Marvelous Color

It’s that time of year again!  The time of year when I run my kiln in my studio every day of the week until I’m sick to death of firing pieces and my fingertips are raw from cleaning metal with pumice!  HOORAY!!!

All that color is marvelous.  Simply marvelous.
I spent the better part of the day starting and finishing these beauties and I’ll be making them available to you tomorrow afternoon when I do my Etsy Shop update, around 1PM, Mountain Time.

What a great week it’s been so far!
I felt myself settling into work again the very first morning RW was home at The Gables.  The choppy living of summertime made way for the steady and smooth sailing of autumn.  It’s amazing the way I manage to let everything go as soon as RW is by my side again.  I don’t worry about finishing chores around here.  I don’t tear my hair out trying to fit life in around my creative endeavors.  I’ll give up on cleaning the house before I’ll give up on creative work (on most occasions).  

It’s as if someone snapped their fingers and my stress faded away.  
We do the dishes together, when we feel like it.  
We clean the house together, when we feel like it.  We tend the yard together, when we feel like it.  
If I don’t feel like it, I stay in my studio, at my work bench, and merrily swing my hammers.  Whew.  It’s so good to swing those hammers and to swing them, once more, like an antlered fairy woman on tiptoes. 

It’s so lovely to have my sidekick back at my side once more.
It’s so good to be a sidekick at his side once more.

I’ll see you darling, mewing kittens tomorrow afternoon!
Right now I’ve a dinner date with my fellow.

for supporting this little independent artist.
I appreciate you all so darn much and wish I was capable of making one thousand Feather Feather Merriweather Earrings….instead, I’ll start out small and try to have a few more ready for next week.  Ok?
You rock the flock.


  1. Ohhhhhh I love the colours.

    Have a great evening with your man!!



  2. resolute twig says

    so happy that you are back in the swing of things with your man by your side.

    And I cant wait for the shop update! the pesky workday keeps getting in the way of me pouncing on your new jewels…

  3. thebearaffair says

    So happy that you are once again happy and content:O)

  4. studio.delucca says


  5. Heather Fawn says

    Beautiful colors and work! Enjoy your dinner with your fellow♥

  6. angela walker jewelry says

    Glad your love is back safely…. And all is well in your world. : )
    Health and happiness,
    -Lovely earrings too. : )

  7. Abigail Jasmine says

    GorGeoUs!! I cannot believe Fall is sweeping in already..I feel as if Summer flew by!!

    Hope you've had a joYouS week thus far!

    LoVe LuV lovE

  8. Lizzy Derksen says

    It's incredibly impressive, the number of disciplines you take on in addition to the already-formidable silversmithing. When I am rolling in scholarship money, I will buy up so many Plume pieces…

  9. Spirited Earth says

    love these colors..yummy

  10. "Antlered fairy woman on tiptoes"–exactly. LOVE it.

    …and those luscious colors! That chartreuse fairly glows. (How about, prithee, also some in reds and golds…autumn colors?)

    I'm delighted to hear how rich life is again for you (and RW too). Each of you is a great wing of a shared falconiforme life, in balance flying and just sitting alike.


  11. Wow- these are scrumptious fall colors!It inspires me to go outside rake a pile and fall into them!


  12. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    hoooray for the return of your man 🙂 !!

    those colors are fantastic! love seeing the pieces all together.

    … i always plate my day's work and carry it like a collection when i'm done doing kiln work.
    it begins to look like candy after a while.


  13. Buffalo Lucy says

    Those are gorgeous! So sad that I'll be in class when you list them… 🙁

    Congratulations on the return of your dear one! xo

  14. Chartreuse makes me a greedy bastard. I want them. I want jingly-jangly rays of lemon lime to shoot out from my ear lobes. Right now.

  15. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thank you so much for these lovely chartreuse loving comments, you tweetie things. Fear not, there will be more enameling done in this fashion. More by the end of the day, perhaps!
