Home is Where The Tomatoes Are:

I’m home.
Boy howdy, it feels good to be in my nest of feathers, treasures, fur babies, grapevines and down valley drafts!

Speaking of nests,
one of the things I love most
about papasan chairs is they do
feel rather like a nest to me…
do you reckon the same?

Yesterday I made the thirteen hour drive from Tacoma, Washington (just South of Seattle) to Pocatello.  It’s a monstrous distance when your iPod is out of juice the entire way and you’re the only one driving.  Monstrous.  But I made it and I’m settling into real life again. 

I slept in a bit this morning, harvested a load of veggies from the gardens, TOMATOES TOMATOES TOMATOES, cleaned a bit, bought groceries and canning supplies (it’s that time of yearrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!), visited the chiropractor (I’ve got something bothersome happening with my neck), gardened some more, and at the moment I am attempting my first gluten free baking job — rhubarb crisp.  I’ll let you know how fantastic it is tomorrow.

I’m going to try to be back in the saddle by Thursday which means studio hot as well as interwebular correspondence answered.  I’d shoot for tomorrow but I think my neck needs to see a massage therapist…

Thank you all so much for traveling with me and for all of the glorious comments you left on my Washington posts!  You’re so delightful, kind of like a kitten cherry baby octopus pie.

Love, love and love,


  1. Sunny Rising Leather says

    All I can think is that in two months I will be with you when you come up with names for the way people walk.

    I cannot wait, and in the meantime I will steam clean my Uggs.

    Love you,

  2. calamityjane(t) says

    awww… welcome home! glad you're back. it looks real cosy!

  3. Welcome home! It looks so cozy. 🙂

    P.S. Simply had to share my word verification – "unteakif"

  4. welcome back my dear!!!

    Gigantic hugs



  5. thebearaffair says

    So happy you are home, safe and sound!! Nite, nite:O)

  6. I can appreciate that long drive. Just this summer I made the 14 hour drive from So. California to American Falls Idaho. I passed right by Pocatello but still had 20 or 30 more minutes to drive.
    I had help driving and also an 8 year old in the back seat. We drove right through only stopping for gas or food.
    But that long of a drive is a killer. I don't envy you. But I'm glad your home and had a good time in Washington.

  7. I just knew that beautiful pink vase would be right at home with you!

    We used to have a papasan but it was too tippy for little ones climbing in and out so it went away.

    Glad to have you back at your bloggy home.


  8. Desiree Fawn says

    I have always wanted a chair just like that one.

  9. must be my low-to-the-ground centre of gravity ( he he!) but I always fall out of papasan chairs!….I love em tho'!…..

    are there any shells left on that beach,you?!…:)

    happy you had a safe journey!

  10. MrsLittleJeans says

    Welcome home and thanks for the lovely photos and sharing your trip. Now is time to rest and shake off the long drive.
    Since you asked, I always wanted a chair like that but my sweetheart won't allow it…he cannot stand it. Had his emotions about this were less intense I would pay no attention and get one. At any rate, had we had one we would not be able to use it anyhow for obvious furry reasons.
    Happy September 1st to you!

  11. Birdy bird, the gables is glad to have you home!

    I wished more than once that McKinleyville was magically part of the Puget and that you could pop in for another trip to Agate beach and sugar snap peas BUT I'm glad you're home home now.

  12. Love the vignettes!

  13. By the way, I wonder this all the time – What does Mr Pinkerton do when you are off traveling? I assume he doesn't quite do car trips like the puppies…although my cat is a suprisingly good traveler 🙂

  14. I love your seashore shrine! and now I need to finish out the front porch and invest in a papasan chair too!! eep. I wish it was cold enough to wear boots and sweaters here. boo.

  15. It was great you were gone where you went and coming home now seems right on time. Mmmmm, I too love nesting in papasans. So glad you're home safe, bird.


  16. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for these lovely comments, darling chickadees!

    Emmy, to answer your question, Mister Pinkerton stays home! He's actually, mostly, an outdoor cat so I have my housesitter put food and water out for him and then he just lives his normal life of sleeping on the front porch in the daytime and hunting at night. He does seem to really miss the dogs and I so when I come home I usually let him in and out of the house, for the sake of social interaction, as much as he likes.

    In the wintertime I shut him in the garage, when I go away, with a litter box, and my housesitter does the same thing with food and water checks but he stays inside — just in case the temperatures really drop, I like to make sure he is guaranteed some shelter in the winter. When I come home from those trips, he has serious cabin fever and a mad look in his eyes. I let him out promptly to catch a bird or a vole for dinner. He loves being wild and free!