Talking About Traveling

[sterling & imperial jasper]

This morning, while waiting for the studio to warm up, I was sitting in the sunlight in the kitchen, sipping a cafe au lait and writing a letter to a friend and I suddenly realized I have a bit of a travel bug at the moment.  In my letter to my friend, I asked if she could go anywhere at the moment, if time and money were plentiful and free, where would she go? Then I answered the question for myself.  If I could go anywhere right now, I would go to: The Canadian Arctic (Ellesmere or Baffin Island), Antarctica, Northern Yukon Territory, Iceland, Labrador, Prince Edward Island or Norway.  Reading over this list, I realize that most of the places I want to visit are sparsely populated or uninhabited by humans and are covered in ice and snow most of the year.  I also tend to favor places with bands of wild horses (oh, that just had me fantasizing about the sage flats of Wyoming which are so desolate and barren and positively swarming with mustangs).

How about you?  If you could travel anywhere in the world, starting tomorrow morning, where would you go?

I reckon it’s quite fun to daydream about things like this. You never know where your wings will take you someday!


  1. Anywhere near the Pacific Ocean. I’d bury myself in the sand and never leave. Ever.

  2. you make the most gorgeous rings. I have such a ring obsession and yours are some of my favorites.

    if I could travel anywhere…gosh, I don’t think I could choose just one place.

  3. I did not see my latest travel mood coming – and truth be told – it’s becoming a reality in May. I’ve never been south of Denver – and Kauai is fitting the bill (!!).

  4. Mmmm. The Galapagos Islands. That’s always the first place on my list. Also Antarctica, and Morocco, and Prague. Oh, and I really want to see the white horses running in the water in France. There’s also a place somewhere (in Canada, I think) where you can see polar bears. There, too, especially since this seems like the right time of year.

  5. that looks a WHOLE like like the list of places I just posted in my blog last week – of “where would I live if I could live anywhere?” 😉

  6. Jillybean~
    You could find me sitting atop a multicolored mesa in New Mexico.

    For your mustang pangs


  7. the ring is amazing!
    I like the places you choose…they appeal to me as well…I like the cool feeling they give me, the isolation, the stillness
    if I were to indulge~right now I am need of a Tofino fix…a week on Chesterman Beach would do just fine thank you very much…
    and the reality is I am heading to Colombia in 6 short weeks for 10 days to work at the Community Centre we built in Medellin…I am beyond excited
    A piece of me stayed there 31/2 years ago so I feel like I am going home…..

    Love and Light

  8. I’d head for the Southwest, take a road trip through New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado. My island living eyes are itching for some red rocks, and desert vistas!

  9. Oh, one trip would be to Paris, and then to the Greek islands, and on into Turkey and Eastern Europe. Another would be Patagonia and all of Chile…. Another Portugal, England, Ireland. Another New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific Islands…

    Reallly anywhere, anywhere at all! I’d go. I always have a bit of wanderlust. It’s in my blood.

  10. Travel is my very favorite subject. I love hearing about everyone’s wanderlusts and loves here.

    Next month I hope to find myself in Patagonia. My breath comes fast with the thought!

    And someday not too many somedays from now I’ll be exploring the fjords of Norway. Maybe we should arrange a group jaunt!

  11. i too dream of northern spots – iceland, alaska, scandinavia – but i think i’d like to visit them in their more temperate months. basically i’d like some wide open space; i have a soft spot for the high desert of the eastern sierras, and wild horses in wyoming sounds pretty awesome too – a good road trip seems in order.

  12. This ring is GORGEOUS!!! Might just be my favourite piece of yours! I recently asked myself the same question….if I could go anywhere….it’s always been Nepal/Tibet for me. Within a few days of asking myself that question I found a 10 day yoga trekking retreat in Nepal taking place in October and started planning my one month adventure in Nepal to follow the retreat. October could not come quick enough! Love you and miss you so! xo

  13. Iceland IS my top three list.

    1. Iceland
    2. Iceland
    3. Iceland

    That’s how badly I want to visit.

  14. I would go to….Australia. Right? Couldn’t have guessed, right? It’s my second home, and SO EXPENSIVE to get to! But totally worth it. I would go to Western Australia, The Kimberly’s, Darwin, Alice Springs, The north coast, Sydney, The Victorian Alps, The National Gallery, Tasmania, and then spend a loooong time in and around Adelaide. Oh, my heart.

  15. if i could go anywhere right now…i’d go to the south of france. walking up to cafe au lait and crossiants!! and spending my afternoons sipping red wine with good friends. swoon.

  16. TASMANIA! for sure…. long list follows that. PEI is on there but right at the moment, since Tasmania is not in the cards, I’m craving very large trees in thick forests, so hmmmmm, maybe Arcata, or Washington? Oh, but then theres Costa Rica….and I’ve never been to Hawaii..better start packing!

  17. I do love all of your pieces, but it’s true, your rings have a certain energy and beauty that I am so drawn to!! That stone–Gorgeous!

    We are picking and moving west in 30 days, driving through places such as New Orleans, Austin and Santa Fe, so my wanderbug will get to move it’s legs soon :)! But if I could just fly anywhere tomorrow, it would be Istanbul. Ever since I read the Historian, Istanbul sounds magical and mystical and I would love to see it.

