A Smattering

The light here this morning was a perfect winter blue.
I woke up three times today!
First at 3AM, I went out into the backyard simply because I wanted to be outside for a moment.  The night air was cool, Mister Pinkerton wound himself around my feet, I could smell that the tomatoes were redder than they were the day before.
Again at 5AM I awoke to watch my friends do their final packing
 and depart for their far away homes.
Then again at 10AM I woke up officially and laid in bed with a book and the kitten for a good hour or so before proceeding with my traditional ablutions.
With the help of a friend, I finally found and purchased one of these wonderful vintage chairs!
By the way, is there an official name for them?
I call it my throne.
Truthfully, it’s dreadfully uncomfortable 
to sit in but I like the feeling
of being in it, resting my arms on its scratchy 
edges, feeling the high 
back rise up and fan out like 
a peacock tail while trying to see the world
objectively — like Deborah did in the days of old.  
To my left is one of these frothy little numbers.
I will sip it as I whittle down the unanswered emails and Etsy convos you have been waiting so patiently on for the past few weeks (and months, in some cases).  Thanks for letting me take it easy this summer.  Keeping this body stress free and letting it create when it needed to create has helped carry my spirits high these past few months and has allowed for some restoration and filling of my creative wells.  I am eternally grateful to you for being so understanding when it takes me days or weeks to respond to your wonderful notes.

Actually, on a similar topic that has to do with you, allow me to say that I think of you all the time.  I’m continuously thankful for you.  I’m blessed to have you in my world, each one of you, whether you’ve made yourself known to me or not. 
Thanks for giving me a reason, beyond myself, to write, photograph and make on a daily basis.
I cherish you
and that’s the simple truth.

I hope you are having a splendid day.
Be well, dear friends.


  1. *hugs*



  2. i very much enjoy your musings and pictures. 🙂

  3. I always look forward to your posts of whimsy and wisdom, and the blessed life you lead with your dear ones…thank you so much for sharing your world!

  4. that chair is one that is used a great deal in my side of the continent – South America.

    Enjoy it!

    be blessed,


  5. i love your simple cup of frothy goodness, it makes me slightly excited for autumn, though i am just not quite ready to see summer off. i never am.

  6. love your throne! my mom once had one of these chairs and my sister and i fought furiously over who would have it in her room. we could never compromise over it.
    glad you have it all to yourself!


  7. back'at'cha, wee chickadee….
    i am eternally grateful to have YOU in MY life.

  8. Melissa Bothwell-Inglis says

    …seriously, my heart does a little happy dance (like a kid at Christmas Eve) when i see you've posted a new blog… I'm always so eager to open up the page and see what yummy inspirations are ready to feast my eyes.heart.soul on, so thank YOU!
    Mel :o)

  9. calamityjane(t) says

    thank YOU for writing, photographing, and making on a daily basis. our lives are better for it. hope your weekend was rich with memory-making. xoxo

  10. I asked Mom to be sure – it's a Peacock chair (thought so!). Her aunt had one and she and her sisters would fight over it but never did sit in it long. It even had rolled arms so was more comfortable than the newer versions. Darn pretty. I'd sit a philodendron or ivy in one and let the tendrils take it over.

  11. blackhillsbaby says

    A good day it was.

    We had one of these chairs in one of our first childhood homes. My mother would have us sit in it for "thinking" time. My older brother spent so much time picking at it, that it unraveled. I rarely have seen any since. I adore it.

  12. Love you back! So much!

  13. A Peacock for a Plume!

    I used to call these "Morticia Addams chairs" because in the old TV series the lady sat in one. In fact, I just googled "Morticia Addams chair", and there she was!


  14. It's so lovely to share your world, in beautiful words, pictures and those works of art you keep producing that continue to inspire! xx Jo

  15. And we in turn are all grateful for your posts, i know i'm always happy to a new post from you in my feed x

  16. gosh, we had that chair around when i was a child! horribly uncomfortable – like a high backed airline seat that pushes you forward a few too many degrees!

    acquaintances through the bloggy-world have been some of the best people… even though we are 'strangers' I'm so glad to 'know' you over these years! xo

  17. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    and you are cherished!
    curious, honest, kind, and adventurous 🙂

    thank you for sharing your delightful spirit! it's a blessing to know you, even though i've not "met" you in person xx

  18. Nancy*McKay says

    ~sister golden hair…well i keep on thinking 'bout ya~

    your newNESTingPlace is one of the most absolute DIVINE designs ever created…not so comfortable, no… but fabulous to look at & photograph!


  19. AnDeeBarrett says

    i just knew you loved me!
    …because I love you so much how could you not!?

    Love your new throne. Very photogenic…

  20. Thank you for sharing your life with us, your are a wonderful human being, and a faraway friend <3