Somewhere Between Here and There

There was a wood.
Green and gleaming light.
Something holy waffling about on the horizon.
I ran through to the other side and back again
just to put a little wind in my hair.
Just to stretch my wings.


  1. Oh wow I have never seen something like that ~ the UK for one doesn't have trees that tall lol!!

  2. Incredible. PLEASE put the top one in your next postcard book!

  3. Brenda McGowan says

    Amazing pictures, I love the one of you running!

  4. Nancy*McKay says

    …so lovely…

  5. Desiree Fawn says


  6. tattooedblogger says

    THIS is beautiful. Your eyes and heart have seen such beauty..Thank you for sharing

  7. indigorhino says

    Oh, my!!! Where might that be? Preparing red and black cowgirl boots for the run as I type…

  8. Lovely photos! It's magical! 🙂

  9. sylvestris says

    What an amazing mystical woodland corridor, and you a sprite headed into it! Thanks for finding and capturing and sharing this!


  10. Buffalo Lucy says

    Wow, wow, wow!!!

  11. MrsLittleJeans says

    wow,,,those are some trees…what was at the end?

  12. tigerburningbright says

    Jo, they look like Birch trees. Which I have never seen in the UK. but I have some growing around the house I grew up in back in California. And I've also seen them in Maine, which is almost a different planet. Jillian, those photos made me unable to read the rest of your post. And I mean that in the best possible way. WOW.

  13. tigerburningbright says

    Actually, looking closer, they dunnae look like birch at all.

  14. Primordial gorgieosity!

  15. Snailentina says

    where is this little lady?

  16. What a magical place! Where are you? Where are these miraculous trees…. I would love to try and visit next time I head south to for a family reunion…. It's like something out of a fairy tale.


  17. Oh my goodness, those trees, that green, the tallness of them is astounding…This may be one of my favorite of your photos EVER! It must have been a magical place…where?

  18. thebearaffair says

    Unbelievable beauty – both you and the trees:O) Hope you had a good trip. We missed you, although we love RW too and he made a great fill-in:O) XXOO Sal

  19. Love this, hey 🙂

  20. Michaela Dawn says

    This is the type of farm I want, a tree farm indeedy, Poplars and pines… this is in Bend right? Non, if not four years ago I was playing hide and go seek with Eli in one on our way to Washington:)

  21. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for these lovely comments!!! To answer some of your questions:

    I took these photos just off of highway 84 while crossing Oregon yesterday afternoon. These trees are actually part of a tree farm of sorts. I've passed by it so many times while driving in the past couple of years and on this trip I finally FINALLY managed to stop (a bit tricky, only one exit for miles) and take some photos!

    I don't know what kind of trees they are, but they are not birch. Perhaps ash?

    I'm very glad you like them.

  22. The Noisy Plume: says

    Mac: Nope. Not Bend. Somewhere between Pendleton and Baker City.

  23. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    you look like a little girl, free as can be … the wind through your hair 🙂

    what a beautiful place to stretch your wings!

    hope you're having a lovely journey!

  24. Reminds me of galloping thru stalks of bamboo….very magical!

  25. bonbons * bijoux says

    Oh my goodness…
    the poetry of it.

  26. bonbons * bijoux says

    Oh my goodness…
    the poetry of it.

  27. bonbons * bijoux says

    Oh my goodness…
    the poetry of it.

  28. A Serenade for Solitude says

    I know this very place. I drove the stretch to and fro between Camas and Pullman.

    You are inspiring. I've always imagined being in there…imagining myself in the midst and then at the other end.

    There were there! It sings to my soul!

    xo, cbm

  29. The Noisy Plume: says

    Then these images are for all the girls who never stopped to gallivant in the trees when they were to or fro or somewhere inbetween.

  30. AH! A tree farm – that's why I am strongly reminded of bound asparagus. Nom.

  31. The Noisy Plume: says

    "that's why I am strongly reminded of bound asparagus"


  32. These could easily be stills from some epic fantasy!

    eerily stunning.

  33. Gabriela Hughes says

    I love these pitures!! They are awesome!! Congrats!!