And just like that…

summer ended.

Baby, it’s good to have you home.
The next six months are all ours.
Let’s squander them on something good.


  1. love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love!!

    Happy for you. πŸ™‚

  2. Pictures like this make me imagine you dragging RW outside with your tripod the second he gets homeβ€”before he can even set his suitcase down! Haha! Happy end of summer!

  3. congrats on having your honey home!!! my b.f. lives far away from me… nothing better than a reunion!

  4. Yay!!! So happy for you Jillian. Say Hi from Australia for me



  5. The Noisy Plume: says


    He actually arrived home very very late last night (very early this morning???). But I've been hanging on him like a she-monkey all day long.

  6. Sunny Rising Leather says

    Safe and sound, jiggity jig!!!
    Big hug to RW from me and the Schmill:
    oh, Jillian.
    This picture makes everything right πŸ™‚


  7. How wonderful to have your love home! Enjoy every second!

  8. YEEHAW!

  9. thebearaffair says


  10. tattooedblogger says

    O Happy Day…and what a cutie with those glasses and all

  11. Yay! Come to Chicago! We're having a party on NYE!

  12. Gabriela Hughes says

    It's so nice to see you together!! Enjoy!!!

  13. Look at Penelope's nose!!! those dogs are darn happy too!! remember Farley in your welcome home pic last year? he was so silly doing a little two step! Yay!!! So glad!

  14. Ann from Montana says


    So glad RW and others were there for us and others.

    Also grateful that our own intermountain West was "quiet" this fire season.

    Happy 6 months of fun!

  15. WooHoo!! I fully expect to see less of you on the bloggy-sphere for a bit, as I would not blame you in the least for hiding away the computer and spending every moment with your man!

  16. ahhh the sweetness of huggin' a loved one…under trees, on the grass, in the hills, everywhere!
    wonderful stuff…enjoy as i know a plumwonderful can!

  17. Shell (aka Songsmith) says

    I'm so pleased for you both! I love that photo so much!

    My husband is preparing to go away for a while – but knowing you and RC are so happily reunited makes my own parting with my best friend that little bit easier!

    Enjoy your time together. (I know you will).

    Shell xx

  18. Never am I so gald to see summer end than for you!
    For me, I am sad, but heck I live in the land of warm and sun, so then I am not so sad…see!

  19. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh yay! My goodness — in my world I feel like summer flew by, but I'm sure it wasn't quite like that for you!

    Either way — lots of love for you lovebirds!!

  20. Lizzy Derksen says

    I am so happy for you. And so impressed. I would not do well if Tim was away for six months at a time.

  21. yippee doodle and yay…rock on…and love each other to bits:)

  22. resolute twig says

    I am SO glad he's back home with you where he belongs.

  23. I am in the midst of reading the book 'Two Part Invention' the story of a marriage by Madeleine L'Engle
    and this section stood out to me, reminds me of you and RW and also of myself and my Love.

    I go to my lonely bed, thinking of Hugh alone in his hospital room, grateful for the nurses who are so good to him. During the night I reach out with my foot through force of habit to touch his sleeping body. And he is not there. Nevertheless, we have been making love during this time in a profound way. He is making love with me with the pressure of his fingers. I am making love when I do simple bodily services for him. How many times he has taken care of me! And that is intercourse as much as the more usual ways of expressing our sexuality.

    -Such a beautiful story of love. being married over 40 years, and loving each other and being so commited to the other.

    You man is home, home, home.
    Home is where you are with HIM.


  24. : )

  25. …oh my…
    i'm having troubles concentrating after Jaacalyn's comment…now mine sounds like a Seinfeld episode…

    everybody has a Happy Ending…

    or, maybe it's from Curb Your Enthusiasm…i don'no…
    i just can't seem to concentrate…but, no worries, you get what i mean…!(?)

  26. Suzy ~ lorenzstudio says

    Welcome home RW!
    Farley's niece sends her love.

  27. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thank you thank you thank you you sweetlings for these wonderful welcome homes:)

    And Jacci, it was a bit early in the morning to get everyone so hot and bothered:) Just kidding. Thank you for your quote. L'Engle is one of my very favorite authors of all time:) x

  28. such a cute and heart touching post…

  29. ohhhh I love summer but I am happy is over for you! You were a soldier, but that's enough haha. So glad to finally see this photo up πŸ™‚ woooo