March Is A Flirty Tease

I love March.
I love it when it comes in like a lamb and goes out like a lion.
I love it when it coaxes the tulips and daffodils out of the dirt and then suddenly
decides to snow and blow and frost and freeze all over the buds
of sweet, darling nature.
Oh, silly nature, don’t you know by now that March is a tease?
 I know that March is a tease.
Yesterday I was drifting about The Gables on cloud nine with a springy draft blowing in from the North.
I went to sleep with gardening dreams in my fluffy little head and woke up to a few inches of new snow that fell in the night and a heinous wind out of the North.
I don’t mind.  March is a tease.  She’s a glorious old flirt.  The fresh snow in the low country means there’s a new and sassy layer of powder in the high country and I’m going to take my new skis out for a blitz sometime this week (might even coax dad to come with)!  

I am, after all, a cup-half-full kind of girl!
 Back to this necklace.  It’s big.  It features several of my favorite design elements:  hollow form, long trailing pendants that drop from a focal pendant, coral, antlers and two dimensional forms.  Whew.  Made for a lady who isn’t afraid of false springs.  Made for a lady who likes to garden but keeps a wee shard of ice in her soul because she finds all-things-Arctic particularly blissful.
It’s built of sterling, 14 carat gold, coral and prehnite.

In other news, I’ve been faffing about the studio all day long waiting for my mum and dad to arrive and they seem to be taking there sweet time between Montana and here!  Yeesh.  

Mundane life details:
1.  I’m making quinoa and steamed broccoli for dinner.  That sounds meager…perhaps I’ll add an elk sausage avec moutarde!!!
2.  Today I casted something.  I can’t wait to show you!
3.  Yesterday and most of today, I had a pinched nerve in my lower back.  One hour ago, my discomfort disappeared after I did three sets of ten pull-ups out in the studio.  Huh…
4.  Plum gave Judith a kiss.  It was quite the sight to behold.
5.  Have I told you that RW gave me an ameraucana chicken last week!  She’s going to lay me blue eggs after she recovers from the dismal life she had before she became mine…already, after free ranging in the yard for a week, her feathers have filled out and she seems much more confident!  The Gables is officially a chicken rescue!

Here she is!
Her name is Debbie Gibson.
6.  Isn’t Lionel beautiful?

He hails from the same ranch as Mister Pinkerton (the same mother as well, in fact).  Next time there’s a batch of kittens out at the Gilbert Ranch, I’m going to claim a fluffy tiger kitten like this.
7.  I’m wearing galoshes.
8.  RW spent the entire day cleaning the house.  Isn’t he wonderful?  Don’t you want one like him?
9.  I just checked the mail, one second ago, and there was a pink letter from Corinna.  
10.  Sometimes I wish we could all get together, in the summer, and camp on a beautiful lake and have campfires and splendiferous s’more making and star watching.  Do you ever dream of such jamborees?

The Plume


  1. marie bell says

    1 – since visiting idaho, broccoli is my daily treat. avec hummus.
    2 – i'm feeling pinchy too.
    3 – sweet: bird-dog/chicken love.
    4 – araucana chickens lay very lovely eggs: i had several chickies when i lived in montana.
    5 – you DO have the best man: funny. handsome. smiley. handy. housekeeper.
    6 – i am honoured to know you: i feel blessed to be a j-feather friend. although you are spread very thin amongst all the gals, i truly appreciate what you do for me.


  2. Maile (My-lee) Ann says

    Blue eggs sound fantastic. Happy to hear Debbie has a new home to flourish in…

  3. The Noisy Plume: says

    Marie: Thanks for the list-back, girl! Sometimes all you NEED is a thin spread….take mayo, for example. HA HA!!! 🙂 XXXXX

    Maile: "CLuckity cluck!!!" — Debbie G.

  4. Debbie Gibson is one lucky lady–you'll love her!!

    Blizzard here tonight and tomorrow–the storm rolled off your mountains and hit some moisture for fuel. Tulips and daffodils are still a dream with fuzzy edges…but the Canada geese are back!

  5. Brycetard says

    I put my low back out yesterday morning as well. The ache is still with me but i managed a sunny back porch phone conversation with one of my closest friends who just announced to me his marriage and wish for me to be his best man, also the house cat flirted in meows and head-butts so the low-back pain became somewhat of a happy afterthought from there. Catching up on the Plumes meanderings just provided the icing. Thank you Jillian for sharing your life. It is inspiring and lovely to watch unfold.

  6. Jenn-with-2-n's says

    I can tell you that I'm NOT loving March up here right now. It's been nothing but LIONS LIONS AND MORE FREAKING LIONS!!!! Where's the lamb!?! Where I say!!!!

  7. I just couldn´t stop smiling while reasing this post..And yes, March is a flirting tease and that necklace is so beautiful. I couldn´t adore it more.

  8. I'm so glad you reminded me of the fickle nature of March. I was just about to get desperate about the fact that yesterday we had beautiful sun and +10 (celsius).. but by end of the week will be freezing again..

    I wish I could taste your chicken eggs!!

    Oh and I have my own RW. 🙂 He loves to make me poached eggs, makes my fires, and cleans too.. Isn't it lovely?

