
Like so many tenacious willows standing splayed against a deep snowscape.

[sterling and various dendritic agates]


  1. Your work is Amazing …Refreshing…Soulful…and Yummy!

  2. Eeeek!! These are fantastic!!!


  4. wow, stunning. amazing stones!!! such a fantastic family πŸ™‚

  5. truly lovely.

  6. Oooh! My Favorite Stone… And those are Gorgeous!!!


  7. madly in love with these.

  8. four of my favourite things:
    the art emerging from your soul.

  9. Oh. My. Freakin’ God!

  10. my heart skipped one beat… : )

  11. these are gorgeous in a spooky, silent, alone-in-the-world-between way. hushed but loud.i love them.

  12. Oy Vey, the milky goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love these specimens πŸ™‚

  13. I LOVE that you have the stones take full frame – a captivating sense of depth!
    oy, such brilliant forms – gem love.


    • You know, I used to do a lot of embellishment around stones but I’ve moved into this new phase wherein I’m working with such exquisite rocks and I just feel like it honors them MORE to set them in these simple settings so that they can be beautiful, monolithic and poetic — all on their own.

      Thanks for seeing what I’m doing!

      • when the earth speaks, you listen.
        beautiful and in tune, as always!

        I’m so wishful for a new piece, my fingers have been a hankerin’!

  14. Oh my goodness, breathtaking and gorgeous, each so bold with their own personality and story…

  15. simone marie says

    Mrs. Plume…..
    You are a frickin Machine!!!
    I love that about you, and I just love these!
    Talent, talent, talent! Yay!!!

  16. my gosh SO pretty.

  17. Ooooo….Perfect…


    Love and Light

  19. I have a feeling those blue and white stones, like the tips of irises poking up through snow, may have been growing just for me…

  20. Those stones are like Rorschach tests for the soul. Mine sees mountains and winter and growth. Luscious little lovelies all.

  21. Oh gosh! ItΒ΄s funny that your work still keeps suprising me every time I visit your blog.

    These beauties invigorate me.


  22. like seaweed trapped in the lake ice

  23. I love hearing about what you’re seeing in these stones! They’re so mysterious and desolate looking…..I’m having separation anxiety. One moment I’m ready to let these beauties go and then next moment I put them all on my hands and walk about the house with them.

  24. totaly and MADLY in LOVE
    with these beauties!!!

  25. I love ALL of your rings! They are my favorite! Just beautiful!

  26. Simple, gorgeous, timeless. I am in love.

  27. Always glad to see your gorgeous work!

  28. Thank you all so much for these kind comments!
    And thank you to the women who claimed these rings.
    I was sad to let them go but glad to send them to wonderful homes.