For Birds Who Love Birds

Watch this!  Incredible!  I once experienced a similar baptism of starling when I lived in Arizona.  I was sitting on a roadside watching a flock of sheep graze down a harvested alfalfa field.  The starling rose up out of the stubble and moved in massive swirling waves, as they do in this short film.  It was a breathtaking swish and swoosh of birdism.

Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.

In non-avian news, I’ve been having a delightful little studio day.  I tinkered around until this little Cairn Ring came out.

It’s built of stacked sterling hollowforms.  I’d like to try to get up to five hollowforms stacked in a ring design or necklace design this week (eek).  This is a nice little orbital piece set on a reticulated band.  It’s fairly modern looking, perhaps even a bit biological in spirit (if you are good at imagining things like stacked phospholipids and the like).  I’ve also used lots of hand and heat applied texture here with a soft satin finish to help the details pop.  How nice.


  1. I loved this, how awesome it would have been to see that in person… The young girl that I watch after school every day, just loved that little video, she thought it to be so pretty, and asked over and over to watch it..

    The ring is beautiful also.. I love the very clean modern look of it!

    Thank you for sharing with us 🙂
    Have a lovely evening!
    xx Juli & Evelyn

  2. I saw that film and just took my breath away…lucky you to see the same in real life!

    I had to chuckle when you said phospholipid, I don’t know why?

    I love hollow forms, modern, leave room for ….

    phospholipids_ would you believe if I told you that I was just profiling phospholipids of fat flies?


    • Mona, I’ve also had a similar bird storm happen with desert quail. It was holy!

      And yes. I would believe it if you told me you were just profiling phospholipids of fat flies. In fact, I wouldn’t even be surprised. That’s just the sort of thing you would do! x

  3. Weird… but I saw a murmuration from some distance in Rome, of all places. They were hovering above the city, and it looked so much like smoke, that we were in a state of alarm for quite some time, until we realized it was birds.

    I love the idea of phospholipid jewelry…

  4. amazing: the murmuration took me outside of myself for a very brief yet sweet moment….

    [love the cairns: they are much like river rocks stacked on a deck railing.]


  5. That brought tears to my eyes. Good gosh. I cannot even begin to imagine the sheer awe of being in that moment personally. But I WANT IT.

    Thank you for sharing 🙂

    And I LOVE the cairns ring 😀

  6. Absolutely amazing! A murmuration sounds like some kind of beat a heart would make. I love that new word and will tuck it away for future reference. I really think these birds are doing their best impression of the ocean waves. Can you just imagine how each of these birds feel when flying about in such a way? When my son was younger he used to call small flocks of starlings in the sky a big beautiful firework of birds. So these kinds of things always remind me of him as a little boy.

    • Can you imagine flying that close with thousands of other birds and managing to not crash into one another? It’s bird ballet really….

      I love it that these remind you of your son as a wee one. That’s pretty.

  7. Thanks for the inspiration, Jillian — beautiful video, gave me chills! : )

  8. miss crowland says

    loved that so much.

  9. Lovely Jillian! That murmuration vid… I have watched it several times now, since yesterday… and it gets more touching every time. Thank you for sharing! ♥

  10. WOWWWWWWWWW! i have only seen a small version of something like that. so beautiful. thank you for sharing!
