Monday Brings the Glorious Puppy Bum

A couple of hours ago the mailman was knocking on my door to deliver one magazine, one Anthropologie catalogue (not my favorite to date…), four unexpected packages and two letters.
This might be the best mail day I’ve had in months.
Some of those packages were early birthday presents (thank you, wonderful ladies)!  I feel so spoilt!  I’m turning 29 in exactly two weeks, RW has been planning something secret and special that involves a back country yurt (or so I’ve most expertly guessed).  I can’t wait.  He has a knack for giving the very best gifts in the form of experiences.
 The manly mountain man (that’s MMM, for short) has been bonding with his Baby Beast all day long.  He was away over the weekend hunting the Big Beast on chukar, West of Pocatello.  Bird season is officially over in Idaho, Farley will rest until next autumn when RW can take him out again.  It’s nice to have RW home again and working on our un-bathroom.  I think that yesterday night was the first night in two months that I have actually complained about not having a bathroom — I’m pretty proud of that track record.  Being bathroom-less in our house for this long has made me feel like a pioneer woman, even though I have a KitchenAid mixer…and an automatic garage door…and some other stuff…that is modern and convenient.

And yes, that is a Molson Canadian Hat RW is wearing.  My Grandma Thoen mailed it our way.  It has hockey sticks on the other side.  RW loves it.
 Plumbelina’s bottom gets darling-er by the day.
Seriously.  I wish you could see it in action.
She has successfully chewed half the cover off one of my art books in the living room, eaten countless chicken droppings, mauled my fox hat (I put a stop to that, rather quickly) as well as two of my houseplants.  Additionally, she tried to eat Mister Pinkerton’s tail last night (he put a stop to that, rather quickly).  

Oh, as I type this, Plum just brought me a set of my underpants that she pulled out of the laundry hamper.
Lovely.  Thanks for that, little baby dog of the glorious bum.
 I have started another avocado pit hoping and praying that I might grow an avocado tree!  I have tried countless times to start a pit in a bowl of water like everyone else does but I have never succeeded.  While at my myofascial massage on Saturday, my masseuse, Pippi (not a joke, I actually know a wonderful lady named Pippi), informed me that she has had success with this type of avocado start.  Keep your fingers crossed for the pit.
 A scant week ago, I found my amaryllis in the laundry room cupboards where I had placed it to spend summer, last spring.  I watered it and put it on the kitchen table and it has already thrust a green spike up into the air.  What a keener.
On Sunday, I bought myself a bouquet of tulips.  For no good reason at all, except I deserved it.
Since quitting Facebook, I have walked my dogs five times (a mile at a time for the baby dog), written seven letters, journaled seven FULL pages in my sketchbook and finished three loads of laundry — among other things.  I feel reinvented.   

How on earth did you little magpies spend your weekends?

I imagine there was delicious wine and fine fodder.
Perhaps hot springs?
A clever book.
Math homework.
The cleaning of a kitty litter box.
Some sewing.
The turning of a sock on a pair of knitting needles.
Thai food!
A long ride on horseback through shallow snow drifts.
A raccoon in the dumpster out behind the garage.
The click and whir of a camera shutter.
A warm kiss.
Or fifty.

I love kissing.

Happy Monday to you all!
The Plume

Post Scriptus:  
I read this last night (more on IT later) and I watched this on Saturday night (featuring the scrumptious Matthew Goode)as well as this (LOVED). and have been listening to her nonstop.

Post Scriptus Scriptus:
Last week was, really, just such a great week.


  1. *hugs* Happy Birthday in advance 😀 Surprise presents are the best.

    Sending you lots of love.


    P.S. Give Plum a kiss for me for having the cutest puppy butt in the world.

  2. I've had Chasing Down the Dawn for many years and am always inspired when I flip through it. Perhaps it is time to reread in full again!

  3. only daydreaming says

    Does that mean your birthday is on valentine's day (somehow I feel I should already know this)?

