Playing Host

Lately, whilst out and about hiking and running in the mountains, I’ve been getting down on my hands and knees to get closer looks at mosses and lichens. My favorites are the lichens — those old fuzzy looking growths in fantastic hues that have found hospitable rocks and twigs to grown on. 

One day, I found myself thinking about how many different kinds of hosts can be found in nature and I started to ponder on what I’m a host of in this life. I’m talking about those invisible things that take up space in me. Those things that turn my heart, soul and mind into a host. Those things that feed off my energy or energize me. Those things I live in symbiosis with. Those things that are parasites that attach themselves to me and feed on the brightness of my spirit. 

Those things. 

Those things.

Nature isn’t so lucky, those rocks, those tree limbs, those hillsides that grow the wildflowers and the noxious weeds — they don’t get to choose what they host — they just do.

I, on the other hand, have the right to choose, over and over again, what I allow to take up residence in me. Out with the dark. In with the light. I will host goodness, love, mercy and light. I will shed off those layers of unkindness, anger, hate, abuse and darkness. I shall not play host to anything that is unwelcome. I shall not give space to any of those dark things.  I’ll keep a candle lit in the windows of my soul.  I’ll welcome the good promises in from the cold and I’ll keep the door barred when the bad things come knocking.

And so, with this in mind, I created the host necklace. A textured slab of copper that has been forged, repoussed, pounded (oh how I pounded, annealed, pounded, annealed and then pounded again…) and shaped into a lichen-like form. I’ve enameled (and counter enameled) this piece, fired it multiple times here in my studio kiln and strung it simply on sterling chain. 
You will be its host.

May it always remind you that you choose what you let in, what you keep inside you.
May it always remind you to welcome the light.

It’s in the Etsy shop now.


  1. Gorgeous piece, beautiful sentiment, amazing woman 🙂

  2. Michaela Dawn says

    Okay, Okay,I get it:))))

    and I love it!


  3. Gabriela Hughes says

    Lovely post!

    Best always!

  4. Jeweled Blossoms says

    I love the way you think ma'am. I really, really do.


  5. Abigail Jasmine says

    marvelous! your thoughts, words && work!

  6. bonbons * bijoux says

    The poetry, the poetry… of your words.
    Your poetry makes my heart sing.

    Been pondering a lot lately along similar lines.
    What adds and what subtracts.
    How I add or how I subtract.

    Thank you kindly. xo

  7. bonbons * bijoux says

    The poetry, the poetry… of your words.
    Your poetry makes my heart sing.

    Been pondering a lot lately along similar lines.
    What adds and what subtracts.
    How I add or how I subtract.

    Thank you kindly. xo

  8. bonbons * bijoux says

    The poetry, the poetry… of your words.
    Your poetry makes my heart sing.

    Been pondering a lot lately along similar lines.
    What adds and what subtracts.
    How I add or how I subtract.

    Thank you kindly. xo

  9. Desiree Fawn says


  10. my scientist sister says:

    "Lichen is algae and fungus living in a SYMBIOTIC relationship. here is a day Alice Algae could cook like Martha Stewart, for but she could not afford to buy food. Out one day walking, and worrying what to do,she met Freddie Fungus, who had a job, and money, but could not cook to save his life. Smitten, Freddie Fungus asked Alice Algae to move in w/ him, and to his delight, Alice said "yes"! It was a match made in heaven….she could cook the food and Freddie would bring home the bacon!

    .TO remember what a lichen is, Alice Algae met Freddie Fungus, and they took a LICHEN to each other"

    hee ha!

    Lovely story, Ms. Plumey….and as a postscript, it is a lovely reminder that we can also choose some of what we invite into our lives….

  11. a whole new woman.

  12. Oh my gosh. You gave some light to me with this post. I would have bought it at no matter what price but it was gone. Love it and your light, too.

  13. CrowNology says

    as per usual dear Plume…

  14. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for these kind, kind comments, lady birds. x