The Stars!

Last night, RW and I decided to hop in Talulah and go camping.  The campsite we chose to spend the night at is 15 minutes from our front door at the top of Scout Mountain — Pocatello’s highest peak at 9000+ feet.

It was a quick ride up and then off we went, into the woods, to see what we could see.
*Tips on how to put the moon in your Volkswagen Bus.*
Shutter speed: 1.3
Aperture setting: 1.8
ISO: 1600
Focus on your VW Bus, depress the shutter on your camera and then swing your camera up to the moon before the shutter closes.  Voila.  In your image, the moon will appear in your beloved bus.  How romantic!
The celestials were so bright, I was almost able to pluck the stars from the heavens and hold them in my hands.

More on this little trip tomorrow.
Was your weekend swell?  


  1. Oh <3, camping with the stars! That's all kinds of brilliant 🙂

  2. these last 2 shots are beyond cool…..

  3. i just love the first shot, mountains and the moon.

  4. Plucked like globes on the grapevine.

    Will you please come and put the moon in my studio? I'd like to grow night fruits all up around my paintings.

  5. lovely earthy photos….

  6. MrsLittleJeans says

    very psychedelic, I think…. : ) we joined the star gazers of pasadena saturday night with their telescopes and Galileo outfits (he he) and gazed at the moon, jupiter, uranus. I decided then that I would like to go to Jupiter, not moon, nor uranus. : )

    Thank you for the lovely pix! xoxo

  7. Desiree Fawn says

    Talulah's lookin so fin!