  4. well tickle me happy to not be the only silly soul with an avocado sitting unhappily in water on my windowsill, (and i have seeds galore out here!)…thank you for the suggestion, you rock.
    weekend consisted of planting mexican feather grass on a mighty steep slope making this girl slip and slide a few times on the old tooshy down the hill. new knitting and much felting projects in the making, a little bit of chardonnay and some homemade artichoke dip to top the eve with a galpal and some chic chat…all in all, wonderful. and might i add what a lovely wee tushy that little plum has! love it.

  5. sending you much avocado growing love…we have a few in the garden right now, and I can't wait until the big momma starts to drop her annual bounty of creamy, green love! I eat them at every meal when they are in season! The weekend here consisted of, gift creation projects for my moms bday, snuggles on the couch, the making of homemade marinara and meatballs, a drive to remote beaches on the west side of the island…and enjoying those lovely views from inside the car as the rain and wind showed their powerfull whipping skills, I love a stormy day at the beach!

  6. Catherine Chandler says

    Happy Early Birthday!!! I am so happy you're having such a swell day. I look at your puppy in envy (and the hope for one of my own some day!) every day 🙂

  7. Presents- ooooh, what fun!

    Plum-Bum- teeeheee. Adorable.

    Reinvention of the self- Aaaah, yes, yes, YES!

    Great music AND an elephant?
    Gosh, golly, gee! Wonderful. xo

  8. puppy butt and baby butt are tied for the cutest of hind ends. kiss the furries for me please

  9. Desiree Fawn says

    Ooh lovely!

    Happy early birthday! This weekend was spent on call waiting for a lovely mama's babe to arrival (not yet!) and Saturday was all about my baby girl's 2nd birthday! Can you even imagine…. phew.

  10. marie bell says

    ahh. plum's sweet bum. it *is* quite sweet!

    and even sweeter is that photo of robert with molson toque and an armful of plum.

    yes: what to gift the plume….
    she has so many things already.
    a boxload of kisses for sure.


  11. mme. bookling says

    I love you off facebook. You are obviously rejuvenated…and I've been contemplating doing that myself, but I've found if I just don't check it very often, I'm good. We shall see.

    LOVED Brideshead Revisited. Gonna watch that other one tonight maybe, with fettuccine alfredo.

  12. I think RW is a Canadian at heart wearing that Molson Canadian/hockey stick toque!! 🙂

    Ohhh, the little pup is tearing up the house! YEEHAW! teeehee!

    Good for you for quitting facebook! I can't yet but someday will! I swear it! However, we did spend copious amounts of time everyday skating at the arena on the weekend…we finally have a kid old enough that can partake in some of this kind of fun! Even when it's -40°! 🙂

    I need to catch up on movies and books…I think I have a too many years of book reading to catch up on… :/ My retirement days will be busy, that's for sure! 🙂

  13. nancycreations says

    Oh that Plumblina is such a cutie, what type of a dog is she? I miss the days my Daisy was so little. Have a good week girlie, don't blame the facebook thing just to much trouble. nancy

  14. Spirited Earth says

    cute puppy..but aren't all puppies just the best..
    hmm…i've never seen an avacado pit started in dirt before..
    but rather..toothpicks stabbed into the pit which is suspended delicately in water, set in a sunny warm window..and bing..a big tap root appears
    my dear friend in Kauai has 2.5lb avacados growing from the trees in her yard..wish those were mine.

  15. thebearaffair says

    Hello and happy puppy bums to you too:O) I just ordered Chasing Down the Dawn and can't wait to read it. My weekend was spent enjoying the peace and solitude of my studio once again. I just spent 2 months with my 1 and 2 year old grand babies helping their parents prepare for a move from NY to SC and solitude wasn't abundantly available…….I'm certain that God has a special place in heavan for me by now. I miss them so much but talk about high maintenance – that age group is WORK and mommas of the world, I commend you:O)I'm glad I had my children when I was 20 and had tons of energy. I miss you on FB but commend you because it is nothing but a mind and time sink and I am trying to wean myself off as well. I think of all of the projects that can be accomplished in the same amt of time and I shudder. Congrats and a VERY HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY WISH!! Hugs, Sal

  16. I have been popping by every now and then to read your words and adore your pictures; they have an amazing feeling in them – I think it's because of the colors, you know, I don't know how you do it. You must have some kind of super-camera. Especially the picture of the swans! Love it!

