Quality Versus Quantity And The Great Canadian Glimpses

Today was my first day back in the studio after a two week hiatus.
It went well.
I made a ring and a pair of earrings and I also ruined a ring and had to scrap said project.  But all of that wretched ring ruining really supported a statement I made to a lovely lady today:

She had asked me, in an email, if I could tell her all the things I did to market my work and become successful in the world of Etsy.  Anytime anyone asks me something like this, I feel kind of stupid because I don’t really have any answers!  Despite the fact that there is a small business aspect to what I do, I’ve always been a major failure as a business woman.  Really.  I just do stuff and everything works out beautifully.  I just stay true to who I am and everything has always fallen into place for me.  I’m a bit spoiled rotten by God, I think…which isn’t to say I don’t have my own crosses to carry in this life.  I do.  I just try not to dwell on them here…or anywhere, for that matter.

What I told her in the end — the scant advice I had to give was:
You need to identify your definition of success.
Which of these do you value more:
Quantity or quality?
Success, for me, in this crafty world of mine, is when I enter into my creative space and perfectly translate a vision I have into metal and stone.  Success for some others is in numbers:  Numbers of Twitter followers.  Numbers of Facebook friends.  Numbers of sales.  Numbers numbers numbers.  

Does any of that matter if you feel unfulfilled in your work?  Does any of that matter if you aren’t true to who you are in your work?

I prefer to downshift a bit, put my blinders on and settle into perfect translation out in my studio instead of spending hours with an abacus, counting coins, faces, social networking golden stars…
[sterling, 14 carat gold, chrysoprase]

Today I experienced a glorious nibble of success.  
I finished three pieces of jewelry.  I scraped one piece-of-crap-ruined-jewelry into my metal recycling bin on my workbench.  I went for a walk in the weather.  I loved my husband.  I connected with a few wonderful folks out there in the interwebs.  I gave my cat a belly rub.  I made a delicious pizza for supper and now I’m going to go eat it, with a glass of Malbec.  I’m all about the quality in this life — to hell with the numbers (please do pardon my French).

This kind of day to day success is so delightful.
It really is.
What else could matter?
Just live each day well, I say; just do your best, the rest is not your business.


The weatherperson is forecasting blizzard conditions for Pocatello tomorrow.  RW doesn’t comprehend the term blizzard.  He thinks a blizzard means snow.  Ha!  I continue to attempt to define the word for him but he just doesn’t get it.  I hope it’s simply awful tomorrow so he can finally understand the term. 

Can I just say…can I just attempt to convey how much I love the weather we’re having?  It feels so Canadian to me.  Today in the grocery store I noticed a shelf display for Kicking Horse Coffee, which is a roaster located in British Columbia, and I squealed with delight because ever since I arrived home on Friday of last week, there have been little moments, little glimpses, of Canadiana filtering into my life and it makes home seem closer and the Great White North seems a little more South.

In a few moments we’re going to tromp down to a local pub for a drink with a few friends.  I’m going to wear my long down jacket, a toque, mitts and my Sorel boots because baby it’s cold outside.

Put on the furnace, sweet lovers of mine!
Hold your favorite one close and put another quilt on the bed.



  1. Simply, wonderfully, beautifully and down rightly put lovely Plume…so happy you are home safe and enjoying the snowy weather… back here in the hills outside San Diego, I am experiencing the warmth of my wee family and the cold (for a sunny california gal), wood in the fireplace, extra blankets and snuggles for all.

  2. You are who you are and do what you do…well! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I do love me a good strong cup of Kick Ass!! 🙂

  4. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks Kel. I was JUST in those San Diego hills and they were downright chilly at night! xx

    Bees: xx

    Vita: You KNOW it!!! It's my mum's favorite coffee. She turned me onto it:) x

  5. The Noisy Plume: says

    Oh drat. Pub date cancelled.
    I'm hopping in bed with Pene and a book.
    Good night to all!!!

  6. There is something about a snow storm that makes you feel all warm and cozy inside! 😀
    And Three Sisters is my favourite!

