Give a cat an inch…

…and he’ll take a mile.
Sometime, in the early winter, Mister Pinkerton became mostly an indoor cat.  He still spends parts of his days moseying about in the great outdoors, snacking on juncos and voles, but when he isn’t hunting to eat, he’s inside lounging about on my furniture. 

I can’t tell him no or scold him, he’s just too fluffy and darling.

This week, while I’ve been taking my breakfast and writing my letters, he’s taken to laying about 
on the kitchen table in the sun amidst the ferns and succulents.  He looks so perfectly and utterly delighted with himself, over there in the spools of silky sunshine, that I’ve been leaving him be. 

Yesterday morning, he decided that he’d rather lay on top of my letter writing station.  I simply moved his legs a little bit and wrote around him — I wrote to the rhythm of his velvet engine.

  If you receive a letter from me in the next week and it’s full of a dash of springtime cat fluff, do please pardon.  It’s only because I gave the cat an inch and he took a mile.


  1. Gemheaven says

    lol what a gorgeous cat ~ my Charlie would take mile too :}}

  2. kagoyahime says

    I love love loev Mr. Pinks! You have perfectly captured the experience (nay, delight) of living with a feline home companion.

  3. They are masters at making us live around them! But so adorable that no matter how naughty they may be (sleeping in flower pots, crushing the plants and spreading dirt around the entire house) it is near impossible to tell them no.

    The BF is finally learning that when the cat is on me, I will not be moving, lest it disturb said cat, and therefore he is responsible for retreiving items, turning off the kettle, doing dishes…hehe.

  4. The Noisy Plume: says

    Gem: That's just how it is!!! xxx

    Kago: I'd agree with you — it IS delightful.

    Emmy: HA HA HAAA!!!!!! "I will not be moving, lest it disturb said cat…" Too funny!!!!! x

  5. Enchante' says

    Too cute…

  6. Nancy*McKay says

    for the love of blue eyes, i'd be wrapped around Mr. Pink's tail any ole day…

  7. nova by tess says

    so true! Lisa has decided that my laptop is the perfect warm and cozy bed for her. Makes typing and online presence very tricky.

  8. nancycreations says

    That's a cat for you just takes over, they say you don't own a cat they own you and I really do agree with this. He is a truly lovely cat loves his blue eyes, there is something about the siamese breed or any breed connected to them which they have to be to get the sblue eyes that's always a litwtle bit arrogant but don't tell them that they would get their knickers in a bunch!

  9. marie bell says

    would *love* to have a posted letter from plume gables full of a dash of springtime cat fluff.
    my dear angelo does the same:
    anything i sit to accomplish, be it write a letter, pay the bills,
    knit, ANYthing….mister gel-o is in the middle of it.

    carry on, mister pinkerton:
    we know you are the one in charge at plume gables!


  10. Snailentina says

    Ha! I love it, my kitty Bella does the same thing, since she was little I gave her that inch and now she's my writing buddy. I don't have the heart to move her away from the page, so our ritual has turned into a bit of a dance.

  11. mme. bookling says

    entitled bugger.


  12. sylvestris says

    Velvet engine–that nails the phenomenon exquisitely. He's supporting you, you know. Cats like to offer their support up close and tangible.

    He's a beauty!

  13. Anna-Karin Hallström says

    I'd gladly give the lovely Mr Pinkerton an inch or two, too!

    Our cats Spock and Sputnik took over long ago. They especially like to position themselves between me and the computer keyboard… or on the same. As if to say: "yeah, I know you're writing but I don't really care. Pet me instead."

    And considering they are 7kg (15 pounds) each of fluffy Norwegian Forestcat/Maine Coon fur monsters… you get the picture. LOL

  14. With just a couple of exceptions (while cooking or when company is present), I have pretty much given up trying to control the cat's preferred perch.

    This does remind me of these sayings:

    If you want the best seat in the house, move the cat.

    No outfit is complete without cat hair.

  15. Linda Minou says

    Oooooh, je l'aime tellement!!! Fluffiness at it's best… Squeeze him for me and give him a kiss.