Before we all head off to our cocktail parties 
and whatnots this Friday afternoon I wanted to 
give you all a big yee haw and an interwebular hug!  I hope you had a wonderful week.  Truly, I do.
Have a tremendous weekend.  Make it extraordinary.  
Be buoyed up by the delicate and rich details of life.  
Read a wonderful book.  Write a soulful poem.  
Capture an image that makes your heart soar.
Sleep in.  Eat delicious, fresh food.  Cuddle your cat on the love seat.  Kiss your baby boy.  Ride a ferris wheel with your true love.  Whatever you do, do it with all your heart and be fully present.

Also, if you have a moment, please watch this short TED talk on nurturing creativity.
It is so meaningful to me and puts into dynamic words what my creative effort has become for me
these past two years — honestly, I’m just showing up as often as I can.  I think you’ll enjoy it but I think you can also learn from it.

Be well, dear friends.



  1. MrsLittleJeans says

    I love TED and will surely watch your favorite talk…safe trips and happy weekend to you xx

  2. hi dearest Jillian,

    hope you have a great weekend too. I will be thinking of you whilst planting my tomato seedlings 😀

    I love that TED talk, such an amazing insight into creativity.


  3. Sierra Keylin Jewelry says

    Oh dear, I've got teary eyes and a huge smile on my face…That.Was.GREAT!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love this! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Brilliant.

    I listened to an interview with her (I think it was on a This American Life podcast) where in she told that story about Tom Waits and THAT nearly changed my life.


  6. creativity seems to be the theme of the week, eh?

    [have listened to this TED lecture, and forgot all about it.
    thank you for subtle reminders….]


  7. i invite you to Come over & watch 2 Youtube videos of my favorite Hawaiian dancer: NaTasha Oda…

    The first is so soft and lovely, about Noah & the dove.

    The second video is one of those 'Ole' moments. It's about a big sister sharing her love of dance and story telling to her beloved little sister.

    Sweet, wild, fierce, inspired.
    The same as we see in You!

    Blessings as you seek to inspire and bee inspired.

  8. It's 1am here and though I should be writing 2000 words about the online optical retail market in eastern europe for a business class I came here looking for inspiration and most definitely found it. Thank you for this little gift early on a Saturday morning.


  9. Lizzy Derksen says

    Thank you Plume.

    (Did I tell you that I've taken a whole year off to write poetry. It's terrifying.)

  10. Jillian, I don't know you through anything other than your words and your pictures and your art, but you are an amazingly generous person. You are sure to make some child a wonderful mother one day.
    Thank you for this post today.

  11. MissKStone says

    Wonderful video..very inspiring.
    We finally got family photos taken, I was still hoping you'd come to Saskie and fit us into your time but I think we found someone who will come out with lovely photos. I'll send you some when I get them.
    CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED OUT ON JAM!!!!! I didn't check in all week, and what a week not to get my plume on! Terrible!
    Is there any left? Perhaps I will check the store. I see Jordan won some, maybe I'll convince her I have to come over for toast once her lovely prize arrives. 🙂
    love love love!

  12. I remember seeing this one awhile back, it's wonderful. Have you seen the one by Jill Bolte Taylor, my absolute favorite. It's not specifically about creativity but is related and definitely a must see, very moving…

    Thanks for the inspiration–i wrote something similar yesterday– to create just to create– no censors, just make :).

  13. I just discovered your blog and what a lovely surprise it is. I love the TED programmes and just last week I saw the bit by Elizabeth you feature on your blog. I love it too! So humble and funny and true. I also adored the one on education by Ken Robinson.

    x E.

  14. The Noisy Plume says

    MLJ: Thanks! You too!

    M: I have YOU to thank for showing me this talk in the first place! It's one of my favorites. Good luck with the toms! xx

    Sierra: My pleasure, sweet lady!

    Bethy: 🙂 xx

    Umbie: I know! I know. x

    Foxy: I don't know! Is it? Who else has been talking about it? xxxxx

    Kare: Thank you! I shall later this afternoon once I'm done making lunch for the boys. You're wonderful. Thanks for making me smile. x

    J: Well gosh! Thanks for being my world and taking a second to stop by! Good luck with those 2000 words!

    Lizzy: I'm proud of you. You won't regret that decision. Not for a moment. You're a force, woman. A force. Can't wait to read the products of your blood, sweat and tears.

    Joanne: That's one of the greatest compliments anyone has ever paid me. Thank you, with all my heart.

    Kels: Can't wait to see them! BTW, we'll be home for Christmas. I'll bring a pair of turtle doves and some jam. Ok? xx

    MJ: I haven't! I'll look it up! x

    E: Welcome here! I'm glad to have you. Her talk IS so humble, funny and true but for me, it's also REAL. Full time creative work is GRITTY. It's great to hear people talk about it in a real way.

  15. kathryncole says

    Jillian~ Thank you for reminding me of this. I loved it the first time that I happened upon it and love it again even more. I got teary-eyed watching it!

    Thank you. I hope you had a wonderful weekend!


  16. wow, I can't even begin to tell you how much I needed that right now! Thanks. 🙂