Last night I sat in the banana rocking chair on the edge of a hill in a fragrant Douglas fir stand with a good book and a glass of wine while I watched the sun fall West — it was pure golden heaven.
The air was crisp.
At 8000 feet, the leaves are spinning their autumnal 
tones and I feel perpetually romantic deep down in my soul.

After a merry dinner on the edge of a small blaze  
we slept with the side door open on Talulah and sometime in the middle of the night,
I woke up to the sound of some species of beastie sniffing and snuffing about the entrance of our rig.  I wasn’t afraid because the sniffing and snuffing sounded somewhat delicate and I thought to myself, “It could be nice to have a small silver fox under the blankets with me!
Later I woke again when a soft rain began to fall all around.
Then, before I knew it, morning had broken
and a new day dawned.
Just another perfect sleepover in Talulah.
We wish you could have come for coffee —
hope your weekend was nifty!


  1. 🙂 so wonderful!

  2. Sounds so nice and refreshing 🙂

  3. this post made me so jealous! Sounds like a delightful night. It's my dream to someday own the same type of bus. I got my husband on board now all we have to do is fine one of our own and have some adventures of our own! Thanks for sharing :o)

  4. does P. Pie get her chest all scratched up in the woods? That always happened to Sir Charles. He loved to run over and under logs and through brush, but that wee little pointy chest sure would red and scratchy later on.

    Glad RW is home 🙂

  5. The Noisy Plume says

    Yeah. Her transmission gets a big banged up! I, also, am glad he's home. x

  6. Heavenly days–I'm glad for you!

    Wow, RW's haircut is radical! Is he one of those guys (I know a couple) who cut down to stubble and then let it grow all the way to wild and then mow it again? 😉

    Love those leggings–pray tell their origin.


  7. Oh, boy…we NEED a Talulah…to take us down the Oregon Coast and to never come back. Ever. (I want an olive green Talulah. I would call her Boris.)

    Happy autumn you, two!


  8. MrsLittleJeans says

    Though extremely extremely extremely different my weekend was extremely nifty…and that Penelope, the way she poses with a leg up is quite something … : )

  9. resolute twig says

    what a fantastic weekend 🙂 SO glad your man is back home with you.

  10. Looks like heaven on earth!

  11. i love getting to peek at your little adventures. 🙂

  12. today is a good day: amen.

    [p.s. everyone is SMILING!
    hello, penepie! i've missed you!]


  13. Penelope! <3

  14. joy.

    Just joy for you.

  15. Desiree Fawn says

    Mmm, so lovely!

  16. Um…I think you probably were already cuddling a fox missy!! Welcome home to RW!!
    I am always so envious of your adventures!! And of your leggings…

  17. Lorelei Eurto says

    what kind of clogs are you wearing there in the first pic?

  18. The Noisy Plume says


  19. Caren via Tea and Chickadees says

    oh that Penelope, she makes me swoon, as does your Talulah trips.
    Gracie pup does that one leg up pose, too. I think it's the doxie in her; such a houndful action.

  20. nothing like the sweet, cool night air while sleeping outdoors with bright stars overhead! we slept by a river the other night with shadows of catskill mountains in the distance and woke to damp dew, bejeweled spider web art and low fog blanketing us… it was heaven and i didn't want to leave!

    p.s. where did you find those leggings? i have a love affair with all things stripes and have been looking to acquire some striped leggings!

  21. Loving that your love is home 🙂

  22. The Noisy Plume says

    LEGGINGS!!!! Well those little leggings are about 4 years old and they came from American Eagle.

  23. Belinda Saville says

    Days like this must fill your soul to brimming! It reminds me of the days (pre-children!) when Anthony and I were courting…we'd sleep out in all sorts of crazy places, including next to the runway at the little airport where we met ♥

    So glad that your man is back home in your arms, safe and sound 🙂


    P.S. Did you cut off all of RW's hair, or did he? My baby boy has crazy curls like RW…it drives all of the old ladies crazy at the shops, because they wish their perms looked so good. Curl-envy 😉

  24. Eeeep- Autumn love! So so wonderful.