    Good luck with your baby Plum. I grew up in a neighborhood with those kind of dogs around so it feels like home here as well looking at the pictures of them.

    I have an Australian Cattle Dog Granny (over 11 years old) and have often thought about puppy dogs.

    Have a splendid day!

  17. Belinda Saville says

    You sound as though you are positively bubbling over with energy…leaving Facebook behind must have been good for you 🙂 I have done the opposite and just started a Facebook page (and opened my Etsy store to boot). Lotsa work, but sleep is over-rated anyway, right…? *yawn*

    Avocados are the BEST! I managed to sprout one from the seed…it does take many, many weeks to happen, but don't give up!

    Plum certainly does have the cutest little puppy bum 🙂

    Wishing you a happy week ahead!


  18. Love Lissie. Oh how I want to tailor a music festival with you! You may know both of these, but check out Adele (and just TRY to stop listening to Rolling in the Deep) and Head in the Sand – an amazing collective of Winnipeg musicians who rotate through each other's incredible bands.

  19. sylvestris says

    Well, I'll concede that Plummy has the cutest NON-FLUFFY pup bum in the world … 😉

    Hmmm: A yurt? That's promising! Love yurts. Fabulous inventions.

    Cheers to a week richly lived!


  20. The Noisy Plume: says

    M: Sending you lots of thanks for your surprises!!! Love them all!
    Consider the Plum smooched.

    Emmy: Oh man. This is the first time I've read it. RW gave me a Jewel CD for Christmas and I've become really intrigued by the woman. I have a blog post I'm planning and it's all about HER.

    Daydreaming: No. The day before! I was a tad early:)

    Kelly: Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. I've tried the avocado pit in water SO MANY TIMES and all I've ever grown is molds!!! I'm giving it a go in dirt. Pippi said it took hers a couple of months before it sprouted…and keep the soil moist, always.

    Sierra: Wowee! What a great weekend you had too! And how lucky are YOU to have avos growing in the yard?!!!!!!! I might come camp out under your tree with some sea salt and a spoon sometime:) x

    Catherine: HA HA!!! Well. She's a lot of work. For instance, she woke me up at 5:30 this morning and has been tearing around the house, shredding my houseplants and biting the cat for the past hour. Just now, she has made herself at home and is napping on my lap. The bigger she gets, the crazier she gets! So please, don't feel you need to envy my ENTIRE puppy situation here:)

    Bonbon: You know it. Time and time again! xx

    Jordan: How about you kiss YOURS for me. I can't wait to meet your babe. How is Tip doing with the new critter in the house?!!! xxx

    Fawn: NO. I cannot believe that G is already 2. That's crazy. She's really not a baby any more, is she? *Sighhhhhhhhhh*

    Marie: I'll take all the kisses you can offer. 🙂 xx

    Mme: I love me off of Facebook too. That makes it sound like a drug…..

    There are just so many other ways I want to spend my time and frankly, I was struggling to keep abreast of the inbox there — I felt stretched too thin.

    Thanks for being here today, my friend. x

    Vita: No no. He's fiercely passionate about the USA. HA HA!!! He does love hockey culture though. You should have seen his face when my dad and I took him to a Huskies University game (mens) while at home in Saskatoon once. In the third period, Regina's forward rushed the goalie and smacked him in the chin with his stick — a full on, two bench brawl broke out. RW was in hysterics.

    I miss skating… xx

    Nancy: Plumbelina is a German shorthaired pointer. Farley is the same breed, actually. Good week to you too!!! xx

  21. The Noisy Plume: says

    Spirited: Yes! I agree. All puppies are delicious but I have to be loyal to Plum's deliciousness. It's the way of the pet owner.

    I've never seen an avocado pit started in dirt either but I've always had my water starts FAIL!!! Pippi swears by it! In the light of my past failures, I'm going to give it a try:) 2.5 pound avocados??? That's like….one of my arms!!! My gosh!

