We Have A Winner

First off, Happy New Year!  We hope you had a wonderful time with friends and family last night while you bid farewell to the old year and welcomed in the new.  We spent the night with our dogs in the Yogo Hotel in Lewistown, Montana — somewhere between Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada and Pocatello, Idaho.  Tres romantique!  But I digress.  This evening, I mean to inform you of the winner of the 2011 Christmas Tree Contest.  It was a close contest, and no wonder, the images were hilarious, sweet, profound, captivating, beautiful and wonderfully unique, as usual.  We thank you all, again, for your entries as well as your votes.

Without further delay, the winner of the 2011 Christmas Tree Photo Contest is:
Baby’s First Christmas — Spokane, Washington, USA

Runners up are:

With Their Eyes All A Glow — Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Country Christmas — Winthrop, Washington, USA

Wrapped In Light — Milton, West Virginia, USA (so tender and beautiful…)

Thank you all, once again, for helping to make the Christmas season a beautiful one, as you always do.


I’ll pop  by again tomorrow to regale you with tales from our trip home to the Great White North and I’ll share a handful of spiffy images of snowy owls and an action shot of my sister and I landing side-by-side triple axles whilst ice skating (whattttt?).

I missed you all.  I hope you are well.



  1. Congrats to the winner!

    And OF COURSE you can do a triple axle! I wouldn’t expect anything less! I hope you brought some snow home with you because it’s pretty damn dry here in P-town. Or rainy. But no snow. I WANT SNOW!!!

    • I haven’t ANY snow to send you. Pocatello is bald and brown at the moment. It’s filling my winter loving heart with despair — especially since I was hoping to ski upon our return home. Boo hoo hoo.

  2. congratulations to the winner!!

    HEY. i didn’t know you were the hinterland ice skating princess! that’s it. next time you come to alaska, come in the dead of winter. i have ice skates hanging in the shed for you to use.


    p.s. CANNOT WAIT for your tales!

    • OOH! Yes! I do hail from the nation of ice. All the boys play hockey (some of the girls too) and the girls figure skate. Though….I confess to speaking in hyperbole with regards to that triple axel statement….

      Next time I come up, I’ll bring my own skates! I bet that little lake up the hill from your house freezes over beautifully. 🙂

  3. Wow. I’m really surprised! There were SO many great photos to choose from!! But, Baby, Papa Blue, Hubby and I send our warmest thanks to those who voted for our photo (Baby got some new sparkling Christmas lights and some candy canes in her stocking), and to Jillian and Robert for hosting such a great contest.

    (Um, Jillian? Regarding that sweatshirt? After birthday cupcakes (it’s possible I ate a dozen), a gallon or two of whipped cream to go with the apple crumble on Christmas Day, and a vat of rib-sticking mac and cheese on New Year’s Eve while playing a feisty game of poker with my ma-in-law (followed by warmed gingerbread lovingly layered with an Everest-sized mountain of cream)…well, um, I think you’d better Santa size it!)

  4. Well, if our picture was to lose to one, I’m glad it was the one I vote for!! haha!!
    SOOO wonderful to see you last week and I LOVE MY NECKLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for hand delivering and for the catch up we had. xoxo

  5. yippeee… you’re back! I’ve been missing sweet tales and tails from the Plume nest of late… though this photo contest was splendid – congrats to the winner!
    Glad you got to visit our fair homeland too! ;o)
    happy new year
    xo Mel
    needle and nest

  6. Happy 2012! I really loved looking at your contest pics, even though I couldn’t pick a fave. I like the one that won, very much!!!

  7. I get a sparkly shiver whenever you mention Stoon!
    I hope it welcomed you with open arms.