    • MJ, Thank you! You just put a huge smile on my face!

      Istanbul! Huh! I’m going to do a little Googling this morning and see what I can see! I hope your trip West in a few days is SPLENDID!

  18. I would go to the wild and windswept isles on the top of scotland, if the baby came, I would wrap it up like a papoose and sing softly against the howling wind.

  19. My answer to that question is always, always, always Yukon. Has been ever since I spent a summer cycling through it (via BC and Alaska) in 2006. I was lucky enough to return and spend 10 days there, in Ivvavik National Park, a couple years ago. This time I’d like to visit Vuntut, with stops in Whitehorse and Dawson en route. And, if we’re daydreaming, a side trip to Yellowknife to visit a friend.

    • The Yukon is mighty and beautiful. I’ve never been anywhere like it. And you biked across it! I always have wanted to do a big bike trip…bet it was splendid.

      • You should definitely do one! Best way to get around. I could go on and on and on about all the reasons why – you see/smell/hear/feel everything, so freeing, being on a loaded bike is like carrying a sign asking people to talk to you so you meet so many amazing locals and fellow travellers. Doooooooo it!

  20. I know it’s silly but I would go home. Home to Sweden. Although I do wish that it was summer so I could lay on the beach and swim in the ocean instead of shoveling my way out from the snow! This is from one of my favorite places in Sweden, called “smitingen”.

  21. I’m always dreaming of travel, and the list is long…. but the top few places are:
    Australia, Russia(and the Ukraine), Yukon or NWT to see northern lights, Churchill to see Polar bears, Chile, Uganda to see Mountain Gorillas…

    I’d better stop. Seriously, the next trip will be in 2013 – either a comprehensive trip around Cuba or Yellowstone in Winter.

  22. Oh gosh…
    Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Switzerland.
    Let my go peek at a world map and I’ll continue…
    Love that ring!

  23. Ladakh. On my way there seven years ago from Nepal I discovered I was pregnant. Altitude and pregnancy are unhappy companions so journey cut short. And after Ladakh, Tibet. Love empty moonscapes and monasteries.

  24. Kate, You like it rugged! I like the sounds of moonscapes and monasteries.

  25. Oh not Labrador! I was born there…But the coast or the high north would be nice…To photograph the caribou running.

    I choose wintertime Austria {so many places within…} or Iceland. Iceland is the top of my list. Ever since studying Geology at university I’ve had a passion…Perhaps we could go to Labrador and then Iceland together! 😉

    Lovely ring Plume…

  26. my husband tim and I went roadtripping through nova scotia for our honeymoon (lupines, whales, moose and fossil footprints!)and I would like to go back and enlarge the trip to include newfoundland and labrador. on our list is also to return to belgium for more camping, and to explore more of germany. I also want to do a road trip across all the canadian provinces one day like my grandparents once did by train. I really like solo trips too and try to do them once or twice a year ~ next up, visiting the ancient earthworks at Serpent Mound in Ohio. it’s so fun to think about traveling 🙂

    • What a perfect spot for honeymooning!
      Belgium is beautiful — one of my favorite places in Europe. Period. And there’s this sort of berry flavored beer you can find everywhere……and Bruges at night!!!!!!

      I like solo trips too.
      They’re scandalously selfish (at least, I think so). I love that I get to linger over coffee as long as I want and go where ever I please. 🙂 Lots of time for reading, writing and daydreaming too…

      • We were in bruges during a full moon. Gorgeous. it was one of our favorite cities ~ we stumbled upon a gummi candy market. So random! I’m not a big beer drinker but my husband tried all sorts of delectable ones, served with thin cookies and amazing cubes of cheese in wooden bowls…

  27. mashed potatoes says

    Indeed a very special daydream!!!!
    I’ve been dreaming of Iceland since I was in grade 2. When I whispered the name Reykjavik to myself I just felt I was meant to go there one day.
    Still haven’t been and I’d love to go there with YOU!!!!

  28. You reminded me of when I was 30ish…I craved for the same landscape…drove all the way to Assateague and Chincoteague to see the wild horses…drove up to Grand Manaan and Bay of Fundy and New Brunswick, really wanted to go to Nova Scotia, Reykavek, …I watched Northern Exposure and pretended that I was in Alaska…I wanted to be away from people in cold serene places… I still love them but after going to middle of the Pacidic, and standing in the water and looking up at the skies…no one around me…surrounded by white sand …I found the same serenity with the sound of water that is so soothing to me, and so I now have to add clear blue waters to the top of my list…xx

  29. Finland.
    Back to Missoula, specifically the ceramics kiln that was somewhere off of Highway 200 just outside of town. I don’t know why it keeps popping into my head. Was only there one time.
    Manistique, Michigan (Upper Peninsula).
    Washington Island, Wisconsin.
    Or Finland.

  30. This post made me crave the Pacific Northwest so much, the wide open space, the feeling of having your breath taken away by a sight that is too marvelous for words. I miss that.

    Also London and Copenhagen so I can ride bikes and look at all the beautiful Scandinavians.

  31. I think about this often…I would go to Iceland, Belize, and Peru…and then Ireland and St. John…and then I’d go back to Greece…I think its impossible to only go to Greece once in your life.

  32. oh, and Alaska and Mongolia…