
I’ve been working on a few new pieces this week!  I’m an avid fan of drop choker style necklaces and have been for ages.  They’re fun to make and are tremendously elegant on the body — personally, I love the way they dawdle down through the personal topographies.  So sassy!  This week I finished two drop choker style necklaces that feature my cast components (a sea shell and a head of wheat).  A dash of 23 karat gold dresses up the bar and pin chain I’ve fabricated for these pendants.  I quite like them.  They feel superb around the neck and perhaps even a tad extraordinary. I also made this sweet ring which features a horse silhouette and a truly lovely cut of Mexican fire opal.  I reckon the design looks a bit like a pinto pony.  It’s for a gal who knows how to run free and stay wild.

In other news, I’m claiming my weekend one full day early and am headed up to Boise National Forest tomorrow to meet up with a posse of gals from Portland.  We’ve rented one of those delicious little U.S. Forest Service back country cabins that you know I love to photograph!  There will be wondrous foods, wines, chocolates, hours spent being crafty, hot springs, fresh snow and the sweet snoring of Tater Tot as he sleeps in my sleeping bag.  You all have a gorgeous, restful weekend now.  Find a little sabbath for your souls.  Do the things that float your spirit high.  Your wings are wide.



  1. Gorgeous pieces, just stunning. Give Tater a kiss for me and enjoy your weekend!!!!



  2. that ring is to die for.

  3. Enjoy your weekend and the company of your friends. Throw a snowball for me. xx

  4. love:
    the hinged drops and the splashes of gold.
    your golden tail tossed across your shoulder.
    the pinto pony silhouette and opalized stone.
    you, especially.

    [have a wonderful wonderful weekend. so good of tater to be your sleeping bag companion….]

  5. such beautiful pieces with wonderful soul. sounds like a fantastic weekend too – i go on a girl’s weekend each spring that is always a great retreat (with many common elements to yours, i think!). enjoy the snow and take lots of photos to share with us.

  6. Oh how my soul longs for that beautiful ring, and oh how i wish my bank account was magically fuller after seeing all this beauty, one day, one day (sigh)

  7. These necklaces are beautiful. 🙂

  8. Beautiful necklaces, Jillian…just beautiful. I’m sorry I missed them in your store. (Probably for the best, though. Their “dawdle down through [my] personal topographies” would have been more an exercise in mountaineering.)

    Have a a truly gorgeous weekend.

    Mine will be spent writing in the 50+ cards I had the brilliant idea of making…(having conveniently overlooked the fact that I would actually have to write in every one of them)!

    I feel a ditty coming on…

  9. LOVE that pone!

  10. That feather necklace is STUNNING. Is it in your shop? I want! Discovering your work has been like finding a piece of my heart translated through fire and metal into something exquisite.

  11. fresh indeed!!!

    love and light

  12. me, oh my. i do hope that there will be more drop chokers in our future.
    they really are elegant.