seen in some time; so playful, so incredible.  Most of us have seen sea otters playing in aquariums but I’ve never seen one play in the wild, let alone with a German Shorthair Pointer.

It about knocked my socks off.
What was really amazing is that the otter could have disappeared at any moment but it decided, instead, to dive in and out of the water, most teasingly, keeping just out of reach of Farley.
I laughed so hard while I watching otter and pooch antics.
Enjoy the following images of sea otter and dog interaction!
And then, quite suddenly, there were three:


  1. This is great! What a sight! Farley is a cutie. xx

  2. thebearaffair says

    The cutest pictures I've ever seen …….isn't life grand? And oh, by the way, why can't we humans learn from this that it is possible for all of us to "play" together and enjoy life as one.xxoo Sal

  3. hahahah!!! that's the COOLEST thing ever, J!!! Thanks for sharing! I'm laughing out loud here :)))

    PS-LOOOVE the ocean too!!! Could spend hours upon hours there myself! It's the sound of the water. :))

  4. sylvestris says

    This IS magical indeed. Grace in action.

    I've watched crows play with Uumaa and Taya just like ravens play with wolves.

  5. The Studio On Robin Lane says

    I thought it was just me. I connect with the ocean and nature in much the same way. Happily my wife understands that sometimes I need to connect with nature on a deep level. And as long as I keep my treasures organized in the studio she's fine with it.

    Great post!


    Now if I could only find that…hmmm.

  6. Oh my gosh, that is just so simply wonderful!

  7. thewindhover says

    I love this, and adore this and am completely and utterly smitten. Sea otters are in my top three animal (along with sea slugs and cicadas)

  8. That's so sweet!

  9. So cool and magical! Thank you!
    You've made my day!



  10. so magical and wonderful.
    farley is a special pooch.
    the otters recognize this.

  11. Snailentina says

    hahaha what an amazing adventure!

  12. ~ priceless ~


  13. I absolutely adore otters, this just made my day Jillian! I so wish you captured live video! Such a beautiful and magical thing to have witnessed! Just fantastic!

  14. Every container in this house, whether wood, ceramic or glass is filled with my treasures, which are, more often than not from the ocean.

    We lived in that area for the first 10 years of our marriage.

  15. Nancy*McKay says

    i'm but an island away…be on the look out, i've sent you a message in a bottle…i could hear your laughter…i knew you were near…xoxo

  16. Lizzy Derksen says

    I showed Tim this post last night. This morning, he sadly told me that he makes a terrible sea otter, because he doesn't have enough fat.

  17. How sweet and magical! It reminds me of a time during my childhood when we stopped at a beach with our lab to let her play in the ocean. Two dolphins came and played with her for a while. Such an amazing thing to see two different species have so much fun together!

  18. Sea Otters! That's so so brilliant – I've never seen them in the wild either. Love that Farely got right in there with them 🙂

  19. I wouldn't have believed you without the pics.

    Farlinator dude, we miss you. Some guys have all the fun.

  20. I just about died looking at these photos. SO. DARLING.

    I used to want to die and come back as a sea otter. They're adorable.

  21. Cinder says says

    I love this post!
    I always wanted to be an otter if I had to choose an animal. They are always playing and enjoying life.
    Farley is the cutest dog. A brave and curios boy.
    I would have loved to witness their playtime.
    What a life you lead.

  22. Desiree Fawn says




  23. Hanna from the corner table says

    Aww, otters. Love them 🙂 You lucky girl for getting your moment with them!

    I can spot something from the previous post 😉

  24. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    what a fun friend Farley is 🙂
    terrific new pals you made on the ocean front!

  25. Lorena, sometimes... says

    it's like MAGIC seeing them together in the water …

    … only better!!!