life is so good.


  1. Lara Lewis says

    Ahhhhh!!!!!! Were you just dying when you saw this? So much cuteness!

  2. BAAAAAABYYYYY GEEEEEEESE! sooo cute! i am a total sucker for fluffy little feathery babies like these… i think that if I could give birth to puppies or little chicks i would be much happier, ha hah a! (which would be funny because my grandfather always drew me in his cartoons as a puppy)


  3. Clever Mama! Cute, Cute, CUTE!

  4. The Noisy Plume: says

    HA HA!!!!!

    I know! Me too.

    Did you know that I had a pet gosling when I was young? It was the most beautiful little bird. We let it swim around in our horse water trough in the corral by the barn at Sugarloaf Station in Riding Mountain National Park. It was a lovely pet. One day our golden retriever retrieved it……boo hoo………..

    We stopped in at the BLACKSMITH FORGE* in Inkom to chit chat when we saw a family herding these geese across a field, across a little highway, across train tracks and down to the Portneuf River. They were beautiful. It made my afternoon.

    *Who would have thought I'd find a blacksmith to apprentice just down the road from my house, here in Idaho!!! It's going to be the best summer EVER!!!

  5. bon*bon says

    I just laugh when I see geese or ducks!
    Puts a big 'ole smile on my face every time.
    Why is that, any ways? xo

  6. bon*bon says

    p.s. Woweeeeeee!
    I just caught your response. You found a blacksmith to apprentice. Now that's amazing news!!! xoxoxo

  7. pencilfox says

    your photos made MY afternoon, also!
    [plus the news about the blacksmith apprenticeship!]

  8. Amy Nicole says

    I've always loved Canadian geese! I just started a goose design for leather last night! What a precious gift you happened upon today!

  9. calamityjane(t) says

    love! you sure know how to wield a mean camera!
    the geese walk right into the turn out pen by the pond, so the horses are used to them and no longer freak out when we ride past them. the ponds are now dotted with these little floating fluffballs, along with herons and ducks. it is a sight to behold.
    and oooh– a blacksmith?! i can not WAIT to see what comes of this!

  10. Desiree Fawn says

    Oooooh Caaannnaaaddaaa!

  11. sylvestris says

    That's GREAT news about the blacksmith!!! I hope that's no tiny consolation while RW's away (even though it'd be even better with him there, of course).

    Those goslings are tiny–nearly newly hatched, I'd guess. Gorgeous majestic parent photos!


  12. R. M. Preston says

    Oh so cute and gorgeous and lovely! Plume, you have such a wonderful eye for catching perfect little moments of beauty and wonder at work in nature. Yes indeed, life is very very good….
    : )

  13. DalaHorse says

    Jillian…adorable images….they are so cute with all their yellow fluff….when they get a bit older my husband and i call them teen geese…when we see them when were out. Blacksmith apprenticing….now that's something i could sink my teeth into…how totally awesome for you!

  14. Elly Rarg says

    Oh Bless, they are lovely. 🙂