The totes are back in town!

I had another batch of my “I LOVE YOUR SOUL” totes made up and you can find them over in the shop today.  I really like this little bag.  It shines a bright message everywhere you carry it and consistently makes others smile.  I feel a bit like a bright copper penny when I pop mine in the wire panniers on my bicycle and tool about town.  Carry it with a purpose.  Carry it as a reminder.  Carry it happily and with all your heart.

Tote on, you wonderfuls, tote on.


  1. I do believe that others smile when they see you with this….I want to know if they start following you too. xx

    • HA HA HA! Well. When people notice my bag…usually they just stare at it or smile. If they are following me, I haven’t yet noticed, and I’m usually zooming around on my little bicycle!

  2. My tote goes everywhere with me. To the market. To the gym. To the studio. And each time I read the inscription, I’m filled with gratitude and joy. Thanks ever so much.

  3. LOVE my bag!!!!!

  4. simone marie says

    OMYGOSH, Grrr! I was so excited to see that you had your totes up, that I was fumbling to get over to ETSY to get one! And that i did!!! YAY!!! so excited! Thank you, I’m leaving for seattle on the 15th, think it will be here by then??? No worries!! Now to get one of you jewelry pieces, thats next!!! Have a wonderful day! And Thank you again, XoX….. S.

  5. i’m totin’, girl: i’m a-totin’….

  6. It fits! Looks super cute on you! So excited that I also scored a tote! (that is a lot of exclamation marks).

  7. simone marie says

    Is it over kill to use 15 exclamation marks in one tiny little paragraph?

    I think not!!!!!! Heeehee!!
    Just trying to convey my excited-ness!!! :~)

    • NOPE!

      I speak in exclamations. Ask anyone who knows me well and watches me talk aloud. I over use exclamation marks quite frequently…but it’s true to the way I speak:)

      I love it.
      I love that you use them too.
      It’s a sign of exuberance.
      You’re beautiful.

  8. I lost you!
    but here you are, back again….and damn those tots are all gone!!!
    very very awesome….hope you will make more…????

    love and light

  9. Soooooo bummed, my reader didn’t show this post till today!!! And they are all gone–waaahhh.

    Oh well, next time :).
    have a great weekend!

  10. I swear I have a scarf in the same fabric as yours in the last photo! I should say “scarf” however because it’s a strip of fabric ripped from a larger garment that I no longer remember…where did you get yours?