For every girl who ever loved a horse.


  1. Jaime/Bella-Bijou Jewellery says

    That horsey MUST be famished – he's eating an apple with the sticker still on it!

    Not something you really get the opportunity to do around here in Vancouver, would you believe I haven't been on a horse in my adult life? I have always wanted to – but chance never came up! Perhaps a trip to Idaho will cure that….

  2. Oh my god, your pictures are just gorgeous. AGAIN!:) Especially the last one.It feels like the horse is trying to say something..

  3. Oh Sexy Rexy, it did feel good to sit on your back. Thank you.

    I've been thinking about getting a horse ever since.

  4. Magdalena says

    Thank you for taking me with you on your horsetrip.
    I feel like 12 again.


  5. Lara Lewis says

    Ohhh these pictures are so beautiful. Thank you for the Saturday morning visual treat. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. sigh

    remember the time we helped Clint and Elaine move the horses? and those stinky pigs? that was lovely.

  7. Little Anvil Jewelry says

    Ooooh I miss the ponies and my younger days of galloping around bareback just holding onto winter blankets and other reckless but awfully fun things! Ponies set souls free.

  8. Snailentina says

    My heart said "that's me!" when I read the title of this post. I love them so and these photos are gorgeous!

  9. marie bell says

    *this* girl LOVES horses!

  10. Catherine Chandler says

    Mmmm…I can smell the saddle leather and muzzles already ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. calamityjane(t) says

    thank you.
    so much.

  12. Sister, who is that man with the plaid shirt and carhartt pants?…
    Melissa, I have 9 if you want to drive up to Canada and take one home.

  13. Andes Cruz says

    you must need me for your sister, shop slave, farm hand.. lol. we are truly kindred sprits. I want to live on your ranch!!! Loved the video too xoxoxo. when I come tp visit you this summer… i'm packing a *very* big bag ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Suvi / vรคhรคn vinoon says

    From a girl who loved and loves horses – thank you kindly. ๐Ÿ™‚


  15. Just love that snoodlepony! Every girl needs a horse and a neverending blissful trail!

  16. The Noisy Plume: says

    Dear Cowgirls,

    You stitch this world together, quite beautifully.

    The Plume

  17. The Noisy Plume: says

    Toby Beth Georgia Lukiwski: That's Sam! The man who means to woo you! Come quick! Bring dill pickle chips! xx

  18. Oh that sends me back to mucking stalls, cleaning horse hooves and riding bareback! And it also reminds me of Billy Ray Cyrus, b/c he was BIG circa 1993, when I spent my days with a bay gelding named Joker. Achy Breaky Heart was always on the barn radio.. and yes, I liked it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. The Noisy Plume: says

    Who DIDN'T like that song???!!!!!

  20. Toby –

    #1. Sam is cute ๐Ÿ˜‰

    #2. I may need a horse soon. I want one with the largest rump possible, please.

  21. The Noisy Plume: says

    1. True.
    2. Amen.

  22. Melissa –
    I can provide you with a rumpalicious (yes, I know this isn't a real word) steed. He. Is. Beautiful! I'd say go creep my fb pictures but I'm off fb for lent.

    Did you already eat all those chips I sent with Mom and Dad?

  23. indigorhino says

    This post takes me back to a Midwestern barn where the smells were yummy and the horses gentle and true. This gal loves here ponies!

  24. Awww, Jillian! I couldn't live without my herd, and that's a fact. I would fade into noexistence without my horses, I just know it. I just watched your gorgeous video…it was beautiful, loved seeing it! Hope all has been happy with you and RW. Its been forever since I stopped by here to say hello…so, hello! And always remember that cowgirls RULE!!

  25. Desiree Fawn says

    The horse girl in me adores this… I can't wait to be back in the saddle.

  26. Excuse me, but I do believe rumpalicious is a real word. Those who say it isn't haven't seen a proper rump on a horse.

    AHH! Why does hay have to be so expensive!

  27. Your pictures are just gorgeous!!
    So lovely,

  28. Love horses.
    Wish I were there for so many reasons…