Go Picking Wildflowers

 On a lazy, rainy Sunday
I go walking to where the mountain spins gold.
I pour my heart into the dirt as I exchange pieces of myself
for pieces of earth charm.
To take is to give, to take without giving is the ultimate imbalance.

The meadow larks flutter their song and wrap their wings about the softness of each other.
A moose spells sanctuary and tranquility with each drooping movement of its velvet roman nose.
Over in the thickness of the draw, pheasant roosters crow endlessly about their handsome tails.
Hawk eyes see all.
I carefully select my bouquet.
I bruise, bend and snap stalks as I build a petaled trophy for the windowsill at home.
The wind comes in waves.
The clouds sail fast into Wyoming.
I bed down in the tall grasses,
like a tawny deer,
and watch the rain come down the mountain.


  1. a butterfly says

    hi jillian 🙂

    BEAUTIFUL photos!

    i know you are a busy bee these days but if you have the time it would be nice if you could just answer a tiny question that i sent you in an e-mail earlier today. going to the yarnstore tomorrow and if i get your measure i can buy the yarn i need for your owl to 🙂

    soon time for bed here,

  2. I'm in love with that hat! 🙂

  3. sylvestris says

    I'm in love with the Great Gestalt.


  4. Lovely images as always, possibly next postcard pack!? xoxo

  5. Just Beautiful! 🙂

  6. pencilfox says

    "to take is to give, to take without giving is the ultimate imbalance."
    you don't know how much i needed to read these words. this day. this is balm for my poured-out soul.
    i am thankful for what you give to me.

  7. beccaclimbsrocks says

    Oh Jillian, I love and appreciate all the warm hearted comments you have been leaving for me on my blog as of lately.
    I loved this post, Idaho is so green! The wind here in Laramie is killing everything and won't let anything grow. Just the other day it broke the stem on one of our tulips. Hmph. I hope you'll consider coming to the Climbers Festival in Lander this summer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, as always. Beautiful photographs and inspiration.

  8. beautiful pics.
    i enjoyed the sense of laziness yet focused intention.

    stumbled in from somewhere…

    no name/url option, sorry.

  9. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    your expressions are so beautiful in word and image!

    hope the gables are treating you well

  10. The Noisy Plume: says

    V: There's a lot of love in my heart for you. x

    Amanda: Target, $11

    D: Who in their right mind ISN'T!???

    Mindy: Perhaps! Perhaps! I'm working on compiling a few new packs, as the images present themselves…I like them to have some sort of cohesion (to me, at least). Thanks for asking!

    Juli: xx

    Fox: Well gosh! And I'm thankful for what you give to me!!! x

    Becca: My heartfelt pleasure. You've seemed sad lately. Be well, my friend! x

    Monica: And I stumbled back into you! You've got a beautiful space! Thanks for swinging by!

    Lyns: Thanks toots! Sending love your way! x

  11. Deeeelicious photos! Would love to have that photo of you cupping flowers. A woweee hat. Looks amazing on you. Love your new blog pic. xo

  12. Fantastic!! Great, magical photos and wonderful, strolling Sunday afternoon! 😀