Lions and Lambs

It’s windy as bee knees here today,
glorious springtime weather with the fleecy white bleat of lambs and fierce tawny roars of lions blended together into a hair raising melody.
Plum and I are just down from the mountain and besides being thoroughly buffeted by wind, we were misted on, swooped on and nearly mud bathed (I managed to keep my feet though).
What a beautiful day.

RW has been away steelhead fishing in the central part of Idaho.  
Last night, I stayed up far too late whilst watching this from the quilt nest of my bed.
Have you seen it?
I know it might seem perplexing to you to know that I am an avid sci-fi fan as well as a feverishly devoted supporter of period drama, but it’s the truth.
North and South is one of those classic BBC period dramas wherein the romance is so drawn out, so practically painful in every way, so annoying and relieving simultaneously — she thinks she knows everything about him and he thinks he knows everything about her and so they deeply loathe each other and then find each other to be rather pleasant and then there’s FINALLY that kiss in the last five minutes of the film……exhale…...
I love that kind of love.
If you adored Pride and Prejudice (either BBC version or the Keira version),
 you’ll love North and South…if not for the story, than for that gorgeous Richard Armitage and his hawkish glare.

The cuckoo clock chimed twelve some time ago and I’m headed out to the studio to finish this bizarrely beautiful cocoon necklace I started two days ago.  It’s one of those pieces that I’m just not entirely sure about whilst I’m building it — as in, I’m not sure how it will turn out.  I have the image of the finished piece on the tip of my mind but I don’t yet believe, wholly, that it will exactly match the image in my mind when it’s finished…I suppose we’ll just have to see how it turns out!

Good Wednesday to you all!
The Plume


  1. I heart BBC dramas. Well… just the BBC in general actually. I watch 3 days worth the last time I was sick!

  2. The Noisy Plume: says

    Oh lady.
    By the way, did you ever finish the Sharpe series???? No? SHAME ON YOU!!! Wish we would have watched N&S whilst you were here! x

  3. A. It's funny that you like those period love story dramas because I think the best love story I have ever heard in my life has something to do with two people falling in love overseas and then finally "Jillian!" "Yes, Robert?" "Jillian!" "Yes, Robert?!" "I LOVE YOU!"…. *cue shooting star*. You two are my favorite love story.

    B. On the subject of the snail tamer….I met a woman at the airport with a hand made GIGANTIC snail hat on a couple months ago….she explained to me that her alter ego was a snail tamer. Quite an interesting happenstance.


  4. The Noisy Plume: says

    BAH HA HA HAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

    Well. RW and I do have a pretty fantastic love story:)

    And a SNAIL hat!!!! Did she use wheat to tame them as well? Just wondering…

    You feel so far away. Come back to the Rockies.

  5. omg SNAIL, yes!!! ( more snails please. i do not necessarily need them tame ) 🙂

  6. Eliza Rae says

    A spiral! I am really loving how Spring is inspiring you!

  7. SHARPE!!! I have read a few of the books, but I really adore the series. I just need to break down and buy the box set. Sean Bean=Yummy!!

  8. I love love love BBC dramas, I have to say Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorites. I will gladly sit snuggled on the couch and watch all 6 hours of it in one sitting.

    And that necklace, just stunning, as always.



  9. I don't know if you read Nora Roberts or not, but she has a book coming out in April called "Chasing Fire" and it is about smokejumpers.

  10. I love Sci-fy….and yes horror as well. I'm a TV and movie junkie i suppose….Theres a new Jane Eyre fim coming out that I'm dying to see. I love your snailace…very wunderbar! The vegan diaries are going fairly well except for one little chicken slip….we haven't broken the news to my Mom yet and she served it for dinner one evening. My husband just told me Canada is banning Fox news….THANK GOD! now for here!

  11. The Noisy Plume: says

    Nancy: Escargot! ESCARGOT!!!!!

    Liza: Well. Well. Well. Every time the seasons change here I feel myself drift off in a new direction!

    M: Ain't that the truth!

    M: Seriously. Everything about BBC is wonderful. CBC is pretty fantastic too. Long live Road to Avonlea!!!

    Laketa: I don't! But I will check into this book you have mentioned — sounds interesting!

    Dala: Ooh….no horror for me!!! I have to shut my eyes for half the scenes in Harry Potter!!! Good to hear the veganism is going well for you! I'm a stalwart omnivore and could never do without a bit of meat in my diet!!! HA HA!!!

    My thoughts on news channels — Since when does a federal government have the right to control what citizens do and don't watch on TV? That scares me.

  12. Andrea~CrowNology~ says

    You just get fabulouser and fabulouser every minute…


  13. Andrea~CrowNology~ says

    Snails are Wrinkles in some parts of Newfoundland…

  14. OH my GOODness, North and South was JUST about to be my next click on Netflix (and I mean JUST. Switched from Netflix over to TLaTotP)…I have had a serious hankering for British dramas recently, so much so that I think I've been talking in accent without realizing it. Just watched "Wives and Daughters" (the story was written by the same author) and "Downton Abbey", which I heartily recommend to all!!

  15. marie bell says

    i see NO mud on either of you.
    neither you, nor plum.

    escargot….hmmmm. she's a lovely one, she is.


  16. I've been jealous of your large scarves, they look so cozy. So tonight I donned my largest scarf and wrapped it around my neck and ventured into the city night. I love how its simultaneously elegant and comfy for a cool spring night!

    Just thought I'd share!

  17. Maile (My-lee) Ann says

    North and South…must see!

  18. I love Jane Austin´s stories..I think the best way to enjoy them is by reading:)


  19. The Noisy Plume: says

    Andrea: ……well…..I'd LIKE to say I'm a wrinkle tamer…

    Em: Funny you should mention Downton….I began it last night! xx

    Marie: That because when I was SUPPOSED to fall, I managed not to fall. I did fall while out walking, one week ago, and that was a very muddy affair!

    Heidi: Ahh yes. I have two MASSIVE wool scarves that I claimed from a boutique in a nearby town. I wear them everywhere. On airplanes, I use them as blankets…I always have one with me. What I like most about them is how I feel I can hide in them, pull them up around my face to the base of my eyes, and blend in like a bedouin. I'm glad you like the style too!!!

    Maile: You'll love it!

    Piia: I agree! But it's always nice to see a set of characters come alive and it's fun to watch the drizzle really fall and it's wonderful to see some fire in a pair of eyes and it's wonderful to hear a quill scrape on paper…..that's wonderful too! x

  20. I have to agree on your words about the wonder of characters coming alive, the fire in the eyes and all that..You´re right, it´s wonderful to actually see it, too:)

    PS.Thank you so much for your comment. I really do appreciate it!


  21. The Noisy Plume: says

    You're welcome, sweet one. xx