
I had a tremendously and gloriously happy night last night!
Robert, and our lovely friends who are visiting at the moment, went bird hunting with the dogs over by 
Little City of Rocks, here in Idaho.  
When they came home, they were dragging a 1964 Airstream Sovereign travel trailer!

It’s so beautiful!
I’d kiss it but my lips would stick (it’s cold here)!

Best of all, 
we paid $500 for it which is a shockingly small number!
We’ve been searching for an Airstream for a few months now.  When they come up for sale, they sell quickly and usually go for somewhere between $2500 and $3500 in Utah, Idaho and Montana.
To find this Airstream in such wonderful condition for such a low price felt a bit sinful.
I’m so thankful for it.
Why did we get this hulking pile of travel trailer bliss?
Let me tell you why: 
Sometime this summer, RW called me up from the jumper base in Winthrop, Washington and at the same time we both blurted out that we couldn’t do summers apart anymore.  We’ve been repeatedly blurting this very thing for a few years now but suddenly the impetus to make a change in our lifestyle materialized and we found ourselves with a plan.  The main detail that has prevented me from living in Winthrop these past two summers is the lack of a studio space.  After humming and hawing over the phone this summer, we decided that we needed some sort of trailer I could use as a travel work space and after pondering our options we, quite obviously, settled on an Airstream trailer because:

1.  They are awesome.
2.  They have serious character.
3.  There is a subculture of humans that celebrate these trailers and we love being part of such subcultures (we belong to the VW bus subculture as well and it too, is wonderful).
4.  And of less importance, but importance nonetheless, Airstreams match our big, hulking silver truck….
 This winter, we will entirely gut Isadora (prior-to-renovation-Isadora photos will be coming) and thoroughly renovate her interior into a small studio space for me and a larger living quarters for our little family.  I’m excited about it!  But I’m even more excited about living in the same place as my husband next summer and being a part of the North Cascades Smokejumper family all fire season long.

After fire season, we will probably find ourselves doing a few extended trips to the deserts of New Mexico, Arizona and Utah where Robert will bird hunt and I will work in my little studio space during the daytime.
We have the hearts of nomads beating here in our chests.
Isadora is going to allow us to explore even more 
than we already do.  I adore her.
All this is to say, welcome to our family Isadora!
You make me feel like I’m living in a Miranda Lambert song.
We’re going to shine you up bright and fix you 
up with some tender loving care.
Soon, you’ll be like a silver streaming star in the night sky, shivering, glittering and guiding the moon into her place.

Yee haw!


  1. nova by tess says

    Oh she is already beautiful but I can't wait to see what you do with her.
    I am SO happy for the both of you. Next summer is going to be wonderful!

  2. Andes Cruz says

    and 500$? ??? omg!
    for inspiration – I saw this a couple weeks ago – this guy does amazing things, lotsa pics on his website. beautiful.

  3. I can't tell you how envious I am – an Airstream!!!!! We would like a smaller one. I'm looking forward to the reno stories, and then the travel stories!

  4. oh. yeah. add ALASKA to that list, you nomads.

    isadora is lovely. so lovely. what a happy thought: the plumes traveling together in a silver landyacht. you'd best plan a crib for the chickens so you'll have fresh eggs on the road!
    and: cats travel well, too….


  5. Yee-haw indeed! An excellent purchase with an awesome purpose.
    Though I must ask, what of the kitties and chickies when you are gone? I'm assuming you're taking only the dogs?

  6. Cinder says says

    What a deal!!!
    What a great idea!!!
    Have fun renovating, living and creating with Isadora.
    : )

  7. MrsLittleJeans says

    It sure is a beauty and you had splendid plans! My friends laughed at me when I told them that I lived in a trailer for some years during school, it was so cheap, they never understood how nice it was to have a house with wheels…I am chuckling at that now…will always remember it! xx

  8. Simone Marie says

    OMGosh!!! Love her! I can only Imagine the kind of stuff you are going to create inside of her!!! WOW!!

    Go team NOMADS!!!

    heehee, S.

  9. Cy, Kate and Poky says

    ooooh, major jealousy coming from over here!

  10. aaaaaah! SHE'S THERE!

    It's about freaking time. She's gonna be a gem (babygirl).

  11. She is…gorgeous!!!
    Congratulations!!! 🙂 xx

  12. My Art and My Soul says

    CONGRATS!!! Oh, I am so excited for you. We love our Airstream and it makes a dandy studio while we travel about to the gun shows and competitions that John is involved in. You can't believe how much "stuff" you can put away in one of these. Just don't overload the chassis(sp?);o)You will LOVE it, but you already know that part. Hugs, Sal

  13. Lynsey Phelps - VerreEncore says

    SOOOOOO excited for you and the adventures that are ahead! 🙂 not to mention being able to be with your Mr. next summer. what relief!

    congrats on Isadora!

  14. Amy Nicole says

    She's a beauty, and you got her for a song. The best news of all is that you and RW won't be apart anymore! Can't wait to see what you do with her…

  15. Sweet!

    Check out this posting from my old California blog…

  16. Oh how wonderful it is that you can now spend the best months of the year with your beloved and create beautiful things at the same time, how blissful

  17. hooray! i know you've been wanting this airstream (and the deeper "this" that this airstream makes way for) for a long time. so glad it's going to happen for you both.

  18. Jane Aston says

    Wow, that is amazing. I once looked out of my window, when I lived in London, to peer upon an Airstream in the street. Until then they didn't exist.
    I just acquired a Citroen Tube HY van it's so sweet wheelless and still in a field. I can't quite get to it.

