"éléphanteau avec moutarde"

 Bah oui!!!
C’est vrai!
 Built of sterling, fine silver, 22 karat gold, copper and enamel!
And now, I have put on my polka dot dress and will go spin myself around in the springtime sunshine on my bicycle.  Plumbelina will be mad that I’m taking Penelope instead of her into the great big world, but Plumbelina does not yet know how to run with a bicycle and Penelope will fit so long and narrowly in my bike basket…additionally, we go faster when she flaps her ears. 

Today was:
-bippity boppity boo
-languished about in bed this morning, longer than I should have, but it felt nice and the birds were singing Handel’s Messiah…or something…when the nature music is that rapturous you just have to sit still and let it penetrate into your bone marrow or your soul will flop over and you’ll burn the toast when you set about to making breakfast
-black bean salad for lunch
-hair is feeling long
-didn’t get to write my morning pages
-wrote a letter instead
-the loveliest mail arrived, I was caught by surprise
-going to have a glass of something young, chilly, fizzy and white later tonight
-the anemones I planted 5 months too late are beginning to sprout anyway because sometimes ascorbic acid is stronger than the calendar date
-I love Robertimus Maximus so much that I sometimes cannot control myself and I latch onto him with a fierce hug that makes me feel like a sweet little puckering barnacle on an ocean stone



  1. It's an ELEPHANT!!!!! I have been a bit obsessed lately… I keep posting them on pinterest.

  2. oooh thats adorable. I've always wanted a baby elephant…maybe a necklace with a teeny tiny elephant will suffice though.

    Sending lots of love



  3. pencilfox says

    i must get a different basket for my blue bicycle: one in which my wee poodle-dachshund will fit. i want HIS ears to flap in the wind!!

    so glad you had a languid relaxation this morning….


  4. le sigh. les éléphants sont mes coup de coeur

  5. Kelly Z. says

    a lovely day indeed and what a tres belle (or is elephant a beau?) delight! here's to bippity boppity days, happened over this way too! hair always short here, but still no morning pages written as well, did fit in a love filled note to a gal pal..so there it is…another warmalicious day in the hills out here in the country not far from the sea.;) tata and toasts with your young, chilly fizzy thang.

  6. Elizabeth says

    I love it! 8D Such a beautiful piece. And combo'd with that adorable polka dot dress makes it even more vivid, brings out the happy purple so much~ I want to hug the necklace.

    Glad you're having lovely weather up there~! ^o^ It's been rather destructive where I am. Had a tornado weave through not even a mile from where I live. It's the closest one has ever come to my home. God protected us so well, though. We only had one tree come down and the tornado missed us. God bless all others hit by the rabid storms, and God bless you, Plume, because you're awesome. =)

  7. I just love your blog posts, Miss J. Hope you had a fabulous afternoon <3

  8. That is the loveliest of colours. Wow.

    I´m so glad I started my morning by sitting down, drinking my morning cup of coffee and reading the loveliest of blogs, yours. Enjoyed it as always.


  9. Sierra Keylin Jewelry says

    OH!!! I do so love an elephant, I've declared them my totem animal…I have been dreaming of creating an elephant of silver in just the right hue of oxidation! This is absolultley amazing, me gusta mucho mucho mucho!

  10. Elly Rarg says

    Oh lady, you made an elephant! Love it, it's gorgeous. I love that gorgeous is your standard, too. 🙂

  11. very beautiful, another one that looks like a beautifully weathered mussel behind the elephant, love it!!!
    i always lay in bed and listen to the birdsong before i get up, then posey comes and snuggles and makes birdsongs all her own (which actually sounds more like a happy little hen clucking away) as i pat her! and veda is always in bed for a cuddle. but we get up with the birds, so we usually get to hear their calls! sometimes you just have to do things that feel good and right to make you happy!

  12. MrsLittleJeans says

    Well, it is Wednesday here and I am glad you opted for staying in bed to listen to the music… I wonder how that elephant got on your neck, are you forgetting something? xo

  13. I don't believe that there is a person in the world who wouldn't smile at the sight of a happy dog in a bicycle basket with big ears flapping about in the breeze!
    Have a wonderful day!

  14. Sybil Ann says

    I read this as "elephant with mustard." WHAT a sandwich!

  15. The Noisy Plume: says

    Syb! That's exactly what it says!!!

  16. resolute twig says

    you are awesome 🙂

  17. bon*bon says

    This post is exactly what I needed today! Sigh.
    How did you know that?

    Your writing is just so Beeeeeautiful here.
    My spirit flew around like a hummingbird finding nectar!!!

    Elephanteau has arrived on the scene.
    Amazing Jillian! Love it. Je veux un éléphant!
    Have a beautiful day! xo

  18. Desiree Fawn says

    This is totally rad… and that purple is divine!

  19. I love your blog!

  20. Sybil Ann says

    HA! My French is abdominable. 🙂

  21. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for all the elephant love, chickadees!!! And of course, thanks for all the love, in general. xx

  22. I heart elephants! They are the reason I can't bear circuses. I met a circus the clown last week. (Yes, a real circus clown!), and I asked him question after question. He was very fascinating. Anyway, he tried to reassure me that circus elephants are loved, but I still have a hard time b/c oh, I love elephants!

  23. Such a beautiful rich purple! I love the elephant too.