
Last night, I went dusking.  It was divine.  An owl on the wing, the tender sweeping of tall grasses, the rattling bones of used up wildflowers.  Drafty mountains, the descent of night air, my dog pack rallying around my knees (raucous pink tongues lolling).  Shallow snow, the spice of juniper on the breeze, one red skirt caught up on a barbed wire fence.  I held it all with flat palms, fleeting as it was, and in the sky to the West hovered one pale pink cloud.


  1. way to live out loud!!
    LOVE that you are wearing a rainbow of color.

  2. I love the colour combination of your mittens! I’m going to have to furtle through my yarn stash to replicate this one! So lovely!

  3. simone marie says

    Oh girl, you make my heart happy with your words and your pictures, thank you.

  4. Stunning, you captured the light with ease and perfection. Whimsical. Beautiful. And i downright want your getup!


  5. what a pretty outfit!

  6. sounds like a wonderful outing, and love the outfit you did it in too. i miss the smell of juniper from my last trip to the east side of the cascades.

  7. colourful dusking girl: it all looks good on you.

  8. Here’s something: I live in the woods. I’m out there a LOT. The other day, taking a little cue from you, I went out in a skirt and I must say that it was really nice getting dressed up for the trees. I thought about how I make an effort in a restaurant, but when I go out to the place where I am most happy, I look pretty dowdy. I felt much lighter on my feet, which was handy, as we had a huge “wind event” here two weeks ago. Hundreds of trees down in my forest. Hopping over horizontal trees is almost dancer-like in a skirt. almost.

  9. Love the colors in these photographs. Beautiful. When will you make a book of photos for sale?? Xx