We were out at the Gilbert Ranch yesterday afternoon.
The sun was tossing beams into the breeze like aspens toss their clatter — you know what I mean (maybe?).  The spring season was so tangible up there on the mountain slopes with the cattle cooing and chewing.  The last of the cold white was running down the mountains in blue rivulets and opaque, silty waters.  The horses lit up the wind with the last strains of day mingling in the vines and twines of their winter coats.  We rode bareback for a short while, I practiced my indian horse mount for a bit (it’s a swashbuckling sort of maneuver), we breathed deep the big warm animal, oat scent of horses, slid off broad backs and brushed the hair and dust from the inside of our legs.  We laughed a lot.  The wind licked our cheeks pink.

Gosh, it’s so beautiful when springtime is sighing all along the creeks

Melissa and I went for a walk in the cow pastures and found this beautiful, fresh little calf.  She was born only a handful of hours before we found her.  Her mum was down the hill grazing with the other ladies and their babes so we were able to run our cold fingers through the velvet black of her coat.  I rubbed her gently behind her ears and we found ourselves envious of her magnificent eyelashes.  There’s just something so beautiful and hopeful about young things (especially now, when so much of the world seems upside down and turned around).  With my hands on that calf, a pair of deeply hidden maternal wings inside me unfolded a bit and flapped about joyfully.  I didn’t want to let that wee calf go.  There are so many small, seedling hopes hidden in the everyday.  Each nook and cranny is bursting with the potential to elevate our spirits, inflate our souls, fill us to brimming and sweet overflowing…

I love having our friends here.
I love our friends.
Good Friday to you all.


  1. Nancy*McKay says

    i just love her mabelline rimmed eye
    thick, cotton white curls
    those LASHES!

    why she's just a PEACH!

  2. I love seedlings of hope. May our "every day" uncover even just one tiny hope of a sprout.

    Your photos are beautiful. I love cows.

    Thoroughly enjoying this post.
    Kisses to you lovely lady!

  3. If you encounter another new calf, offer your fingers or thumb to suck – it's amazing. Such strong life in each baby creature…

  4. thebearaffair says

    Lucky you;o) What a great "find" on your walk and I agree with Nancy about her maybelline rimmed eyes – coveting those lashes too….Happy Friday to one and all. Hugs, Sal

  5. Oh great. Now I desperately need a baby calf.

  6. I just have to say that I love all your photos and your work in general!!

  7. Your post makes me tear up. So sweet and innocent is youth. Thank you.

  8. Maile (My-lee) Ann says

    Love these pics!

  9. I have to say that your posts make me sigh every time I visit your blog. Your work gives me so much joy and feelings of pure admiration. I simply have to sign up as a follower!

    xx Piia

  10. Dale Smith says

    I think you need to have a large version of the closeup of that eye, printed in a limited edition of no more than 10, and offer it for sale. It is painfully beautiful.

    Love from Ottawa.

  11. Lizzy Derksen says

    "like aspens toss their clatter"? Plume, stop making me sound like someone in a highschool creative writing class in comparison, won't you?

    (Never mind. Don't stop.)

  12. Abigail Jasmine says

    aw! i love them!!!

  13. natekitch says

    some great shots, quiet and thoughtful, i love cows i wish people wouldn't eat them

  14. marie bell says



  15. The Noisy Plume: says

    Nancy: True that! x

    Bonbon: I love cows too. Here's to the sprouts!!! x

    Ketra: I'm totally going to try that! I'm going to try to get back out to the Gilbert's ranch sometime in the next week to really photograph it in the springshine! I'll try it then! Thanks for the tip. x

    Bear: Who WOULDN'T want those lashes?!!! xx

    Em: HA HA!!!

    GNIST: Thank you so much!!! I love knowing that you're part of my world! xx

    Patr: You're welcome! x

    Maile: Thank you, sweetness!

    Piia: Again, thank you so much for your wonderful and encouraging comments of late. So good to have you here!

    Dale: I'm seriously considering this! Thanks for voicing your opinion on the quality of this image!!! xx

    Lizzy: GUFFAW!!!!! Love you to your very bones. xx

    Natekitch: Good point.

    Marie: Wish you were here, woman. You'd love the sight of the hills, streaming with springtime water. xx