Best friends who read together…

One of my best friends, actually, a pair of OUR best friends, were here (marking the fifth week of house guests at The Gables, only two more weeks to go) and gosh, we had a heap of fun with them.  There were bubble baths for all, hot springs, antique shopping, movies in the living room, snowflakes, long walks, moss gathering, good grubbing, serious chit chat, not so serious chit chat, the scandal of Charlie Sheen interviews, the filming of a small documentary (you’ll get to see it some day soon if I can get over my self consciousness…), waffles and just general all around good times.

M and John left this morning.
I already miss them.

M and I are both on book five.
You know what they say about friends who read together…

…I’m going to grow old with her.

Not to toot my own horn, but introverted-old-me has been doing a wonderful job of really living in the moment with the incredible wave of company we’ve had here.  I feel all grown up though I’ve really been missing my studio time something fierce….boy howdy.  My parents are coming to town on Tuesday and after them, my baby sister, Toby Beth Georgia.  Life isn’t going to slow down one bit between now and then.

Hang on tight!


  1. Desiree Fawn says

    FUN! (I've been wanting to read that series… SO many friends are reading through it right now… seems like the right time.)

  2. Catherine Chandler says

    I loved those books! I think I only made it to book number 5, which was the most recent at the time. It may be time to play catch-up 🙂

  3. looks like so very much fun…glad to see you are loving so fully each moment with every one of your visitors.

  4. Blessings Flow Down says

    Might be time to delve into this intriguing series. You ladies make it look like so much fun! ;D xo

  5. Brycetard says

    My Britt was wondering what book she should read next. This may be the one.
    LOVE the photo series!

  6. marie bell says

    busy-busy girl.
    you need a caffeinated bubblebath to soak your weary soul.


  7. Those pics look so much fun! They exude happiness and joy of togetherness:)

  8. kerin rose says

    such sweet fun friend photos!

  9. Lizzy Derksen says

    Consider me jealous. The book, the book-reading buddy, the house guests – all of it.

  10. Fabulous, fun photos!

  11. thebearaffair says

    It's true – laughter and friends are the best medicine life has to offer:O)XXOO

  12. Awww these pictures are so fun and sweet 😉
    love your blog!

  13. The Noisy Plume: says

    Hey! Thanks to you all for these lovely comments! It was so wonderful to have M here for a stint! As for anyone NOT reading the Outlander Series yet…WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!!????


  14. So "Outlander" is the title of the first book?

  15. The Noisy Plume: says

    Outlander is the first book in the Outlander Series. There are seven (I think) and one is currently being written. Buckle up, buttercup!

  16. The Noisy Plume: says

    HEY! Did you get my letter???? 🙂 xx

  17. Brycetard says

    I'd like to send you some great coffee for your french press the next time Britt sends off some mail. Are we allowed to send coffee over the border?

  18. The Noisy Plume: says

    B-Tard: I think so! YEE HAW! I can't wait!

  19. I recieved it yesterday on my break from work and jumped for joy on my front steps! Thank you so much for the lengthy letter and the enchanting card 🙂 Expect some mail in return soon with some coffee from my man 😉
    I am so excited to start these books! Considering you have been raving about them for quite some time now,

    Much love on this spring day in Vancouver!
    Love Britt(Nymph) oxoxoxoxoxox etc

  20. Did you know that Starz is about to start this series on August 9? I just discovered today as I was searching for which book was #6 and saw the news post! It looks well done judging by the clip and opening song. Thanks for introducing me to the series – I am obsessed! I can only read one every 6 months or so or I would never get work done.