A Handful of Things

[See the shadows dissipate and burn to brim and shine under the echelons of light…]

This is officially the Echelon Series.

I’m a bit obsessed.  These neckpieces seem like they’re made of a million pieces.  I’ve never made anything so musical or dynamic.  Every move of the body, no matter how sudden, sweeping or small, sets these pieces singing!  It’s magic to behold.  They are one part raven wing, one part water grass in a mountain stream, one part sin and a thousand parts light.  They define the weight of existance and demonstrate lightness of being.  Each time I finish one, I feel victorious.


In other news, we are nearing the end of the week and I’ve been in a mad scramble ever since returning from Canada.  At least, my body seems to be scrambling but inwardly I feel quite calm.  You will have to forgive me for not answering emails and Etsy convos yet!  I just haven’t been able to find a moment to settle into computer work.  It’s been hurry scurry in all four directions.  Robert has done a majestic job of completing some grand tasks with regards to the Airstream project here.  The axels arrived one month early and with the help of some of our friends, those hulking chunks of steel have been modified (which involved a bit of blacksmithing and welding) and installed — they’re quite twinkly and sparkly new.  I’ve never loved an axel like I love these axels.  Additionally, the shell is back on the chassis!  For the most part, the Airstream is in once piece and from this point on, every step we take will be a step towards her completion and our move to Washington for the summer.  I really can’t express how excited I am.  I’m also proud of Robert.  He’s so talented when it comes to building…pretty much anything.  What a man!

It is with great sadness that I must report the passing of Mister Pinkerton, our siamese tabby with the beautiful blue eyes.  Someone, who was speeding and didn’t care to stop their truck after the dirty deed was done, pulverized him on the street in front of our house, but an hour ago.  He died instantly.  And I’m sorry I used the word pulverized but it is appropriate.  I’ll miss him terribly.  He was such a wonderful cat, and a terror of a hunter.  Rest in peace, Mister Pinky.  You were a good old boy.  I would eulogize him more but, frankly, at the moment, I’m tired of saying goodbye to the things I love.  I’m tired of letting go all the time.  When will there be a day when I get to hold on?  Isn’t it always a shock, the way something can be so alive one moment and then so heavy and dead the next?  I’m glad I took a moment to snuggle him, early this morning, when it was still dark outside and silently snowing.

On that dreadfully sad note, I hope you all have a marvelous weekend.  I’ll be thinking of you.





  1. Oh, Jillian.
    I’m so very, very sorry for your loss.

  2. Oh. Dear. I am so sorry. What a terrible, terrible thing.

  3. Simone Turner says

    Omy gosh girl, you make my head an my heart flutter with pure joy and inspiration, with your creations one minute, then i’m crying and so deeply saddened the next. I’m am so very sorry. I can’t imagine the loses you have been thru….
    I so admire your attitude, as hard as it must be.
    When, will there be a day when we all get to hold on?

    I so really like these last creations, they are sooo good.
    I hope you have a good weekend as well, and loving seeing and hearing about the airstream. Do take care and hug all you other animals extra close, for Mister Pinkerton!

  4. I’m so sorry about your kitty, Jillian. People are so thoughtless sometimes.

  5. And I’ll be thinking of you, dear Jillian. I am sorry.

  6. I just exclaimed, “Oh NOOOOO!!!” and Marydele, shocked, asked me what was wrong. We are both so sorry to hear this terrible news–me especially, because somehow I felt I knew Pinky, through you, your words, your beautiful photos. And so soon after losing Plum. Hugs to you, J.

  7. Also want to say your Echelon series–that Upper Echelon [ 😉 ] especially–is gorgeous to my eyes.
    More soon,

  8. O my gosh…I am sorry but glad that you are soo busy..it is not fun mourning…wow!
    I feel not right saying this but the necklace is truly beautiful…xx

  9. People can definitely be heartless sometimes.
    I am so sorry you had to say goodbye to Mr. Pinkerton.

  10. Ugh… I was always transfixed with the pictures of Mr. Pinkerton, and those glorious, blue eyes. I thought he was incredibly handsome and am sending most heart-felt condolences, Jillian.

  11. lorelei eurto says

    So so so sorry J, my heart aches for your loss. I’m going to hug my girl a little closer tonight.

  12. I’m so sorry to hear you lost your cat, and so horribly too. He was a truly beautiful guy.

  13. So sorry to hear of your loss, so very shocking…I pray that you would be buoyed up by the Spirit that lives within you, heart felt condolences Precious Plume xx

  14. aw, crap.
    pinks was gorgeous.
    letter to follow.

