Hot hot…

Most smokejumpers take their coffee strong and black.
 Mine likes hot chocolate.
 With whipped cream.
Hands off, ladies. 
I saw him first.


  1. marie bell says

    but i've got my own man who puts out the fires.
    as long as RW packages up my noisyplume orders, i'm good with that.


  2. thebearaffair says

    too cute for words you two are;O)

  3. Indigo Swallow says

    Tooooooooo cute,

    "cute" is safe enough to say right?
    Although I am sure thats an utter understatement…


  4. calamityjane(t) says

    laugh out loud!! which of you managed to capture the errant dollop of whipped cream, hmmmm?

  5. TesoriTrovati says

    Yum (the whipped cream…no, seriously!). What an adorable way to enjoy your hot cocoa…with him! Thanks for sharing (visually, I mean!). Enjoy the day, Miss Plume!

  6. bonbons * bijoux says


  7. bonbons * bijoux says


  8. bonbons * bijoux says


  9. a butterfly in my hair says


    i love the book a year of mornings!
    you can check it out here

  10. jessicajane says


  11. !

  12. I'm happy with my rock musician… but can I pretty please have his mug at least?? teehee!


  13. The Noisy Plume: says


  14. Hands off, eyes on!

    And enjoying my smile his smile elicits. Living with him must be like seeing a whole lot of sunrises.



  15. tea and chickadees says

    Is it terrible that my eye went to the Stepanka mug first?
    It is, isn't it?
    But I do so love Stepanka's work!
    I admit it, though, he is freaking adorable, that man of yours!

  16. Damn – you two are teh qte as the kids say. : )

  17. Nancy*McKay says

    …no offense RW, but Jillian…i have the SISTER(s) to your stepanka mug…don't you just loveLOVElove her work…your chickadee stole my glances…!!!

  18. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says


    *warm fuzzies*

  19. Snailentina says

    hahaha! delightful and yummy… the hot chocolate 😉

  20. Actually, I saw him before you, but am so glad you have him. 🙂 Been meaning to post and thank RW for posting the video of his surprise for you. We pay for all our downloading here so I mostly just download videos of the grandkids, but this was worth it. He had you totally confused, Miss Jillian! I knew RW would come up with something super. Blessings to you both.
    Jo in PNG.
    PS the hot chocolate looks good

  21. Shell (aka Songsmith) says

    He has a really nice face. I love this post, just to celebrate your love for him! We both are married to curly haired men! Nice!

  22. Belinda Saville says

    Adorable! And what a lovely, kind face 🙂 You snagged a good one, me thinks 😉

    I'm head over heels with my pilot…his love gives me wings to fly! ♥

  23. The Noisy Plume: says

    Ha ha haaaa!!!!
    Thanks for these comments, everyone!

  24. Desiree Fawn says

    Haha, this is ADORABLE and I love that mug!!

  25. He is so, so crazy hot. Ugh. Looking away.

  26. The Noisy Plume: says
