Friday Nightlings

It’s windy in Pocatello today but there’s something else, something zealous and beautiful and it’s blowing all over my bones.  I have felt thin but today I feel strong.  This is effervescence.  This is softness, a yielding to love and grace.  This is turquoise marrow mixed with malamute spirit.

We had a beautiful Thanksgiving feast with our friends here in town.  The food was delicious.  There was laughter, teasing, perhaps even a dash of familial comraderie!  I’m glad we didn’t have to travel.  All day long, yesterday and today, I have ticked off the items on my personal list of gratitude, thought long and hard about the people I love, snuggled all the furs and feathers around this place, planted a squeeze on RW as often as possible — life is just so good!  That seems like a terribly simple declaration to make, but it rings a gong of truth in my heart.  Life is good.

Thank you all so much for the beautiful comments you left on my last post!  Gosh!  You really know how to love and encourage a gal, don’t you!???  I am so glad to have you in my life.  Thanks for being here.  All of you.  And thanks for the light you shine.

Have a spectacular weekend.  I’m not sure what I’ll be getting up to.  RW and I worked tremendously hard this week trying to finish up all/most business before Friday night in the hopes that we could both have some time off this weekend.  Just now, while I was making dinner in the kitchen, I looked over at him and I told him, “I really love it when we both work hard together so that we can take time off, together, at the end of the week.  Thanks for working so hard for me, baby.

At any rate, I’m reaching in my deep, deep pockets, pulling out a fistful of valentines, and throwing them all at you.

I love your souls.

Don’t you forget it.



  1. all things plume. human and animal. all things plume are high on my list of “grateful for”….

  2. Thank you so much for this blog. I just enjoy reading it and everything here is so beautiful and such a testament to LIFE.

  3. I have told you before but it bears repeating – you are an inspiration and lift me, even though you are unaware/elsewhere. Much love.

  4. Have a most splendid weekend.

  5. I’m so glad you had a good Thanksgiving! That’s such a cute dog in that picture!

  6. Sentence crush: “Something zealous and beautiful and it’s blowing all over my bones.” xoxo!