It’s a brand new Monday!  I love Mondays.  Well, I love new beginnings, as a general rule — so fresh and unhampered, like chartreuse tulip shoots in springtime.  I’m taking a day off as soon as I finish typing this. Yesterday I became suddenly very, very tired and I realized I haven’t had a day off from the studio or computer for a good long while so I’m letting my soul and body fallow today. It’s carefully and quietly snowing outside, which makes me feel gentle and serene.  I am brewing a small ocean of tea, wearing my favorite orange corduroy pants and listening to the starling as they rattle through the grapevines.  It’s a nice start to a new start.

Have a wonderful beginning to this new week, you beauties!


  1. Happy Monday
    Happy Rejuvenate day <3

  2. Oh, could I rewind to this morning and have read your post THEN? A nice Monday inspiration. On an unrelated note, Plume, do you run in winter, too?

  3. Enjoy your day! I have to say, that first photo is breathtaking!!
    Off to make some tea…:)

  4. tea, that sounds like a great idea. both of these photos fill me with their beauty. i can’t say i feel the same about mondays, but maybe that’s just my general negative worldview of late. i hope yours is wonderful though!

  5. Enjoy your Monday! I tend to, not on purpose, approach Monday’s in a negative way. So it was SO refreshing and nice to read your post. Thanks for giving me a new perspective. I sure needed it!

  6. Enjoy the restful day.
    Keep an eye on your PO box.

  7. I like the picture of you and your dog! I wish I enjoyed Mondays as much as you do. Enjoy your peaceful, relaxing day. 🙂

    – Kay Tea (Caity)

  8. Happy Monday, and happy new year (lunar new year– The Dragon!)~

  9. the second picture warmed my heart<3

  10. orange corduroy pants…my favorite
    and an ocean of tea sounds lovely too

    Love and Light

  11. ….muchly appreciating the healthy dose of mango tango carnelian orange served with a side of jauntily happy pooch….

  12. I hope you had a wonderful relaxing day yesterday!! I agree that first photo is amazing, and the second has me wanting to take a nice long walk somewhere :). May the rest of your week follow the same serene pattern!

  13. Jillian – your photos are amazing. I cant decide if I enjoy your photos or your jewelry more. I wonder if you wouldn’t mind sharing with me what lens you used to take the top image, the one of you in the furry coat? Its incredible.

    Happiness to you,