It’s been a schmazzy sort of day here.  Before it really began it was already ending so I salvaged what I could, hopped on my bicycle and pedaled about Old Town for a stint.  I stopped off at the Aveda salon and spent my entire $100 gift card on shampoo, conditioner, face wash, spray in conditioner and then they were all sweet-like and told me, “If you buy just one more big bottle of something you can have 20% off your purchase…” And so I bought one more big bottle of something or a tube of ruby exfoliator or some other sort of beautiful smelling stuff and felt like I had spoiled myself NOT quite enough rotten so then I made an appointment for a hair cut and a massage tomorrow evening.  You have to give me credit, when I decide to take care of myself I really go berserkers.  Don’t I?  After the stop at Aveda I strolled into my favorite used bookery and asked Will if he had any old books I could deface and indeed he did!  I took myself out for a sushi lunch where I chopsticked my way through a rainbow roll while writing four full pages in my journal.  The girl at the table next to me had a nice turquoise ring.  I told her so.  A quick buzz over to my favorite vintage shop found me some fantastic vintage czech glass beads (turquoise cats, if you must know) and a nice chat with the lovely Laura.  After lunch I pedaled over to the warehouse district and snagged a nice little latte from my girl Amy and then we talked for a bit before I went to the bead store (holy raw amethyst crystals!!!) and then home to take a few photos of some new jewelry.  All in all, quite a nice afternoon schmazzily squandered!  I quite like these sorts of days.  They always come along right when I need to treat myself and get out of the house for a bit.

I’ve been meaning to tell you a bit about the books I have been reading.  In the past thirty days or so I have read ten books, I’ve been a bit voracious.  The handful I really want to tell you about are these:

Running in the Family By Michael Ondaatje who is SUCH a magnificent wordsmith — I have adored anything he has ever written and have read The English Patient on three different occasions whilst traveling by train in Europe…..this is ONE OF MY FAVORITE CANADIAN AUTHORS EVER.  Prepare to laugh hysterically.  I mean it.  This book is such a gem and sweepingly embraces the idea of family as well as the quirks of humanity.  I love it.  Deeply.

Breaking Clean by Judy Blunt — I cruised this book.  I cruised it like I was wearing turbo charged sneakers while running flat terrain at sea level.  Seriously.  Charged the whole thing straight through without even taking a moment to breathe.  If you are of the prairies, if your heritage is rooted in land, if you are a woman, you NEED to read this book.  It’s tragic.  It’s true.  It’s handsome.  It’s strong.  Oh gosh, I may read it again tonight.  This is a sacred book to me and reminds me greatly of Sharon Butala’s novels which are centered around female characters and ranching in Saskatchewan.  Just breathtaking, crippling and victorious – simultaneously.

The Family of Man which is really a book of images.  What I love about it is the way it offers a peek into the scope of humanity.  I love the way these images focus on the life details that draw us together as humans.  The images are diverse, the common thread is that they feature people.  I love to note commonality, to illuminate the threads that bind us together as humans so this collection appeals to me.  It’s beautiful.  I get lost in it and find myself sighing aloud.  People are special.  So special.

Life here is raw, glittering, crystal purple.  I hope you can say the same.


PS  Did I tell you it snowed here yesterday?  All that white falling so prettily while I watched out the big window of the studio.  It was so gorgeous.  It was so purifying.  I love my workspace best in the wintertime when the light is always careful and blue and the mountains are rising white and defined across the street.  Just spectacular and inspiring.


  1. Hey!!! I didn’t even know we had a bead store in this town! Where is it at? I am so excited ~ I looooove beads♥

  2. that first picture is seriously stunning.

  3. Now that’s how to do a self-care day!!!! Sounds like perfection…I can’t wait to be 100% healed and get myself some pampering too! I’m looking forward to getting my overgrown mullet a chippity chop, and then my favorite vietnamese noodle bowl! Happy self-appreciation day to you!

  4. I LOVELOVELOVE the Family of Man! I grew up with that book & cherish the copy I have from my childhood with my mother’s name penned in it. I’ve fallen off the blogging wagon, but here’s a little post I did about the book awhile back if you care to take a peek.

  5. Oh my lady! You painted this picture of self love so vividly & splendidly! what a prrrrrfect day. I am yearning for one myself.
    Thank you for sharing books too,I require good titles. If I could curl up & read every day, all day these days I would dive in deeply. For now its a few minutes (sometimes turns into an hour before sleep) I must recommend Paolo Coelho’s new one Aleph I am only four chapters in but its a trance of self discovery & embracing uncertainty.

    • OOH! Thanks for the book recommend! I love reading too…could spend every day all day with a book. RW often gives me chapter limits at night or else I’ll read until the wee hours of the morning — if I’m captivated.

  6. Aww!! It sounds like you enjoyed your day! *I* feel happy and rested after reading this! 😀 love it. Can’t wait to see what you do with those crystals. 🙂

  7. i love your day. self-care is essential– it’s what keeps us complete enough to share our gifts with others.
    and i’m intrigued by the book defacement…

  8. OK. really. it’s worth going to pocatello just to visit la bella vita salon. i have considered flying to idaho just to be pampered in that wee wonderful place. again.

    good book suggestions!

    and yes: holy raw amethyst. indeed.


