The Glorious Wind Pinking

Oh what autumnal joy is mine!
Today is the first day in three weeks that we have not had a house guest or two in our home.  I loved, very dearly, visiting with our friends but let’s be honest, if you’ve been reading this blog since last December, you’ll know that we have had at least two weeks worth of house guests at The Gables every month since last January.  Life has been full.  The love has been so thick — thick like Canadian maple syrup.

That said, I am a smidgen tired.
November begins in just a small handful of days and it is the first month since last December that we do not have any friends or family booked for a visit and I cannot wait to fall head over heels into a creative habit again.  I love the people who have visited, with all my heart, but quite frankly, they were bad for my work!  That’s just bare bones honesty for you.

So, since this was my first day (in quite some time) in a quiet and private home, I found myself in a long hot bath this morning with my steaming cup of coffee followed by a breezy bike ride through the autumn wind pinking with a stop at my favorite vintage shop (HELLO YOU WONDERFUL VAIN AND VINTAGE GIRLS) where the ladies and I talked about my new/old beautiful airstream trailer!  Hurrah!  Also, I found a beautiful blue and gray pleated, mid length wool skirt that will be utterly gorgeous for winter walking with tights and boots.  It’s so lovely!  It’s so Sylvia Plath at the country stone cottage.  I can’t wait to wear it.  I had a wonderful batch of sushi for lunch and chatted with a kind fellow from Boise who has a heart for the arts.  I peddled around a bit more, coasted across the university campus (and daydreamed about the weaving class I hope to take this spring).  I talked to a friend on the phone and we laughed out loud and groaned a bit before exchanging Iloveyous and hanging up.

I listened to this while I pedaled my bike.
I love that low, growly, womanly voice…well, I also don’t mind sandpaper kisses…
[ the record version is amazing…go hear it]

Then, oh then, oh then of all thens,
I went to my Ace Hardware store and finally bought 
the Swedish wrap I have been coveting there.  I know, this all sounds strange…a Swedish wrap at the hardware store?
The Pocatello Ace Hardware is the kind of thing legends are made of.  Come visit and I’ll show you myself.  This particular Swedish wrap is a sensual sort of furry hood that has a scarf attached with pompom ends and it makes me look like a Ukrainian princess in exile in hip deep snow with nothing to eat but cold borscht.
I’ll be wearing it obsessively this winter and I’m sure you’ll see it in a photograph or two before spring does its springing.

I’m so spoiled,
Spoiled rotten.
But some days, it’s a good day to be spoiled rotten.

Some other tidbits you may enjoy:
I finally watched this!  I loved it, though it was tremendously sad — it made me wonder if some people are born melancholy.
It made me hold my favorite melancholy mistress tightly in my heart.
If you’re in Pocatello and you haven’t been up here yet this fall,
you’d better hurry.  The fall colors won’t last forever!
I’m going to finish reading this tonight.
I can’t believe I’m only one book away from finishing this amazing series — I feel like the characters in these stories are some of my best friends.  I can get like that with books.  For example, when Dumbledore died I felt like I had lost my grandfather.  
Actually, when Johnny Cash died, I felt like I lost a grandfather.
Perhaps I am one who easily attaches?
Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to love?
Perhaps I allow myself to be too transported by books?

Lastly, this arrived in the mail today.  It’s tremendously beautiful.
I have been a huge fan of Lana’s work for some time now
and finally claimed this rust and gray beauty from her. 
It’s delicate, robust and generally amazing.

At any rate, this is all to say that I wish you
a merry weekend.
Oh, and Taternator is the cutest quadruped within a thousand mile radius of my home.  I’ll be sure to give him a smooch for you (he’s eating Rhubarb, the cat, right now).
Tater!  Stop that!

Be well, brave hearts.
Don’t let the man get you down.


  1. YEEHAW!

  2. i feel the wind in your hair.
    i feel the love in your heart.

  3. yes, some people are born melancholy. and of course you can never love too much.

  4. WordPress is looking good!!!!

    • Thanks M!
      Q has been doing a magnificent job of getting everything moved over.
      I’m going to give her a spotted pony as a thank you present!

  5. I love Sylvia. Sometimes I am surprised that we are not the same people.

    I love hearing about your adventures in town. Your website is spiffier than ever. I have a multi-media Christmas card to send to you.

    • I have sensed the similarities between you and she.
      Perhaps we should time-share my new wool skirt?
      It’s Plathian in the very best way possible.

      Can’t wait for your Christmas card!

  6. !!!POST SCRIPTUS!!!

    We moved my blog over to WordPress last night and lost all the original comments that were on this post! SORRY! I’m sad they’re fodder for the cyber wolves, out there drifting about in a cold cold galaxy of cyberness…….I just wanted you to know that I did not delete them.

  7. Violet Cadburry says

    I was anxious to see what you were reading because I love series and read all the Harry Potter books too! Darn, thought I was going to find another good series to start, but I just finished her last book! Can’t wait for her next one to come out. Can’t wait to see your sherpa hoodie pics.

  8. Hope you are having the best weekend!!! A Beautiful post as always! That sweet new pup of yours.. Makes me want one… And the Airstream…. Too Cool!

    And just so you know.. you will always be the brightest ray in our sun!
    xx Juli

  9. Don’t fret, Plume! Somewhere in this broad country of ours, Lady Gabaldon is scribbling away, hard at work on the next book in the series. I’ve been ticking off the days on my fingers and looking longingly at the calendar…

    But it looks like you might not have to wait too long!!

  10. what a stunning life!
    so good to wrap ourselves around that truth…

    love and light

  11. Oh how lovely. I cannot wait to have some weekends like that! The colors have finally peaked in Maryland and I want to so nothing more than lay down in the middle of the woods and stare up at them.

  12. ohhh…a spoiled rotten Ukrainian princess in exile! 🙂
    Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to love?……you’ve stolen my heart…:)

  13. Loving the new look of the site. Hope you had a most happy weekend.

  14. bah! The last comment before your Overhaul got deleted… well I was just saying how glorious your day looked.. and happy for your happiness et all! Anyways… IF you’re a fabric-geek like me… just wanted to post the link to show how I too used that polka dot fabric (like your plum jars) for our gal’s birthday this past weekend!
    Tee hee… love it!
    xo love you.
    Mel :o)

  15. 1. That song is GORGEOUS. Thank you for sharing!
    2. Your new website and blog look AMAZING!
    3. Love love love.

  16. Great! thanks for the share!