  7. Felicia Lynne says

    Oh snow! I love it! It is so beautiful! I am super excited for the snow to come here to Utah. I am heading up to Idaho on Wednesday to visit my dear old Grandma. So will get to play in the snow on her cozy little farm. I am glad to know that you share my love for beautiful weather. I hope all is well!

  8. Love it!

  9. Desiree Fawn says

    Back when I drank coffee (181 days ago…) I LOVED that kicking horse stuff 😉 The boy still gets it sometimes!

  10. kennington designs says

    I would say your "measurement" for success is in proper alignment for those of us who desire to live the creative life. Mine has never been marked by aquisition of things, but by marks of time well spent doing the things I love, seeing people and places in this world, and giving what I can to them. Cheers to you my dear, I miss your shining smile. We are in Sedona for a few days and the air is crisp, clear, and sharp…and it feels right. xxoxox

  11. kennington designs says

    I would say your "measurement" for success is in proper alignment for those of us who desire to live the creative life. Mine has never been marked by aquisition of things, but by marks of time well spent doing the things I love, seeing people and places in this world, and giving what I can to them. Cheers to you my dear, I miss your shining smile. We are in Sedona for a few days and the air is crisp, clear, and sharp…and it feels right. xxoxox

  12. love this! the quality vision and work that goes into each piece you make is so apparent! i can't tell you how many times i've gotten compliments on your work. just about every time i wear one of your pieces someone has to tell me how cool it is, or how much they love it!!

    and SNOW! i love snow so much, but unfortunately i don't think it's coming to north carolina anytime soon!

  13. Ann from Montana says

    Well said!! – as usual :)!

    My experience has been that when I (and others) do what they love and love what they do, all that is needed – "success" and even the necessary amount of $$ – follows. It can be a leap of faith at times, but as you said – at the end of a day done well – in work, with family, friends and acquaintance… that is success and for me, great contentment.

    Yes, this blizzard – I say Bring It! It may not be Canada here in NW MT but it IS the northern U.S. and it is supposed to be like this :)! …except I do worry about the critters in the super cold…

  14. I think a true artist lacks certain filters that the rest of us have to guard our hearts – and it's that very openess-heartedness that translates into exquisite beauty and uniqueness in your art. And you convey it in your blogs – pics AND writing – in such a way that you make us feel like family, or besties, and we WANT to support you! I have been known to call it the "art of the delicate overshare."

    You'll find it in songwriters too – they aren't afraid (or maybe they are and hide it well) to reveal the most personal things in song. It makes for incredible relatability. Something we should each strive for in all areas of our lives. Human connection.

    I think you can't help it – I know I can't.

    It's why I loved you almost instantly. Because you alowed me to know your heart.

  15. bonbons * bijoux says

    Brrrrr… Cold Weather but HOT RING!!!!!!! xo

  16. bonbons * bijoux says

    Brrrrr… Cold Weather but HOT RING!!!!!!! xo

  17. bonbons * bijoux says

    Brrrrr… Cold Weather but HOT RING!!!!!!! xo

  18. The Noisy Plume: says

    Farmgirl: Ah HA! I knew I'd get all the Canadian coffee drinkers to come out of the woodwork with my Kicking Horse link!!! 🙂 Wish you and every-lovely-one could come over and get cozy with us at The Gables. xx

    Felicia: All is certainly well and I'm glad to hear you're zipping up to Idaho this week! It's a beautiful and snowy time to visit!!! x

    Mag: xx

    Fawn: Oh. You poor thing. I understand your coffee missingitude — I've been trying to cut back and sip the herbal teas instead. 🙂 If it's any consolation, I didn't buy any Kicking Horse!!! 🙂 xx

    Andrea: Well said! And I miss your shining face as well! Glad to hear you're in the shelter of the red stone of Sedona. Drink it up, while you can, and safe journey! xxxxxxxxx

    Katie: Well that makes me smile a mile wide! Thank you. Always. And if I could, I'd pop some snow in a box and send it to you — if I could trust in the ability of the stuff to travel well:) x

    Ann: Well put! And I also worry about the animals! I can see the chicken ark blustering in the wind — we've winterized it for the ladies but I still worry that the cold might be getting past their plumage!!! Stay warm in MT! xx

    Syb: Well that just made me cry. Sending you love. xx

  19. Plume…Hearty thoughts…hearty works….very well put…enjoy your glimpses of cananda moments….kick ass and all….and take care with the blizzard….can get rough! Sue♥

  20. bonbons * bijoux says

    Well, I took another moment to carefully read everyone's replies. All so beautiful.
    Reading Sybil Ann's entry… well, my eyes became moist.

