Before it’s time.

At some point today, I looked out my studio window and realized that I needed to get closer to the sky.
I shrugged my way into layers of knits, wool, boots and tights, stepped out the door with Penelope and made for the hills.
There were two sharptail grouse sailing on a stiff wind pouring down from Kinport Peak.
Penelope chased voles through snow down into the roots of the sage.
 The flower skeletons rattled about in the cold.
I tried to identify plants in their winter garb.  
It’s sometimes difficult.
Have you ever had trouble recognizing people when the cold weather sets in?  I’ll see friends about town, friends I know plenty well, only when they’re wearing coats and toques it takes me a time to recognize them in their new wintry garb. 

It’s the same for the wildflowers and their naked little winter suits.  I have to peer closely to know who I’m looking at.
 I eventually left the trails to make my own paths.
I kept an eye peeled for furs and feathers and tracks and bird songs:  
Beneath one juniper, a clattering of chickadees.
 The loose coils of barbed wire hanging from my favorite fence line were drooping with cold.
 The snow was holding memories.
 As I walked, lines of poems jotted themselves down in my mind:

…next time I will lean in to listen, as the trees do over deep waters…
When my extremities began to hum with a faint numb
I made my way down off the West bench, through a wooded draw, across a road, through the streets to my front door.
My lips were dumb when I finally stepped inside the house
and already, the day was starting to fade, as winter days do, before we’re ready.
Before it’s time.


  1. Sunny Rising Leather says

    SO beautiful.
    I love you,

  2. Dear Jillian,

    Your words paint such a stunning picture, so different from my surroundings on the other side of the globe. Thank you for sharing my dear friend.



  3. calamityjane(t) says

    goodness, sweet girl! you've got the tongue of a poet, the hands of a master silver and stone artisan, the energy of an athlete, an appreciation for beauty and the ability to capture it that would rival any artist past or present, the wisdom of a sage, the spirit of a winged bird, and a willingness to share your gifts that brings a smile to the face of your Creator. oh, i do adore you!

  4. love this

  5. resolute twig says

    this is just lovely Jillian

  6. tea and chickadees says

    sweetness found when reaching for the sky.

  7. jessicajane says

    you always make me miss home.

  8. marie bell says

    my spirit gravitates to your words and photos.
    the starkness.
    the bareness.
    cold brings me alive.

    the photo of juniper berries speaks of my favourite colours.
    barbwire whispers to my rustic soul.

    thank you for colours in a world of white.

  9. Save a handful of snow for me, ok?

    I'll be there soon.

  10. Magnificent.

    I must say, you inspire so many!! Thank goodness for the One and Only!


  11. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    thanks for taking me on a stroll with you 🙂

    my cold & flu have been keeping me in bed for over a week now.
    while reading this, i felt as if i were out getting fresh air and adventure with you… only, i didn't have to leave my heated blanket and throat lozenges


  12. Belinda Saville says

    Lovely. I cannot decide whether you paint a more beautiful picture with your words or your photos. I always leave here feeling inspired and renewed. Thank you!


  13. all I can say is…WORD!
    OK, and that I feel like I just read a few paragraphs of a book I can't wait to get back to…thank you for the beauty!

  14. This last weekend, knitting became a part of my life. So you can only imagine how that first picture of you bursting out of the frame full of color and knitted cables! Your a beautiful being, keep on being you!
    OH and thank you for the absolutly adorable christmas postcard that arrived on my doorstep this morning (along with two other postcards, as I am a very lucky pen pal girl), and I couldn't thank you enough for it! Thank you Thank you Thank you! <3

  15. Snailentina says

    I am running out of ways of telling you how lovely you are 😉 Thanks for the snippets of gorgeous nature, as usual.

  16. Beautiful!

    Your writings bring a calm over me.
    Adorable photo of you peering over winter vegetation! Made me chuckle.
    Beautiful pic of the junniper. xo

  17. Gorgeous – and I'm struggling right now.

    The last shot makes me smell a gin and tonic. 🙂

  18. Desiree Fawn says

    Mmm, the perfect post to read before bed. Thank you, madame.

  19. Beautiful beautiful beautiful!