Have I told you?
Have I told you that after RW and I eloped in Reno, we moved to Alaska to work for a rafting company?
Well, it’s true.
I felt right at home there, being a Northerner by birth.
Our one room cabin was small, sweet and shabby — our outhouse was stalwart and populated with desperate mosquitoes.
In the summer, when we were bored at midnight and still awake beneath a bright sky, we went fishing.
RW taught me to fish on the fly
and the trout were greedy, leaping rainbows under the sun that never sets.

I always forget about how much I belong up North,
 until I return,
and it becomes so apparent to me once more
that I feel eternally sad and eternally glad
all at once
in my heart of hearts.

 [sweetheart oldtimers]
Alaska was, as always, so right.
So quiet.  So still on my soul.
So reflective and so cozy with (such very good) good company (perhaps soul family?), good food and copious cups of tea.
A home away from home (sometimes, I seem to have so many of those…).
I’m glad to be home in Idaho, with my pack, with my ripe and earthy beets roasting in the oven and the West bench gleaming in the sunshine.

Life is so good.
Everything is pretty awesome.
Even when it’s crummy, it’s good.
What does that even mean?
Well, I think it means, there’s this small flame lit in my heart, most permanently, most unwaveringly, and even when the darkness descends there’s a light here and the shadows are made merry.  
I don’t know what to call this light.  
Soul borealis.

Soul borealis.

I go North and I miss RW.
RW, come home.
I miss you.
Take me North.
I love you.
Keep your boots together on your landings.
If the flames lick your heels, run fast.
Run to me.

Dear Alaska,
Rise up.  Always rise up.  Wild and free.
Bright and lonesome.
Starfall and water rush.
Silver salmon and wolf howl.
Green flicker of sky lights and purity of snow.
I love you so.

The Duchess of the Hinterlands


  1. Sierra Keylin Jewelry says

    Thank goodness for the Soul Borealis moments in life!!!! Oh the light and color in these pictures is amaaaaaaaazing, i think my favorite is the one of the field of tall grasses…thank you for sharing your soul with us!

  2. Your heart and those photos do my head in! Truly beautiful and let me say 'beauty full' again. I thank you to for taking your precious time to share with us so far away.

  3. Let me tell you now… I'm so envious of your life!
    Glorious, in so many ways!

    clink-clink to Soul Borealis!


  4. Melissa Bothwell-Inglis says

    …and there you go again, being all beautiful and inspiring. There's a dark time hitting our family right now..and I totally resonate with that small flame – thank you for the imagery.

  5. Andes Cruz says


  6. love love love everything about this. i know exactly what you mean about being a northerner at heart. i'm from minnesota, and sometimes i feel almost physical pain with missing the great lakes…thanks for this.

  7. I've been reading for awhile, but I am a quiet northern lurker. I stay here in Alaska for that Soul Borealis. I
    f you ever need another escape to the interior north, we could have some good adventures. 🙂

  8. Nancy*McKay says

    Because of this (post&photos)…
    i'm glad when you go,
    i'm sad when you go…
    i bet you're in the studio
    working on that Soul Borealis collection
    right now!

    i love it when you leave us,
    i love it when you return.

    PS: you & RW will be sweet oldtimers too, one day,

  9. Wow!
    This is a stunning post. I hear it's heart beat and see it's colours.
    Profoundly touching.
    I'm thrilled for you yet still sad for you're missing RW so much ! xo

  10. All this beauty causes tears to stand in my eyes, I blink them back and smile at the echo of your bokeh borealis. You shine.

  11. The Noisy Plume says

    Sierra: You're welcome. x

    Sandy: EEE!!!! THANK YOU! xx

    Lu: Join me next time, won't you?

    Melissa: Oh. I know how that is. Live in the light, sweet sister. x

    Andes: Back at you, babe!

    Jenna: You're welcome! The good news is heart roots are very elastic. 🙂 xx

    Amy: Next time I visit, I'll look you up! Thanks for lurking, sweets. x

    Nancy: I WISH I spent the day in the studio. Unfortunately, I spent the day weeding, mowing the lawn, sorting mail, paying bills and cleaning the house. xx

    Mash: Of COURSE I miss RW. I miss him when he is home in the winter and pops out for five minutes to the hardware store for finishing nails!!! If he isn't right by my side, I'm missing him. !!! xxx

    Jenna: xxxx

  12. the tears are streaming so hard i can barely see to write these words:
    i feel the soul borealis.
    i feel the magic.
    i feel the holiness.

    isn't love amazing??


  13. Soul Borealis. Being a northern girl myself I just love that!

    You eloped in Reno? Have you told us that story? I'd love to hear it. As it happens, I lived in Reno for some time.. and got my divorce there.. oops. But am happily married to my true love now.

  14. Jumping on the bandwagon for northern love! You're right on with this – I wish I could wear your words like a necklace.

  15. your photography has blossomed so much in the past couple months and im loving each image.

  16. These photos brought tears to my eyes, i have never wanted to go to Alaska but after seeing it through your eyes i want to go today!

    Lovely, Lovely, Lovely

    Glad your home safe and sound

    RW you need to go home and kiss your woman

  17. Sigh…

  18. I love when you smile like that!

    Love the photos. Love love love.

  19. MissKStone says

    Such beautiful words that gave me a sudden shiver. xoxooo

  20. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    your words, images, and intentions are so beautiful i could cry, dear Duchess! what inspiration.

    i wish so dearly to dig deeper into adventure. trudging merrily through wonder and hardship xx

  21. Snailentina says

    "If the flames lick your heels, run fast.
    Run to me."


    I want to go to Alaska so bad, thanks for the pictures, lovely!


  22. Artist in the Arctic says

    i like your love letter to alaska – and your photo's – swoon city! (ps) we'll keep your smokejumper safe.

  23. Jillian, just found your blog, and I am in love. My husband and I long to live out West, but while our lives are here on the East coast, I can vicariously live through your beautiful photos and words. Just wanted to say hello!

  24. breathless beauty abounds

  25. Woman of Promise says

    Oh Jillian you take my breath away with your photography and writing they are just simply wonderful!! All of them, there has not been one post that hasn't spoken to me in some way or taken me on an adventure to somewhere I've never been before. THANKYOU dear heart you are truly a wonderful human being xx

  26. Lara Lewis says

    These photos take my breath away.

  27. Linny Kenney Leather says

    There is a line in a book I read once that goes like this: "In each of us burns a flame of independence that must never be allowed to go out; as long as it exists within us we can never be destroyed". This entry reminded me of that line.

    It's nice to hear you write of the North so beautifully. I love it too, but the winter's can weigh me down…I am already thinking about the fact that it's coming and it's only August (but cold rain can do that…which we have had for 2 days…so it's not all craziness. But anyway…you've put my winter worries to rest for now… 🙂

  28. Walter Helena Photography says

    Oh sweetheart, your writing is so true. Your photos so beautiful. You paint a lovely picture of the love of you.
