Up In The Air

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Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve seen the Southern end of Pocatello from the air.  The plane was off the ground for a matter of minutes when I felt the pang of homesickness.  I’m not good at traveling.  But I love traveling.  

During my flight, I read snippets of Atwood and was delighted with her short stories, as usual.
Nibbled on some mixed nuts.
Sipped Idaho water from my nalgene.
Felt excited about this upcoming week.
Wondered if the Californians would stare at my teal cowboy boots.
But most of all, I was thankful to have remembered my sunscreen.
Long Beach is making me a bit hottish around the gills.

I remembered how I told RW about my trip goals, last night.  I want to love and learn from every moment of this trip.  I hardly ever find myself in large cities for extended periods of time.  I need to soak up some urban inspiration and love the bustle of the culture here.  Everything my senses manage to wrap around needs to come home with me, banked in my memory and soul; if these experiences are ready and willing, I’m going to press them into metal, glass and stone.  That is, after all, my job. 



  1. I hope that you will enjoy your trip and find great inspiration…Im already very exiting about your future work…

    Have a graet time!



  2. bonbons * bijoux says

    Very beautiful indeed! xo

  3. bonbons * bijoux says

    Very beautiful indeed! xo

  4. bonbons * bijoux says

    Very beautiful indeed! xo

  5. You're going to be in Long Beach!?

    It's far from my favorite part of town (and always a jaunt, i'm in los feliz) but welcome to my City!!!

    by the bye, we'll stare at your teal boots…with jealousy.


  6. Sunny Rising Leather says

    Sooooooooon!!!! 🙂

  7. Welcome to So. Cal. I'm a California girl all my life and I welcome you here. I'm almost 80 miles north east of where you are in Long Beach. I live in the foothills.
    The big cities down there make me stressed but we do make the beach trip each year.
    There are a lot of things to look at there. I want to go see the Aquarium of the Pacific there in Long Beach. This weekend is their Autumn Festival. http://www.aquariumofpacific.org/
    Have fun and soak up the unique art. Enjoy the sun.
    I'm wishing I was in American Falls with my son and DIL. I'm missing autumn colors.

  8. I cannot wait to see what you learn and see it in your upcoming work. Happy traveling!

  9. Erin Galloway says

    Oh, another good Canadian girl who loves Margaret Atwood. She once responded to a tweet I sent her and I was giddy for days!

  10. Sending you my so. cal best from my country home not far from the sea, not too near long beach & not too crazy about the city life, but to think of you here in my sunny state, in your lovely boots makes me smile! have fun and enjoy it all!

  11. marie bell says

    me, too, j-feather: i don't travel well but once i'm into it, it brings me pleasure.

    but i want to know *this*:: how did you get to take your own water on the plane? is the airline serving water from idaho and you put it into your own bottle? tell me, tell me….

    soak up the sights, soak up the knowledge.

  12. The Noisy Plume: says

    And this IS such a wonderful, sunny state! Having a lovely time overhere in LB. Thanks for these comments chickadees!

    Marie: I can never get enough to drink on a flight…so I just hike an empty water bottle through security and then fill up at a water fountain or fountain drink stand on my way to my gate.

  13. Nancy*McKay says

    …why of course they will…stare…with deLIGHT…@ your teal cowboy boots…