  9. Desiree Fawn says

    Jamborees indeeds!

    And what a sweet new chicky!

  10. kerin rose says

    yes, in the Green Mountain State, March had been teasing the beejeezus out of us too…crocus and daffodil tips swathed in those fluffy snowflakes….I saw Mr. and Mrs. Mallard in our pond yesterday though, and they would not be back from wherever they fly off to if it weren't for real!…but I am a tough girl….have retired the puffy jacket and in honor of spring, been rocking 3 sweaters at a time instead, and a pair of Marie's fingerless gloves overfingered ones…

    on second thought, maybe thats not so great…I must look like a giant yarn ball!…..

    have a loverly parental visit, you!

  11. reconstructing sarah says

    just thought you should know, i am related to a debbie gibson (er, but not a chicken)…bahaha. love it.


  12. DalaHorse says

    Welcome Miss Gibson…and here's to welcoming a wild haired new kitty cat in coming days. Cheers! We may be heading Vegan (my husbands idea)….and i do my best on the gluten free thing but it's way hard for me..i do enjoy rice pasta….i've tried the quinoa before…interesting stuff. For this week atleast we're eating vegan. Do photo those blue eggs when Debbie lets loose….those sound glorious. My house is never clean clean….but that is the ultimate goal. My hubsand is a saver….really an in the closet hoarder…paper mainly and tools….he has magazines from the 70's…no kidding! Oh well…have a very Plumey day! Sue♥

  13. Life among Rocks says

    another wonderful design. i also love that march is a tease, it's fun to be taken off guard, all women know this.

  14. Illustratornette says

    I'm so glad to read that you rescued a hen! I have ten hens that i raised from chicks. Two of them are arucana's!! They are so sweet natures and have the cutes face muffs ever! Their nicknames are Rogue and Blanquita (meaning little white one). Enjoy to sweet blue egg!

  15. 10. Indeed! And why not? Send out a call of a date, a time and see who comes roaming, marshmallow sticks in hand.

  16. The Noisy Plume: says

    CK: I already love her! LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS!!! Enjoy your blizzard, dear woman! When you get tired of it, send it my way. I don't want the white to end. xx

    Bryce: ARGH! So frustrating and uncomfortable, huh? I'm starting to feel old. I shouldn't have back problems already…

    Always glad to share my life (our life) with you. Hi to B for me! xx

    Jenn: HA HA HA HAAAAA!!!!!!!! You are one funny woman!!!!!

    Piia: But don't you like the flirtation? I mean really. It's like being wooed by something wonderful — we all know what's coming. xx

    Merja: I'm so GLAD you have your own RW. 🙂 Those men make the world go round. I had two poached eggs this morning for breakfast, on a bed of spinach with celtic sea salt, cracked pepper and a bit of romano cheese…it was delicious. Come over some time. I'll poach you two. You'll love them. x

    Fawn: Does this mean I can count you in for a jamboree???

    Kerin: "I must look like a giant yarn ball!" GUFFAW!!! I probably look exactly the same. I've forsaken all winter coats and have been piling on the layers instead. It makes me feel like a Polish princess and I like that very much. xx

    SB: !!!! Tell Deb I say YO!!!!!! xx

    Dala: Good luck with going vegan! I am an omnivore through and through. Though I refuse to eat any meat that wasn't raised happily. I stick to my chicken eggs, elk, antelope, and any upland game RW takes with the help of Farley. I just don't feel good about everything else. Actually, my friends who keep a free range cattle ranch keep happy cows. I would consider eating one of them. Am I a barbarian?

    Let me know how the vegan goes. I'll be interested to hear all about it!

    And give your hoarder a platonic pinch on the bottom for me:)

    Rocks: You're a wise woman. "i also love that march is a tease, it's fun to be taken off guard, all women know this." There's so much truth in this. Thank you!

    Illustrator: Those are FABULOUS chicken names!!! Every time I name a chicken, it's awfully hard for me to settle on a name. I especially love Blanquita!

    Sara: Maybe I will put out an all call!

    Is anyone available for camping in the Sawtooths of Idaho in July???

  17. Hi dear Jillian,

    Wish I could visit you and your menagerie of animals, maybe one day.
    The little chickadee is gorgeous, I am so glad she is with a great home. Can't wait to see some blue eggs.
    And that necklace, wowee. An absolute humdinger of a piece.

    Sending you lots of love.



  18. susan heggestad says

    HAH! Debbie Gibson. Love it. Will Tiffany be soon to follow?

  19. The Noisy Plume: says

    M: Sending you love back! Can't wait for the day you visit here! The tea will flow like the mighty Saskatchewan River and there will be dainty cakes as well. xx

    Susan: Well…perhaps!!!!!!! Though RW would probably spring for Amy Grant before Tiffany…."Baby baby, I'm taken with the notion, to LOVE YOUuuuuu with the sweetest of devotionnnnnnn…."

    HA HA!!!

  20. False spring swept in and wooed us all on the east coast too, but now we're making do with snow dusted daffodils and extra time around the woodstove. Not bad at all. Your necklace is simply gorgeous – and so is Lionel. And lastly, there is never a time when I don't have a campfire dream stashed away especially for snowy spring days like today.