  15. LOVE your designs….and sorry from WY…I can’t sleep till my house cats are all tucked in for the night and cry buckets when the coyotes get one of my wild barn kitties.

  16. so sorry about your dear cat. so much the worse at the hands (wheel?) of some idiot. i’d give you a big hug if i could.

    on a different note, those necklaces are beautiful.

  17. I am flustered.
    Why so many trials heaped one upon the other? Stories like this make me scared to love but unable to stop myself. Damn this mortality business. I am unendingly sorry, friend. Damn.

  18. this is so horribly sad 🙁 RIP to your cat.

  19. Oh, handsome Mister Pinkerton, how we’ll miss setting sail in your eyes.

    I’m with Leslie. Damn, I’m sorry.

  20. My heart bleeds with yours for Mr. Pinky – absoluletly. The same thing happened here this fall, right before my eyes…

  21. oh, i hate this. how awful! what a horrible, horrible thing. my thoughts go out to you and your sweet mr. pinkerton. i’m so glad you had that snuggle.

    and in such contrast, your necklace is lovely.

  22. Oh, my dear friend. Your creations are beautiful, singing to me with their flight and fluttering essences. And I’m so happy about the progress with the Airstream!

    But I am so sorry to hear of Mister Pinkerton. Sammy can sense my sadness and has draped himself, Siamese-like, over my shoulder. Oh, I hold you in my heart and send you warmth and love. Life is fleeting, and it’s essential that we cherish each moment. Sending you and yours LOVE.

  23. Your creations, that necklace, oh my!!!! Pure poetry on a chain…

    I am so sorry about Mister Pinkerton. I hope it was instant and he passed without pain…

  24. jillian, i am sorry to read about your mr. pinkerton. i know how heartbreaking and difficult it is to let go and adjust to the quickness that impermanence presents itself. now he and plum can keep each other company as they stride by your side through the rest of your life, and although it is not something you can physically hold onto, let your mind be comforted by the fact that they will never leave you.
    on a lighter note, i adore your new work (although i feel that i say that about everything that you create!). what makes it more for me is the description, i can feel the beating of the raven wing, smell the grass in the stream, delight in the sin and feel comforted and ethereal in the thousand parts of light…
    so many blessing for you today.

  25. I am so sorry for your loss of your blue-eyed boy. Much love to you and yours

    BTW: This series is pure art and loveliness. It sings.

  26. I have no words…my soul reaches out to yours and gives it a huge, huge bear hug. xoxo

  27. Rest in Peace, Mr. Pink.

    Jill, I’m so sorry for your loss. He will be greatly missed. And please do love and snug those little beasts as much as you can (and everyone, for that matter). As Chris Thile says it, we’re only as good as our last goodbye.

    xoxo, love. Sending light and warmth your way.

  28. Good morning all you sweet ones!
    Thank you for your gentle condolences and great kindnesses — you’re all so wonderful.

    And thank you for your thoughts on these new neckpieces!
    Have a lovely weekend, all of you!

  29. So so sorry to hear about your kitty 🙁

  30. I’m sorry about Mr. Pinkerton, and yes, sometimes there is a limit to how much one can be asked to let go.

  31. OH NO. This is horrible news. People drive so fast, it is just SO wrong as WELL as a reminder to always be on the look for tiny animals and any living thing. I was just thinking of him yesterday and how majestic his features look in that angelic light you magically capture. Sweet man, so sad for your pain Jillian.

    Love to you,

  32. what an amazing piece, work of art!!!!


  33. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Mr. Pinkerton. It hurts so much when we lose a beloved creature, they love us unconditionally. xo

  34. I am so sorry about your kitty loss. Indeed when will we be able to hold onto anything? Whilst walking the path of the lone wolf for nearly 60 years it does seem to be one loss after another. However there are sparks and orbs of delicious energy along the way that must make our hearts glad and keep the sadness at bay. For we have the gift of love and connection . And for that I am most grateful. Blessings sweet one. xx

  35. I’m very sorry about your lost little one. May we all remember to grab those fleeting snuggles while we can.

    P.S. I did want to add, separately, that your necklaces are incredibly beautiful. I love their shape, materials and the sound I am imagining they make.

  36. Oh no. Big bear hug. Very big one. xoxo

  37. A big virtual hug…