    Sal; You're going to love that book! And I don't know how you did two youngins for two months!!! Amazing. I'm tuckered out after playing with my niece and nephews after an hour…I blame it on my thyroid. HA HA!!! BLAME EVERYTHING ON THE THYROID!!!

    Puuvis: Well GOSH. Thanks for being part of my life! As for those swan photos, I actually was at least a half mile away from those birds when I took those photos. I steadied my camera on the edge of my truck door, zoomed all the way in with my big camera lens and took the photos. Then I had to crop the images WAYYYYYY down — I love the wildness of those images and wish every day they weren't so grainy…thank you for loving them despite their imperfections!!!

    Once you live with a dog, it's hard to live without one. I think humans turn into pack animals, after a time. You'll have a new puppy, some day. 🙂

    Belinda: Hey chickie! I've been bubbling with energy for a couple of weeks now — the loss of Facebook was simply the cherry on top! Good luck, on there! 🙂 Plum says, "Thanks for loving on my bum, hun." xx

    Amy: HA!!!!! Oh my gosh! I've have that Adele song on repeat every morning while I make my fodder!!! That's it. Let's start planning our festival. 🙂 xx

    Doro: HEY LADY!!! You're right. You're right. Puppy bums need to have categories. Your dogs have THE cutest "fluffy bums". I agree. Wholeheartedly. xx

  22. Andrea~CrowNology~ says

    How very strange I watched B.R. too…I found it at the thrift store. I bought it for the costumes. I love that period {the clothing not the war, ob.}
    I've been growing an avocado that was rescued from the compost. It is doing amazingly well…Every other attempt grow long and tall and then die. This one is full and short. I ignore it as much as I possibly can.
    Have a happy week Plume.
    {happily revel is my word verif}

  23. HAHAA on the RW watching that hockey brawl! Only in the hockey rink (and maybe the rugby field–oh. And maybe too in the soccer bleachers, lol)!

    And, yes, I hear you…blame that thyroid for EV-ER-Y-THING!…after all, it is being BAD! ;P

  24. resolute twig says

    SO glad you had a wonderful week (Im not sure how you could have anything but with that amazing puppy running wildly through your halls 🙂 There is really no one more deserving. 🙂

  25. Tip's dealing with things like a hero. He was a bit weirded out at first, and he's been a wee bit deprived on the exercise front, but he's being a very very good boy.

  26. Abigail Jasmine says

    As I clicked to gaze here at your bloggy blog today, at your new post, my husband over my shoulder says, "Is that the jewelry girl?" (Since he doesn't know your name- hehe) And I said why yes it is, he then concluded, "Man…she's good." Thought I'd share that random little tid bit! ~ <3

    Have a great rest of your week lady!!

  27. Lissie has such a pretty voice! Thank you for sharing.

  28. The Noisy Plume: says

    Crow: Did you like it? I liked it, very much, but I really live for period drama in the cinema. I just realized it the other day…

    V: I've finally wrestled mine into submission (for the time being). I'll keep my fingers crossed for yours! xx

    Twiggy: Oh, there probably is….I think I lucked out! 🙂 xx

    Abigail: You are married to the loveliest fella! Tell him I say thank you. 🙂 xx

    Erin: My pleasure! Glad you like her. x

  29. Sandi/sassyglassdesigns says

    Plum is so adorable. I am glad to know that I do not have the only dog that pulls my underwear out of the hamper. Our hamper has holes in it and he literally sticks his nose in the hole and pulls them out.

  30. Catherine Chandler says

    Oh, I do know they are a lot of work. I had a beautiful German Wirehaired Pointer named Star when I was in high school…she was the grand-daughter of my lovely Buddy. My stepdad bred and raised them. I had Buddy for 11 years, but only had Star for about 6 months before I had to give her up because I couldn't manage training while in high school. It broke my heart. She and I would snuggle all the time….I had her trained to follow hand signals for sit, stay, come, heel. I couldn't even be there when her new owners came to get her.

    They are a lot of work. But German Wire/Short-haired Pointers have these amazing personalities and are so great for families and kids.

    There is definitely a reason I jump at every chance to dog-sit 😀