Terrified at 4PM

Well for the sake of Pete.
I’m just on my lunch break (yes, it’s a late lunch) and while my quinoa was cooking I decided to finish up another chapter of this book:

The chapter I am reading is number 20 and let me tell you, I’m traumatized.  I’m not even finished with it yet but it is by far the worst section I have read in this book so far.  I know what you’re thinking, why am I reading this book while my husband is smokejumping the current fire season.  In all reality, it is a great book.  It’s a compilation of fire fighting stories, some strange love stuff and it’s wonderfully informative when it comes to smokejumper culture.  I’ve quite enjoyed it thus far, that is, until chapter 20.

Currently, in chapter 20, a Volkswagen sized boulder has just rolled down the side of a mountain that is on fire, nearly squishing a handful of smokejumpers who just had to run for their lives, through a forest fire (literally, their hair is burning), on the side of the extremely steep mountain the boulder just rolled down.  They’re missing men.  They’ve lost the fire thanks to a crazy, huge snag that fell behind them and trapped them (hence the running).  The missing jumpers are out of radio contact and right now I’m hoping they’re alive.  I’m getting to the end of the book and based on the layout of most books, it can’t end too tragically…but one jumper has a huge cut on his neck from where his chainsaw bit him before he had to drop it and run for his life.  Another jumper just smashed his knee into a boulder (this is the same fellow who hours earlier hit the trunk of a ponderosa when he was landing his parachute and he was knocked unconscious).  I think they might be hungry too (they’re always hungry).


Why do I do this to myself?

I’m almost done eating and then I have a buffalo with a rose heart to deal with out in the studio.
Thank God it’s almost the end of fire season.
And seriously, if you want a rather adventurous read, you should nab a copy of this book.  But be warned, if you’re a smokejumper’s woman, perhaps read it over the winter season (or not at all).


PS  Here’s the buffalo I’m talking about!  By the end of the night he’ll be surrounded by a handful of pearls and a lovely little toggle clasp!

He’s such a darling little guy!


  1. Jaime/Bella-Bijou Jewellery says

    oh dear – can't say I would read it if I were you!
    Its a good thing RW is the smokejumper of all smokejumpers 🙂

    PS I also had quinoa for lunch! Yum!

  2. well that settles that…i'm on chapter 16…going on 21 now!

    oh dear, word verif: bowel (even though you spoiled part of the book for me…i really wasn't thinking it…bowel…honestly…)

  3. Tragic. And I have to fear my man will die of a heart attack at his desk at 40 from crunching numbers for too long. (That actually is a real fear. Only about 1% sarcasm. It has happened before).

  4. I was wondering the last few days if RW was perhaps in Colorado helping put out with our wildfire!?

    it is up a canyon above Boulder that has no fire house or water. It is manitained by volunteers and water must be trucked in. Needless to say, it is the topic of every news station at moment. But it made me think of RW and all firefighters, jumpers and volunteers, and to keep them in prayer during these fights.

    9 volunteers have lost their own homes battling to save those of their neighbors. I have a huge heart crush for those men right now…

    oh, how the power of community can change one's heart.

  5. The Noisy Plume: says

    Attention please: No one dies in chapter 20. The missing men turn up and everyone is safe and sound though two of them quit smokejumping a few days later.


    Jaime: I couldn't help myself. I'm kind of terrified and obsessed….all at once.

    Nancy: GUFFAWWWWWW!!!!!!

    Nun: Well, the fact is, we all die eventually. Right? 🙂 Let's just love them while we have them.

    Janel: He isn't on that fire. He's in Washington and due home early next week:) In the meanwhile, thanks for keeping those fire boys (and girls) on the edge of your heart and mind. I hope they put it out, and quick. xx

  6. studio.delucca says

    I want to kiss that buffalo on the nose.

    and, hmmm… I ::really don't know:: about your reading that book….

    but I absolutely love that others are reading it along with you. that is incredibly dear.

  7. The Noisy Plume: says

    Fear thee not. It's not all trauma. Some of it is tragedy free:)

  8. Nancy*McKay says

    …a buffalo named Rosebud…awwwwWWWW!

  9. *love* a buffalo with a real rose heart….

    living with gratitude [love] instead of attachment [fear] frees one to love love love the one you're with.

  10. Lorena, sometimes... says

    my gosh!!! imagining what you could do with an entire garden full …

    and, come to think of it, your very own heart will be abloom soon!

  11. MrsLittleJeans says

    It is too late but I am not sure I would read stuff like that…I love the buffalo with the rose…I think you see more of them than most people do : ) xoxo

    I just had to laugh at what nunface said…one way or the other we are going to go on the big one way trip, kind of funny in a strange way

  12. <3 the buffalo!! the rose heart is almost too much to bare!! LOVE.