Holy Cats! It worked!

I’ve been working on this beauty for a couple of days now with the kiln running double overtime in the studio.  It turned out so beautifully and is built of sterling and ten enameled (and counter enameled) copper components that were hand pierced, filed and formed before being sifted and fired multiple times.  Gosh.  I can’t believe the design worked!  What a sweet little victory!


  1. it’s gorgeous! I LOVE it!!!!!!

  2. Oooh! Jillian, I love this!

  3. sweet amazing LARGE HEART SHAPES victory if you ask me!!!

  4. oh, yeah. (said in a koolaid jug voice from the commercials in the 80s…) amazing!

  5. It’s Beautiful!! I love the color, and that sweet flower!

    You make the most Fabulous Jewelry!!
    xx Juli~

  6. 1 word….BREATH-TAKING!!!!



  7. Oh my GOG!!! It is so beautiful! I love the color, and the shapes!

  8. hooray! how fantastic!!! and such a beautiful adornment!

  9. oh. MY. what a lovely pop of colour for this time of year. i’m loving the silver & enamel and canNOT wait to see what else you have up your sleeve in this vein. hip hip hooray!

  10. oh that’s so pretty!

  11. Eeeee! So glad it worked out for you, beautimus-maximus!!

  12. Wow wow wow, that is gorgeous!!

  13. YAY for design experimentation that works out so beautifully!!! You must be such a proud little mamacita :)…Muy Fantastico!

  14. simone marie says

    YAY!! Lady Plume! Does it again! Love the color, so much! And everything!

  15. WOW– that’s perty!

  16. ooo la la!

  17. WOW
    this is so unique
    the colour
    the design
    but strong!
    beautiful Miss Plume…beautiful

    Love and Light

  18. What a colorful collar. So interesting much like the woman who created it.

  19. Oh, my. What a creation. I’m so happy to see you express your ideas in tangible form. At 63 years of age, I wish that life’s experiences hadn’t interfered with my doing the same. If I were 35 years younger, I’m convinced that we would get along famously. You seem like such a sweet, genuine spirit. Stay safe and happy. (I treasure those creations of yours that I call my own…)

  20. holy enamel!!
    A jaw dropping beauty.


  21. You are a wonder.

  22. **SWOOOOOON!!!

    this is incredible 🙂

  23. I love the enameling… it’s so beautiful. And such a lovely colour.

    But the reason I came to leave a comment is this: I don’t know you; we’ve never met. I’ve been reading your blog for a few months. But last night, I had a dream and you were in it. For some reason, my mother and I were driving across Canada together, and we stayed with you (in the dream, you lived in Manitoba). Your house looked exactly like my parents’ cottage at the lake. We sat in the living room and drank tea. I don’t remember any of the details of our conversation. You had a dog, but it was the exact same as the dog I own in real life.

    It was the first time I’ve ever had a dream about someone I have never met. It was so strange.

    • You know, it’s really strange, but people dream about me quite often. I usually get at least one email a week from someone who wants to tell me about a dream they had that I was in…….the weirdest dream I’ve been in had RW in the kitchen roasting a turkey wearing skin colored plastic tights.


      What are you wonderful people EATING before you go to bed?

      HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!

      Anyway, I lived in Manitoba in my childhood. And I’m glad to subconsciously share a dog with you! 🙂 xx

  24. Gosh! Thanks for all the love everyone! xxx

  25. mashed potatoes says

    EXQUISITE. totally love. BRAVO!!!!!!

  26. Lovely! 🙂