Two Weeks In Rapid Review

It’s home again home again jiggity jigg!
Here’s a quick review for you!

I spent two weeks in Long Beach taking workshops at Studio DeLucca
with the magnanimous Khobe (mother to the world).  Her teaching studio hosted a pair of peeps from NC Black, a tool company from North Carolina.
Days were spent like this.
And it was lovely.

Of course, there was more of this:

And then November 15 rolled around and I spent the day with a dear friend before having her drop me off at the airport to fly home.  Little did I know, RW was planning this:
[you’ll probably need to turn this up, he’s slight of voice in this video]

Which resulted in this:
[As you can see, I was very confused…]
NOTE:  I do apologize for how high pitched my voice is in this video.  I was shouting/squealing to be heard over the sound of my truck.  Apparently, I sound like a hyperventilating chipmunk which I am mortified about but RW has demanded that this video be shown so put in your ear plugs and try to enjoy it…oh…hang on…RW has now told me that he feels like he sounds just as horrible and dorky as I do in this video.  I guess that settles it.  We’re the captains of Dorkville.  Love us or leave us.

So now you know that RW is the king of surprises!  I mean it.  I was so confused and bewildered even after he told me that the truck I had been riding in all day was MY truck.  Wowee.  That man can plan a surprise! 

We hopped in our new truck and detoured South to San Diego where we played with our dear friends for a few days:

We delighted in their dainty little barn house. 
We ate some sushi, met their puppies for the first time (one of their dogs is actually a niece to Farley), romped about on the dog beach in San Diego, ate some Thai food, stayed over night at our sister’s home in San Diego and then made the long trek home in our little, big, growly, silver chariot.  I slid over on the bench seat, up front, and snuggled my mister all the way across California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah and Idaho.  It was a perfect detour.

Now.  Let me tell you about my new truck.
I love it.
You’re probably scratching your head since at the moment most individuals seem to be downsizing their vehicles to save on gas and emissions and oil wars and the like…we went bigger and have been planning to go bigger for a couple of years now.  Our new rig gets the same gas mileage as our Tacoma on the highway and it is capable of hauling, pulling or dragging absolutely anything we throw at it which will be very handy when we put a cab-over-camper on it this spring and even handier when I get a horse or two that need to be towed around from time to time in a trailer.  It’s ten gazillion times more comfortable to ride in than our little Tacoma and the dogs can sit up front in the cab in bad weather.  I’m smitten.  Smitten as a kitten. If you put a stethoscope to my heart you’ll hear it say vroom vroom.

All this is to say, it’s very good to be home!
I missed my wardrobe, my yard, my mountains, my boofie woofies and meow paroww, my chickie babies, my studio space and man-oh-man.

I’m through with traveling for a while.  Just simply and completely spent.  I’ll not be going anywhere for a while and there’s so much to do in these days before Christmas!  I’m looking forward to this holiday season with all my heart. I hope you are too!  
I hope you were well, whilst I was away.  
I missed you to smithereenies, dear pudding pops!  


  1. Felicia Lynne says

    Ah super fun! I am glad all went well. You two are so cute πŸ™‚

  2. umm. two things.

    1) i have a silver dodge ram. so i understand the love. i drove my first dodge ram into the ground and then replaced it with another dodge ram. love that truck.

    2) i live in the san diego area and you didn't come visit me! i'm a little bit heartbroken that you were here and i didn't know it. *wipes tear*


    p.s. i am happy you had such a wonderful, fulfilling trip though, honeybun. truly, i am!

  3. bonbons * bijoux says


    Oh, Plume, WE have you missed you oodles and oodles- LOTS !!!

    After reading so many blog entries it was soooooo fun to hear your PLUMAGE VOICE !!!! Squeaks, skwaks ( squaks, sqwaks, squwaks… hmmm spelling?) and all…

  4. bonbons * bijoux says


    Oh, Plume, WE have you missed you oodles and oodles- LOTS !!!

    After reading so many blog entries it was soooooo fun to hear your PLUMAGE VOICE !!!! Squeaks, skwaks ( squaks, sqwaks, squwaks… hmmm spelling?) and all…

  5. bonbons * bijoux says


    Oh, Plume, WE have you missed you oodles and oodles- LOTS !!!

    After reading so many blog entries it was soooooo fun to hear your PLUMAGE VOICE !!!! Squeaks, skwaks ( squaks, sqwaks, squwaks… hmmm spelling?) and all…

  6. oh dear j-feather plume!
    how nice to have you home again.

  7. The Noisy Plume: says

    Felicia: Well thank you! xx

    Fringie: OH NO! Ok. But believe me when I say we had a really limited amount of time in SD. Seriously. We had to get truck details finished and then hit the road to get home to our puppies. The good news is that we have a sister in SD and we WILL be back and now that I know you're there, I'll be sure to let you know about our travel plans.


    M: I missed you too. More than I can say. xx

  8. The silver beauty comes with a long history of Professional Modeling. I don't think we showed you this?

  9. Oh <3, lady! What a brilliant surprise! I think you are super cute, and LOVED your seeing your excited confusion in video form. Huzzah!