  9. Mmm… a massage! I’m horrible at self care. You know, I’ve only had 1 massage in my entire life? It’s one of those things I love, but have a VERY hard time spending money on.

    And Will. I was dying for a used book store fix the other day and SO could have used that little spot.

    • I’ve not had many massages in my lifetime either but they really do help me when my neck, shoulder and back seize up. Will and I always talk about you! he almost has all THREE sky lights finished! He says he’s on track for being ready for your July show! HEE HEE HEE!!!!!

      • WILL!!!! I may need to postpone it until a bit later due to the Belfast trip 🙁 Tell him I’m not blowing him off though… we’re DOING THIS! Hehe!

  10. I want to take a big bite out of that juicy fistful of (my birthstones) amethysts.


  11. Sounds like such a wonderful day! It is such a treat to get your hair done! Hope you have fun Jillian!

  12. Wooooo, do you love The Cinnamon Peeler?

    Also, have you read The Outlander by Gil Adamson? I suspect you’d be into it. High and wild outdoor adventure across Idaho and Montana, written by a poet. The most perfect blend of plot and style.

  13. This made me laugh so much, you did go berserkers but I bet it felt so good. What a wonderful day.

  14. kate andes says

    sounds like a positively fabulous day
    Aveda, goodies, self pampering…
    those amethyst are fabulous.

  15. firstly, those amethysts look like sugared violets, I want to eat them.
    and secondly, I love Ondaatje too, In the Skin of the Lion is my favourite – I have read it over and over and still end up laughing and crying in parts.
    love to you snow-maiden, pray it snows here soon too.

    • Salut ma petite pattapouffe!!!
      How does your little one grow?
      I know. Amethysts = Edible.
      I knew you would love Ondaatje….how could you not. He’s a slow stirrer of soul. I’m glad you’ve been stirred too. xx

  16. Oooh! Books! I’m looking forward to going to the resale shop and looking for some of the titles you’ve recommended. I’ve recently finished:
    Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (don’t laugh, it’s an incredible book!)
    Watership Down (which I look forward to devouring again.)
    Several books by David Sedaris
    I don’t have much time to read, unfortunately, but when I do I read ravenously.
    Have a wondrous day!

  17. simone marie says

    Lady Plume, Aveda stinky stuff, Massages, hair cuts, books and sushi…. ( i love that you told the girl you liked her ring ) vintage czech, Turquois cats, no less, I know my beads!! And then Holy COW, Holy PURPLE COW, that Amethyst!!! I do know my stuff and I don’t think I have ever seen anything like this….. What Amazingness will you create with this I wonder? What perfectly perfect day. Thank you for sharing, if you don’t take care of yourself you can not take care of others, very well done I must say! I’m sorry to report I have not been reading books quite a deep as you and some of the others have, I will get there, my latest read is Making Connections, A handbook of cold joins for Jewelers and Mixed Media Artists. By Susan Lenart Kazmer. Very cool stuff in there, you ever thought of writing a book about your technics and style? Just wondering, Hope you are well Lady Plume, you are like magic for me, thank you for this! S.

  18. mashed potatoes says

    What a terrific post!!!!
    So glad you treated yourself- totally necessary once in a while. Your day was fun and put a big ‘ole smile on my face. So great to bike around and make all these fun pit stops! mmmm. sushi. haven’t had any in ages.

    glad you listed some books. holy amethyst is right!
    next time you get on your bike- give me a shout! I’m joining YOU!!!! xo

  19. getting my hair done is such a chore for me 🙂 and it’s short, i have to do it all the time. never quite 100% happy with it. your day sounds lovely, especially that you know all your shopkeepers and have little visits. i should get to know some of mine, even in the big city.

    THANK YOU for reminding me about Sharon Butala, what an incredible voice. i will dash to the library this weekend and re-read whatever i can find there.

  20. lovely lovely lovely
    it MUST be the Canadian is you that just KNOWS how to live 😉

    I miss the snow

    Love and Light

  21. It gives me great pleasure to know the places (and some of the people) you speak of. It’s good for a girl to get out and about.

  22. sounds like a wonderful day spent doing nothing in particular, and yet a very fulfilling list of activities. glad you spoiled yourself a little at aveda – we all could use it once in a while. i’m loving those purple crystals; and thanks for the book recs, i will have to check them out. enjoy the snow.

  23. I just happened on to your blog and I love it. Your dog is like my dog, Spike from my childhood (same color and pretty eyes). My Dad raised bird dogs. Love your pictures of your travels and sharing your thoughts. I too have a real love for nature, the mountains, plants, rocks, hummingbirds, silver jewelry and especially dogs. I am the proud mom to two parson jack russell dogs (a little different hunters from bird dogs). Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed your blog from way down here in Texas. I always have to travel to New Mexico and Colorado to get my fill of walking with nature. I feel caged if I can’t, maybe that is the indian in me.

  24. I just finished Ondaatje’s Cat’s Table and Ann Patchett’s State of Wonder. I’m still thinking about those characters. Also, I love listening to audiobooks while I knit or while I’m in the studio. This one is so wonderfully narrated that it completely changed the book for me: I definitely recommend it. Also, I love those amethysts.

  25. schmazzy!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. I found your blog through and completely love it! Your writing and photographs are stunning, your creations inspiring, and your love for where you live gives me much-needed pause. I’ll be back for sure!