Keeping It Warm

This is happening right now,
in real life,
in my kitchen.

Have I told you I’m getting a fluffy, green eyed kitten?
He is Mister Pinky’s brother.
His name is Rhubarb.
I can’t wait to show him to you!

Rhubarb is a girl!
Yee haw!


  1. tea and chickadees says

    That is one smart kitty! He knows where it's at. How lovely that Mist Pinky's getting his very own brother! Cannot wait to see photos of this green-eyed little Rhubarb!

  2. what a lovely new addition! i can't wait for your new kitten pictures!


  3. That pizza box……..

  4. A part of me died when I saw that you have a trash can, and sometimes store pizza in cardboard. 🙁


  5. Oh Noooo! You have fallen to the kitten bones!

    I am jealous. you are lucky.

  6. pencilfox says

    i love it that your life is so real:
    i love it that you are so real.

  7. The Noisy Plume says

    T&C: I know!!! Can't beat these ranch cats. They've got all the loving fluff and hunting skills you need to keep your lap warm and your homestead mouseless! That's a win win!

    Sami: Stay tuned!

    M: I know. I know.

    John: GUFFAWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

    Cat: You need one of these ranch kitties. They're incredible.

  8. The Noisy Plume says

    Foxy: I'm going to keep it that way, no matter what. x

  9. Dennice {Fringe} says

    Aww, that's great! Congratulations, sugar…achhooo!


  10. calamityjane(t) says

    i've noticed that some people just naturally attract new family members. must be an abundance of love in their homes.

  11. The Noisy Plume says

    D: OH NO!!! Cat allergens……..

    J: :)))))))))))))))))))))) xx

  12. Jillian! No new pets!

  13. The Noisy Plume says


  14. Violet Cadburry says

    It isn't a family unless there is room for one more kitty. Dogs have their packs, kitties have their humans.

  15. The Noisy Plume says

    True enough, Violet! True enough!

  16. hahaha love the name rhubarb for a kitten – can't wait to see him!

  17. resolute twig says

    yay! Cant wait to meet him 🙂

  18. And: "We are all visionaries, and what we see is our soul in things."
    -Henri Amiel

  19. The Noisy Plume says

    Leave it to Ketra to draw the beauty [like a silk ribbon] out of the ordinary. x

  20. Elizabeth says

    Leave it to cats to find a crinkly, unusual place to sleep. Kudos for creativity to this one. xD

    My two newest additions to the cat clan are little youngsters, both /very/ (almost too much for their own good) smart. They like to climb the birdcage and sleep ontop, playing (kindly xD) with the birds. The birds like the company, and the cats like the sunshine, so it's a win win~!

    Can't wait to see your new kitty coming! =3