Man Candy

For all the lonely ladies out there on this fine, 
fine Saturday night:
Here are some foxy firefighters for you.
Thank God for the North Cascades Smokejumpers.

Please note:  The seventh man from the left IS taken.

The Plume


  1. Thanks for the man candy!!! <3

  2. pencilfox says

    yes: that man IS taken. he's taken with you. very. indeed. absolutely.


  3. gldnbrwn says

    LOL, Jillian. Two words-

  4. Desiree Fawn says

    Oh my word… are you trying to give me a heart attack?? πŸ™‚

  5. Snailentina says

    I love that these dudes are willing to pose for you, thanks for taking on such a hard task to share with us πŸ˜‰

  6. UmberDove says

    Ok Yes. In looking at this, even BC called RW a fine hunk of man.

    And that makes it official.

  7. owww-owww, Send the far right yonder! πŸ˜‰

    side note: so curious about those pants…!

  8. Andrea~CrowNology~ says

    But which are truly sweet? Aside from #7? πŸ˜‰

    Loving those pants!



  10. Lorelei Eurto says


  11. Did #8 from the left forget to wear pants, and that's why he has to stand behind the stone pillar?

  12. makes a great desktop background! πŸ˜€

    They are a handsome group of jumpers for sure……

  13. westbyron says

    dear God….

    what is it they stash in the hems of their pants?

  14. Yeaowzahs!! Pant-pant…

  15. Eeeee! this has me squealing like a school girl! you are one lucky lady!!! i think i need to find me a nice, animal loving fire man…

  16. indigorhino says

    Be still my racing 54 year old heart.

  17. I didn't know the Spartan army from the movie "300" also fought fires! Whew! Those are some abs!(I love that they were all good-natured enough to pose for you. That's adorable.)

  18. sylvestris says

    Such a joy to behold!

  19. I'm on fire over here. Please send a smokejumper!

  20. Woo-hoo!
    Thank you Miss Plume.
    And what wonderful sports they are.

  21. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    how can they put out fires w/ all the hotness?
    *fanning self*

  22. The Noisy Plume says

    Fawn: !!! NO! Well. Maybe yes…..

    Lulu: Those pants are part of their jumpsuits — they're made of kevlar and are padded so they look enormous. πŸ™‚

    Crow: Aside from #7? Including relationship status:
    #1: Lovely but engaged (I think).
    #2: Lovely! That's Cap! But he's now come clean with the fact that he's dating a Canadian doctor.
    #3: Lovely. Taken. Kid/s. (I think)
    #4: Girlfriend. Robust ego… No longer around.
    #5: Married. HILARIOUS. Lovely.
    #6. Perhaps my favorite Jewish man in history…besides Jesus. LOVELY. Girlfriend.
    #8: Really lovely. Canadian girlfriend.
    #9: I don't know who that is.
    #10: Lovely! Not sure of relational status.
    #11: I don't know who that is.

    Twig: I'm going to let you entertain that notion. HA HA!!!

    Janel: I JUST LAUGHED SO HARD!!! Do you really have this on your desktop?

    Westbyron: Gear, letdown ropes….other useful junk…sometimes baby deer and Cliff bars.

    Amanda: Not my photo but I'm officially going to try to convince them to let me do a calendar with them. Keep your fingers crossed. πŸ™‚

    Jenna: What's your address?

    Lyns: I guess the old saying of "fighting fire with fire" really works….

  23. This one doesnΒ΄t require any words, does it.

    A big thank you from Finland,

  24. genie marie says

    Oh my…thank you. A thousand thank yous from WA. I' going back to look some more…

  25. Kelly Z. says

    ooohlalalala;) this might just be the perfect calendar for the WHOLE entire year..not need to change the page every month:) and btw…happily married but always love a nice man candy shot!
    thanks for sharing.

  26. My Art and My Soul says

    Jillian, that was my first thought (well, maybe not my first thought) when I saw this picture – I see a calendar on the way;o) Hugs to you my dear!!

  27. Magdalena says

    Hahaha! That was a great post! hahaha

  28. mme. bookling says

    I zoomed in on this picture. A lot.


  29. Just showed it to a coworker. She complained about the pants being distracting. She requested one (a photo, that is) in their boots only. Thank you in advance…

  30. oh hullo there, gentlemen.(stay safe out there!)

    thanks for the girlish giggles, plume. (still oggling. can't wait for the calendar rendition)

  31. Quebecca says

    Whoooah you have my attention now.

  32. nova by tess says

    what a great way to start the day
    Thank you for the eye candy :o)

  33. resolute twig says

    Nice πŸ™‚
    thanks deary!

  34. Oh for pete's sake Jillian! I'm going to need names and numbers. Pronto.

  35. Yowser!

  36. ahhh, nice eye candy. so…no girl smoke jumpers?

  37. The Noisy Plume says

    Brandi: Your coworker is SO demanding! πŸ™‚

    cc: This is a picture of RW's rookie class. There were no girl rookies that year but his base DOES have a dash of womanly-jumperness. πŸ™‚ I think there are three female jumpers at NCSB. Not a lot of women can do the work because you've got to be able to pack out up to 110lbs of weight, on your back, over (usually) mountainous terrain, once you've put out a fire. I don't know about you, but that would be like me…..carrying me…..for miles. The women who DO jump are awesome specimens…to be sure!

  38. or lord. what about 2nd from the right. wait, i'm taken, nevermind…

  39. The Noisy Plume says

    …BUT HE'S A WONDERFUL COOK!!! Are you SURE you're taken?