    All comments food for the soul as is YOUR blog Plume Girl! xo

  21. bonbons * bijoux says

    Well, I took another moment to carefully read everyone's replies. All so beautiful.
    Reading Sybil Ann's entry… well, my eyes became moist.

    All comments food for the soul as is YOUR blog Plume Girl! xo

  22. bonbons * bijoux says

    Well, I took another moment to carefully read everyone's replies. All so beautiful.
    Reading Sybil Ann's entry… well, my eyes became moist.

    All comments food for the soul as is YOUR blog Plume Girl! xo

  23. thebearaffair says

    Good morning to you from beautiful Calif my little Canadian friend:O) Loved your blog that you so perfectly stated: You are who you are and we love it, wouldn't want it any other way Plume…..Hugs to all, Sal

  24. ah. these rings are beautiful.

    and yes. i am trying to learn these lessons – be who you are. do what you are meant to do. and when you are free in that, the beauty with flow effortlessly and be utterly contagious.

    keep creating.

  25. NEVER miss an opportunity to cry (says my Mom and other wise crones – like me).

    Umber Dove – you got the power too – and several other beauties I've found linked from sites like Jillian and Allison's. You all make me proud to be a woman who makes stuff. Let us all be able to touch the hearts of others – it's the greatest gift.

  26. susan heggestad says

    You do seem to be gloriously spoiled, and it's lovely to see.

    While I don't disagree with the thinking that the Creator will care for us if we just leave it alone, some days it can be extremely hard to stay "true to who you are". Especially when the work that is true to you is not something that is easily marketable, and one feels compelled to create simple, functional things in order to occasionally earn a bit of dough – we have many mouths to feed.
    I've had quite a lot of success with gallery shows over the past few years (and that DOES fit my definition of success), but they rarely produce any income. In fact, I usually put out quite a bit of money in framing, shipping, etc. I'm always going back and forth in my mind, wondering – "Why do I keep doing this?" or "Why can't this just be enough?"
    Sometimes creativity is a blessing; sometimes it is a curse.
    Maybe that's as it should be.

  27. The Noisy Plume: says

    Dala: Thank you and I will!!! We're off for a stroll in it right now! xx

    Bonbons: xxx

    Sal: What the heck are you doing in CA? Hi back to you! xx

    K: Thanks lady! I think you got my drift:) xx

    Umbie: Thanks for stopping by today. I've missed you. x

    Syb: Your advice comes at a perfect time because I've been crying on and off all day long:) xx

    Susan: I make simple, functional, bread and butter pieces fairly often and I don't feel like I'm doing anything that is untrue to myself!

    I reckon creativity is always a blessing! It's the pressure that sometimes sneaks in from the outside world that I find discombobulating at times!!! x

  28. Woo-hoo. I think I may be able to buy the Kicking Horse coffee from our local Fred Meyer! I've been searching for a decent brand to try as the organic Green Mountain brand I have been drinking just doesn't quite do it for me! (NZ coffee is decidedly stronger, so might be part of the reason…)

    Any blend favorites you'd suggest??

  29. The Noisy Plume: says

    Ash: Three Sisters is my preference….but it sounds like you enjoy a strong cup so go with Kick Ass:)

  30. Ha! Ended up picking up a can of Three Sisters before I saw your recommendation (and for the corniest of reasons–I have three sisters!)

    Will go grind some beans and brew a cup now!

  31. Yup, think you might be right, Jillian. Three Sisters has a lovely mellow flavor, but Kick Ass sounds like a good strength for me to try! (Completely sold on the brand, though, so thanks for the recommendation!!)