  19. chestnutmocha says

    wow this one is so awesome!!! congrats!

  20. How lovely!!

  21. You got your Airstream!!!!!!!
    How thrilling you've made your dream come true of spending Summers together!!!
    Wow! Huge cause for celebration.
    Beautiful. xoxo

  22. Aruguletta says

    You two are such an inspiration. If only I could live a life half as adventurous as yours.

  23. Snailentina says

    So many things to be excited about in this post! I wish we had a video of you squealing about it when you first saw her like you did with the truck haha! Other than that, I can't wait for the renovation photos, am sure it will be marvelous.

  24. Cori Marie says

    How awesome for you! I am sure that is going to be one awesome traveling studio.

  25. The Noisy Plume says

    Thank you ALL for the Airstream support and celebration!

    Andes: Thanks for the link! I have all sorts of ideas for the interior of this baby…..first off, I have demanded hardwood floors with TURQUOISE stain…… 🙂

    Brandi: Oh! EVERYBODY is moving to Winthrop. Hens included. Frankly, the base could use a cat or two. 🙂

    MLJ: This is actually my SECOND house with wheels! Remember the single wide at the USFW satellite station in Arizona? Oh yes. That house had tail lights too! HEE HEE!!!

    Umbie: I may have to call you up to help with renos and curtain fabric choices….

    Mustang Sally: I have told RW about not overloading the chassis. He can't wait to get started! xx

    Merja; About to head over to your old post! Thanks for the link!

    Jane: You're hilarious! Who the heck are you!??? I'm going to follow your link as soon as I'm finished perusing these comments!

    Snail: HA HA! This time I wasn't in shock and I was dancing and jumping all over the place and squeaking a bit too! Well, now we have the complete rig, don't we? I'll be sure to film it flying down the highway sometime! xx

  26. Belinda Saville says

    Oh, she is a beaut!

    And how special to know that she will be bringing you and RW together in the coming Summers…that is just the best news!

    She certainly looks like a memory-making mobile…you guys are going to have so many adventures in her!

    Looking forward to the reno pics 🙂


    P.S. That last photo of RW hugging you hugging Isadora made me chuckle…could you two (three?!) be any more adorable??!!

  27. sounds like a great idea! what lovely bones you have to work with. i cannot wait to see what you come up with. i was just thinking the other day how hard it must be to be away from the one you love for months at a time.

    so happy for you!

  28. Blessings Flow Down says

    Tater and now Isadora (Izzy)? O' my goodness your heart must be bursting with all the excitement for your near future adventures! xo

  29. What a fine silver ship! Am eager to observe her metamorphosis…and then to exclaim:

    Go east, young woman, young man!!!


  30. I'm so tickled at you and Shreve Stockman at Honey Rock Dawn. You found a trailer and she found a school bus and posted on the same day.

    I can't wait to see what the two of you do with them.

  31. For some reason that trailer reminds me of my 1963 Steelcase tank desk. That is totally a compliment, by the way 🙂 Have fun with her!

  32. damnyankee says

    Aaaahhh a silver bullet(that's what I call them). I'm pea green with envy. She's a beauty. How wonderful for you both. ENJOY!

  33. Christina Rosalie says

    Ooooh! I have always wanted an airstream. Jealous + excited for you. Oh my, cannot wait to hear about the adventures you have in it…

  34. I started singing that song as soon as I saw your post!

  35. So cool!!!
    and $500!!!! AWESOME!
    I so get you on the subculture thing…I had a westfalia for years and so loved the community that opened me up to…unfortunatley Westy died (sniff sniff) i stlll miss him and all that came along with having him.

    she is perfect for you!

    love and light

  36. What a dream to have an airstream and at $500?!! it is sinful!! Enjoy enjoy!! Can't wait to see the renovations!
    Oh and Tater is a love…so glad he is filling you up :).

  37. kathryncole says

    Oh my goodness…so very exciting!

    I can't wait to see it finished! It is beautiful!

  38. SO amazing! A rolling silversmith encased in silver!

    We're of slightly different stock (just picked this guy up a couple weeks ago: but welcome to the club and congrats on the new summer plans!

  39. That. is. so. cool.

  40. DreadedRed says

    What a beaut! As a passenger in the world of VWs I relate totally to your need to hit the road.

    May Isadora make all your dreams come true!

  41. what a steal of a deal… and what a beauty she is!! you are one lucky lady on so many levels. i found you ‘pinking it’ on flickr through leslie and then hopped on over here to find this perfectly perfect airstream. i also wanted to let you know that my husband, our two little girls, and myself just spent nearly a year living in our renovated 1990 34ft. airstream traveling the west coast. the transformation was pretty awesome if i do say so myself. 🙂 i left a link back to our blog so you can check out our ‘mission accomplished’ post…. if you want 🙂 i am now bookmarking your blog to follow your progress. good luck, have fun, and YAY!! ~barb

  42. Oh mah gawwwwwsh it’s so beautiful!!!! I’d be hugging her too!! And stealing a cool smooch!

  43. We have a parking spot for the gal at the ranch under the oak trees next to the pond in the back 40.

    I had thoughts of hacking the back off of an Airstream and putting it on hinges so I could drive a car into it. We bought the mighty enclosed race trailer instead… I wish I had the time to take on such a project. You guys are my idols.

  44. Oh, and you have to paint the wheels flat black to match your truck. (did you catch that, I’m finally letting go… “your” truck, not “the” truck). May she tow thousands and thousands of miles to your heart content!