Juniper Flower

Up the mountain, the junipers bear their flowers in the spindrift and sunshine.  These are winter blooms to beat back the lackluster of dark days.

The Juniper Flower Neckpiece

[sterling, copper and enamel]


  1. Juniper love. <3 xoxoxoxo M

  2. Wowzers, that necklace is gorgeous!

  3. Exquisite.

  4. I love the little bit we see of your shirt!

  5. your sight and interpretation amaze me. truly.

  6. Holy Shit, woman! Look at you go! I love it 😀 The color is so painterly!

  7. oh, jillian…
    this transcends jewelry and becomes sculpture.
    it is sublime.

  8. Jillian,
    This necklace is a beautiful work of art – I’m loving it – the fragile flower and the color are wonderful.

  9. This piece is truly magnificent, I love it so much, the colours are so lovely!!

  10. a structural extension of the soul! absolutly magnificent.

    x o

  11. The photographs of your work are almost more beautiful than the work itself. I especially love the one of your spiky twirled hair – reflecting the spiky petals of the flower – lovely. xx

  12. Oh, those colors. Entirely edible.

    The flower is a lovely reminder of NZ Christmas trees, too. I do miss the brilliant reds and smell of the sea.

    Happy Sunday!

    PS. Took a photo of our spruce, and caught an…angel? Will send.

  13. In your own words: Holy cow! <3

  14. okay, I am reading blogs in reverse chrono order and so yes, the juniper flowers look like that but not so bold…magnificent jillian, love it. Does the juniper smell good when you squeeze it?


  15. I think this may be the most beautiful piece you’ve created yet. And such lovely photos to show it off.

  16. Thank you all for these kind comments!

  17. Your work is simply beautiful. Filled with grace and charm.

  18. I love your work, your writing and the wildly gorgeous place you live in. One thing that I am truly baffled by is how you take such magnificent photos when you yourself are in them or are holding something or moving etc. does your man do photography too (sometimes he must!!) or do you pre set focus and somehow hope for the best…I am intrigued to say the least!! Whatever you are doing works beautifully, your photos area true delight.