Girders of Gold

It’s already the 19th of December!  What a shocking number to behold!  In a couple of days, the winter solstice will fall upon us — the longest and darkest night of the year.  It is hard to believe that the days will grow longer after that!  All things under the heavens will quicken in their rhythms according to the drawing long rays of day.  The hens will prepare to lay again, I can nearly taste the bright orange nature of their fresh eggs as I write this.  It all seems too soon.  

There has been a steady quest for gold here lately, the sort that is found up in the hills under the waver of hawk wings and wending about the muddle of mule deer trails.  Winter has such a sweet disposition, regarding its offerings of light which fall at such tender angles onto the floors of the world.  There seems to be no moment in the day wherein I would label the daylight as harsh or overly direct.  As a result, I strike out with a dog or two nearly every afternoon to photograph the girders of gold as they do their streaming through the wild leafing of the sagebrush.  Even the cottonwoods, willows and scrub maples in the mute creek bottoms are struck alive by this buoyant, seasonal light.  High up in the nude branches of the forests, something auspicious is spinning frail poetry.  Down below, I watch the ribbons of winter  rhymes flutter in the breeze.  Oh my soul!  Oh my soul.  And when those light songs tumble across a snowy surface they do not lay prone for long.  Though snow is water, solid state, the world is full of reflections, shivering and waving as softly as a distant mirage or underwater plants at a shore edge.

I don’t know where to look, the seeing is so divine.

I don’t know how to feel, in this glorious wash of gold.

So I don’t think too hard.  I don’t walk too fast.  I simply keep up my rambling gait and claim each stride as my own, in a perfectly lit space, with a full-reaching heart and wide open eyes.


  1. I am SO excited for Winter Solstice! The days get longer, spring gets closer, new life draws nearer. We are celebrating with a little get together at our casa. Warm drinks, laughter, music…friends! It is gold, these times of gathering.

    • I know! The spin of the seasons….always such a thrill! We’re going to celebrate with QUAIL. We just decided today whilst out to lunch. Eggs will be on the way in about six weeks — we had better dust off the incubator!

      Have a wonderful party this evening, dear golden heart. xx

  2. Love your words and sight, dear lady. I too, lately have drawn in that wondrous winter air, and thought that it’s passing too soon. I looked up at the clear sky last night and thought a bit about you. Have a great day!

  3. perfection…

    love and light

  4. I identify with the mirage, and I ask my double to spend some time in it while I walk with a rumbling gate in the real one…I like the angle of the light though I am a sun lover through and through, and so I like all the angles…The days will be getting longer after the solstice, right? So glad you are monitoring the ice crystals so loyally! x

  5. everything about this is so beautiful.

  6. egads, woman… you’ve done it again!
    tumbled words, images, poetry, ice crystals, angles of light and girders of gold into a splendid concoction that pours across my screen like honey.
    i want the boooook!!

  7. You have describes so perfectly what I love about winter. It IS a tender time with a sweet disposition, not just the harsh, desolate season that everyone seems to accuse it to be. It is a balm to this girl’s soul too…

  8. Beautiful words! Just beautiful.

  9. i SO want the solstice to arrive! it’s my favourite occurrence of the winter season….

    i wish for your crystals to lay on my snow. we have so much snow….and the crystalline frost would be the perfect crowning glory….!

  10. Jillian, I am sure that you will find a way to translate all the beauty and heart and soul of these ‘blog posts’ – that are so much more than that to your readers and followers – into the hard back copy!
    Merry Christmas!

  11. mashed potatoes says

    so enjoyed your golden words
    merry christmas plume!
    oodles of kisses

  12. sounds just wonderful. the sun is shining here today too, and while i wish it has some snow to sparkle on, i will settle for the way it glints through the trees and hits my back as i type. hope you have a beautiful day Jillian!

  13. You are prettiest in winter.