God’s Country

When I woke up this morning, my soul felt magnificent,
like four million fire opals blazing in moonlight.

At seven thousand feet above the sea,
my spirit is so full,
it’s aerial.


  1. Andes Cruz says

    *brilliant* pictures
    I love it!

  2. Lori's Glassworks says

    Your pictures are stunning! Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

  3. Come on now, Jillian. We ALL know that God's country is the British Commonwealth.

  4. So *so* beautiful.

  5. lindsay michele says

    You really must stop doing this to me. You're fueling my growing wanderlust. Every time I see pictures of the mountains it makes my little heart yearn to be back in Colorado hiking in the Rockies.

    (but don't really stop)

  6. jessicajane says

    gorgeous view, and I can't believe how big Plum is now!!

  7. Hot diggety-dog
    I love travelling on your blog! xo

  8. your lil'plum is all grown up!

    absolutely stunning.

  9. pencilfox says

    beautiful. indeed.

  10. mady dooijes says

    oh my god it's so beautiful, take me there….. absolutly stunning! hope you are well… x

  11. The Noisy Plume: says

    Thanks for these lovely comments everyone!

    John: HA HA!!!!!

    Lindsay: I promise. I won't.

    Jessica Jane: I KNOW!!!

    Mady: VERY well. Very well indeed! Thank you for asking! x

  12. MissKStone says

    Look how big Plum is getting!!! She's a force….I can just tell.

  13. The Noisy Plume: says

    K: Oh man. You don't even know the half of it!!!

  14. Your pictures make me want to visit Idaho.