  10. thebearaffair says

    Oh Plumy, I'm so happy your are home safe and sound and that RW is certainly the best. We love our Dodge Ram and Rams rule – forever and ever. Hugs, Sal

  11. Made me smile πŸ™‚ so happy to see you so happy, enjoy your new truck.

  12. calamityjane(t) says

    oh, you are so absolutely and deliciously spoiled, and i LOVE it! that is the way that life should be lived. congrats to you two for being so very good together.

  13. Amy Millward says

    You looked like a bad ass pulling up to the coffee shop in your new truck! You are sooo cool!!

  14. Snailentina says

    Haha this is awesome Jillian, first of welcome back, we missed you! And regarding the surprise I had a huge grin watching both of these videos haha thanks for posting that man of your is amazing. My husband loves videotaping my surprises to stuff, too so I understand feeling a bit horrified when you share it with the world,ha! <3

  15. jessi sawyer says

    Having horses, oh I so do understand the love for a good truck. And, I just LOVE climbing down from driving one in my girly best. I'm pining for the day I can have one of my very own!

  16. Anna-Karin HallstrΓΆm says

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA….. LOVE your "hyperventilating chipmunk" voice Jillian. And the COMPLETE confusion in your eyes. Love it. *giggles*

    Yup, your man sure knows how to plan a surprise. πŸ™‚ So congrats to the new truck and drive safely.

  17. YEEHAW!
    Where do i begin?!

    It's clear now that you may just have THE MOST romantic man for a hubby! YOWZA!

    I feel as if I just watched some game show…. 'You just won a NEW CAR!' eeeekkkk

    Happy you've returned safe'n'sound


  18. Congrats on the new truck and the two of you are just adorable together.

    Sending you lots of love from Australia.



  19. WOW. This post had me grinning from ear to ear and gleefully laughing out loud! Absolutely fantastic. You both have a gift for making people, yourselves included, happy. Well done!!!
    Ram, ram, ram, the mighty ram…


  20. Oh Jillian, RW is the best "surpriser" in the world!! I'm so happy for you!!! I wish I can find a man like him and live a love stury like yours!!


  21. You two are simply adorable. Smoosh.

  22. …one more thing. As a pro allow me to assure you that almost no one likes hearing their own voice – especially when it's ptched skyward in surprise and delight.

    Testing. One. Two. Three. Is this thing on?

  23. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    Hey just wondering, in the pic of RW with the birds, is he plucking all the feather out one by one? Cause Jonathan showed me a trick (which you probably know anyway but I'll tell you anyway) which works really well, (it's kindof crude but really works), he lays the bird out, then steps on the wings and pulls on the feet and POOF out popps the all the freash meat! Ew, that sounds awful! But eliminates plucking, haha.

  24. Happy Truckin' Days ahead! *don't think you sounded like a chipmunk either*

  25. The Noisy Plume: says

    Hey there everyone! Thanks for the welcome homes and all the new truck love! It's good to be back and I can barely wait to get to work…but first…I need to take a walk in the new snow that arrived yesterday. It's gorgeous here this morning.

    Jenn: RW was plucking that pheasant. He usually breasts birds out but there were plans to roast that entire bird as one would a chicken and keeping the skin on helps keep the meat moist. My dad used to clean birds the way you suggested — it must be the Manitoban way!

    And lastly, I'm glad you all agree with me when it comes to RW's surprise skills. He's a skilled fellow!

    Have a beautiful Sunday, everyone! xx

  26. He is really cool to plan such a surprise. And to take the video for us – even better. I am glad you're happy.

  27. What a lovely surprise! And how fun to read se and follow you through this post! Beautiful photos.

  28. Sunny Rising Leather says

    I am missing you a lot: no one says the things you do quite the way you do here in my town, nor anywhere really.
    Come back here soon or I shall be Idaho bound in the spring πŸ™‚

  29. MrsLittleJeans says


  30. Willow Branch says

    What a wonderful surprise!!! RW really knows how to pull one off!! I love Rams too…they're all big & powerful.


  31. John told me about the almost Parker drive by. You would have arrived to me possibly half under a cabinet trying to get that last dust bunny… OR maybe up on Tyler's top bunk scrubbing the walls… or painting or sanding or grouting or any number of things that happened this weekend. It would have been chaos, and great, to see you just for a smidge. Another whole weekend will be better anyways though πŸ™‚

  32. The Noisy Plume: says

    M: T'would have been a lovely visit indeed! John let us know that you'd be working until 9PM and we thought the 4 hour detour from our route home would keep until another time when we could have you for an entire night:) xx

    Nick, Anne, Willow: I totally agree. He's the master of surprises!

    Allison: I miss you back. A lot. xx

  33. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    don't know where to begin — so much! you an allison look to have had a great time.

    and a new truck surprise! ahhhh!
    (plus the perspective of horses… i'm always fond)

    before i go about writing paragraphs… i just want to say: i'm so glad you're back! πŸ™‚


  34. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh my gawd, you guys are the cutest couple in the WORLD!!