
RW took me away for my birthday and Valentine’s Day (since one comes before the other…), quite by surprise!  
We skied into the cabin that rests at the source of Warm River, in the shadow of the Tetons.
It was wonderful.  Here, see for yourself:
 [hullo moose]
 [trick candles that were impossible to blow out…]
 [pancakes for breakfast on our wood stove]
 [the view from the front door of our cabin]
 [to the right, the actual spring source of Warm River — that water flows straight out of mountain stone]

 [breaking trail with the puppies in tow]
 [that melodious clatter of splitting wood…]
 [busy hanging the stars…]
 [my sled dog hauled 50lbs on his sled, into this cabin, I cannot convey how incredible this dog of mine is…there’s nothing he can’t do]
 [heel nipper]
[the Idaho side of the Tetons, on the road home]

Thanks to everyone who sent me a birthday note or zipped me a letter, card or package in the mail.  It was wonderful to return home to your love.

Happy birthday to me!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you all!!!

Post Scriptus: 
Want to see these images larger?  Just click on them.


  1. BrittanButterfly says

    What a wonderful adventure! Looks absolutely breath taking! Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Happy belated birthday lovely lady! I'm glad you had a good time.

  3. Oh lordy… absolutely beautiful!

    I didn't even text you on your birthday. Not that you could even receive texts I'm sure.

    Did I ever mention how awful I am at holidays/birthdays? Yes your Christmas package is still sitting on my kitchen table.

    Love you xx

    btw… my WV is hottest. That's my bday present to you, cause you're the hottest.

    Lame I know, but whatever.

  4. Buffalo Lucy says

    Happy, happy birthday!!

  5. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (we are birthday buddies, mine is the 13th) it looks like you and the family had a wonderful trip. amazing views and cherished memories. enough the rest of your week!

  6. mmmmnnnn… my response to this post is in non-words and guttural sounds of sheer delight.

  7. *hugs* welcome home. It sounds like you had a magical birthday and Valentines day.

    Sending you lots of love,



  8. Jaime/Bella-Bijou Jewellery says

    Happiest Birthday wishes plumey – sounds like it was delightful!

  9. oh my.
    happy birthday.
    sweet valentine day.

    the sights.
    the sounds.
    the sheer joy.

    thank you for taking me along….

    [love the star photo. and the flying puppies photos. and *all* the photos….]


  10. post script:
    quite ingenious contraption for mister farley's pulka….

  11. Happy, Happy Baby!….glad it was wonderous! XOXO

  12. MrsLittleJeans says

    Happy birthday Jillian! xo

  13. I was going to ask if you saw Arcade Fire on the Grammys but I see that the answer is obvious.

    What a perfect birthday for you!

    Back to Arcade Fire … you must find the performance on Youtube. I was sure that someone would have a seizure with their light show. Then they WON best record and then they hijacked the show and did an encore rather than blather on with thank yous. Very cool.

  14. Wow. Just wow. And the hula hoop!

    Happy birthday, soul friend. Rock this year. xo

  15. Catherine Chandler says

    How blissful! Happy Birthday!!!

  16. Desiree Fawn says

    What a fun adventure!! Happy celebrations and such!!

  17. jessicajane says

    breathtaking views! i dream of the day we move back to the midwest and buy a home out in the middle of nowhere, where the sky is big and tipper can run around in all her glory.

  18. It seems like your Birthday was Splendid! I could almost smell the fresh air from these pictures; thank you so much.

    Here in Finland it's a cold cold morning (-22 Fahrenheits) and our neigbor's car sounds to be suffering right now outside the window. The sun is rising slowly, painting the houses with pink light.

  19. Happy Birthday and many more adventures!

  20. wow! This looks like a perfect birthday and valentines day! Happy Birthday xx

  21. C. Tvillingmamma says

    Congrats,powerful pics!

  22. Andrea~CrowNology~ says

    Happiest Birthday Jillian.
    May the year ahead be as beautiful as your world can hold…

    Fabulous pictures…I miss cross country skiing. My Dad and I did it all the time growing up in Labrador…

    You are one fortunate Plume.
    (F~Dog rules!)

  23. Brooke Medlin says

    I didn't know it was your birthday! Happy, happy!

    Looks like you had a lovely one.

  24. Went North for yours eh? I'll "Drive South."

    Mama's arms. Happy day and all year, beautiful. This looks lovely.

  25. What everyone has said, plus the mist, plus how the cabin nestles deep into the snow…what an idyll!


  26. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    That's really awesome. How warm was the water? And how far did you guys have to ski to get there?

  27. many happy returns of the day, jillian! looked absolutely magical.

    warmest wishes,

  28. Goodness, looks like you were treated to a lovely birthday! I'm glad it was brilliant 🙂

  29. Lizzy Derksen says

    How did you make it shine and snow inside your camera? The light is RIDICULOUS.

    So lovely.

    Happy Birthday.

  30. resolute twig says

    looks like an amazing getaway.
    and Happy Birthday!!

  31. …"busy hanging the stars"

    My writer's heart goes 'squish.'

    I want to meet a moose. Are they as awesome in real life as they appear? (I was almost giddy when I met my first squirrel. Not sure I would be able to contain myself when I meet my first moose!!)

  32. happy belated from the woodsworth/flegels to you!!

  33. Spectacular!! I am transfixed. Happy birthday, dearest Plume.

  34. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thank you all SO much for these lovely comments!!!
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to the power of 441.


    Jenn asked about the water temperature of the river: It flows, year round, at 20C.

    Ash asked about moose: Moose are big and silly looking. You really should meet one sometime. They have the most ridiculous roman noses and this one had long water plants glooping out of his mouth and drobbling water everywhere. What a pig!

    And for everyone else who wondered about Farley's sled: Robert built it! It's made of a few lengths of fine rope, a plastic sled, a piece of plumbing piping and one of my quick draws (two carabiners with some webbing between them). We attached it to his person with the help of his winter water retrieving vest. It worked incredibly well and even had self-righting capabilities! I do wish you could all see Farley pull. It's kind of incredible!

  35. Ha ha! (If you knew my family, you'd know Mr. Moose would be right at home at any family gathering!)

    New favorite word: "drobbling"!

  36. Feliz Cumpleaños Jillian!! (Happy Birthday Jillian!!


  37. Unbelievable and magical landscapes! What a gift to be surrounded by hills like these. Thank you very much for your pictures! And a very happy birthday…!

  38. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thank you again, each one of you, for these sweet birthday wishes. And next time we head out on a trip like this, we'll do our best to let you know our plans, so you can join us — wouldn't that be an incredible jamboree???

    Love you all!

  39. What fantastic photos! I actually starred this post so I can go back to it and feel like I'm in the mountains. Thanks for sharing your beautiful life.

  40. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks Rebecca!
    You're welcome here any time!