Tromping About

[the pupsicle]
It’s been snowing here. I keep meaning to go out to my studio and do a bit of cleaning and organizing before I get to work on Monday but every time I look out the windows I find myself perfectly pleased with making pots of tea and reading books under quilts in the living room.  There’s just something about the first snow of winter that feels like gently drifting doves descending on my heart.  I’m calm.  I’m content.  I like putting things in the oven and building delicious soups on the stove top.

Today we made a pot of elk chili, a thermos of tea and headed into some higher country to do a bit of tromping about in the weather.  There’s nothing so great as the burning chill of winter rose in the cheeks, tumbly fingers fumbling in the cold and the steady fall of winter hush in the round.  I hope you had a restful sabbath.  It’s pumpkin soup for dinner here and perhaps a bit of reading before my eyes close to night.  Stay cozy, wherever you are.



  1. A very lovely post. I wish we would get some snow here.

    Very pretty photos, hope some of those make the list to become Plume Postcards.

    Have a great evening! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. pippijewelry says

    Sounds like a delightful day! That picture of you two kissing is absolutely adorable! I spent the day on the sofa next to my sweetie, watching the snow through our living room window.
    Happy snow days to you!

  3. tea and chickadees says

    That photo of you and your hubs smoochying in the snow with a Dachshund in your arms made me swoon a little.

  4. MrsLittleJeans says

    You guys are cute but I am afraid that Penelope has the show…good evening plumies xo

  5. The Noisy Plume: says

    J: I'll send snow your way. ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

    Pip: Hasn't it been so beautiful???!!!

    Tea: I love a good swoon. xx

    MLJ: I totally agree. When cuteness is being measured, Penelope trumps all, always. xx

  6. nothing could be finer than to be outside tromping about in fresh snow….loved ones with us to enjoy all of nature….

    sweet little selkie penelope. love her. do.


  7. hehe. i use the word tromp for playing in the snow, too. perhaps it is a canadian thing after all. my last bf insisted it must be, but i never saw anything unusual about the word!

    an odd thing about living in Boston is the first snow comes very LATE for my southern alberta body-clock!

  8. thebearaffair says

    Hugs all around:O)

  9. BUBAart biลผuteria autorska says


  10. A Serenade for Solitude says

    What a great post. My thoughts…I hope that photo of you and the Mr. is your Christmas card, and when will you be teaching a writing course?! I swoon everytime I read your perfectly pieced sentences! xx

    p.s. thanks for your kind comment. I always love seeing your face on my blog!

  11. Willow Branch says

    Aaww such pretty snow!! I love snow, but not ready for it yet. Maybe a little in January of February & perhaps a white Christmas, but everything shuts down here when it snows.


  12. oh, how I adore a good tromp! I'm positively wilting away down here in NC, it's going to get up to 70 F today and tomorrow! GRUMP! I am pining for cold and crisp, will have to make do day-dreaming of your snow…

  13. Penelope!!! Most adorable dog photo ever. I absolutely cannot wait to see what you'll be making in the near future. Workshop, travel, huge wonderful surprise from your man, return to happy snuggly weather… I can almost hear the artistic energy gathering, percolating and getting ready to flow!

  14. i love love love these photos! i kind of wish it were snowing here – 72 degrees… unusually warm – it never feels like christmas time without the snow.

    enjoy the snow – for yourself, and everyone else.


  15. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    welcome back, Jillian! ๐Ÿ™‚
    the beginning snows are so magical!

    glad you're enjoying them with your sweetheart! x

  16. sensitiveartist says

    the fourth photo from the bottom would make a fab homemade christmas tree ornament photo. ๐Ÿ™‚

    very cute.

  17. bonbons * bijoux says

    Mmmm… beautiful pics!

    Colours (red+pink)

    "There's just something about the first snow of winter that feels like gently drifting doves descending on my heart. "

    * sigh* *sigh * sigh*

  18. bonbons * bijoux says

    Mmmm… beautiful pics!

    Colours (red+pink)

    "There's just something about the first snow of winter that feels like gently drifting doves descending on my heart. "

    * sigh* *sigh * sigh*

  19. bonbons * bijoux says

    Mmmm… beautiful pics!

    Colours (red+pink)

    "There's just something about the first snow of winter that feels like gently drifting doves descending on my heart. "

    * sigh* *sigh * sigh*

  20. The Noisy Plume: says

    Marie: I totally agree. And while Pie looks darling in that photo, you should see her leaping about like a kangaroo in the snow. Totally darling. She loves it.

    Nancy: I think you're right! It might be a Canadian word!

    Sal: Hugs back at you!

    Bub: Thanks!

    Solitude: We were thinking the same thing about that photo:)

    Pam: HA!!! That cracks me up! You know, at home in Canada, nothing shuts down unless it's -50C and blizzarding and the city actually gets snowed in…it's a rare occasion when there's a snow day in Canada…or here…for that matter.

    Sweet Cat: I'd grump too:)

    Ketra: Well I have been dreaming of an animal body cavity series….that sounds gross when I read those words aloud but trust me…it's going to be lovely.

    K: I totally agree. The holidays aren't the holidays without snow. It's amazing how the fist snow changes the mood of the world for me and really prepares my heart for the Christmas season. I love it.

    Lyns: Thanks chickie!!!

    Sensitive: We're on it!!!

    M: Thanks chickie!!! xxxxxxxxx