[sterling, copper, enamel: forged, reticulated, fabricated]
This color combination makes me feel soulwild.
Color is a power which directly influences the soul.  Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings.  The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another to cause vibration in the soul.  It is therefore evident that color harmony must rest on a corresponding vibration in the human soul.
[Wassily Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art]


  1. Simone Turner says


  2. gorgeous

    love and light

  3. those are so beautiful.

  4. Spiritual art <3

  5. just can’t tell you how much i love this.

  6. Gorgeous!

  7. Those colors. That plum. Gorgeous. Transported me back to when we used to climb up the trees in my uncle and aunt’s orchard and gorge on plums. (I’ve mostly blocked out the bollockings we’d get for turning up, hours later, with stomachaches and purple-stained faces and tees. Mostly.)

    Loved the excerpt, too. Mum and I were just talking about the spirituality of color and art the other day. Will have to snag a couple copies.

    Oh…and, “itchy little bitch.” Ha ha. Brilliant!


    • AH!
      Plum trees.
      That’s me, every September. You should come by. I have 4/5ish plum trees in the yard. They need constant raiding when the fruit comes ripe.

      GUFFAW! “bitchy little itch” was actually part of the original Pearl Maker poem, and it’s effective, I think, but I finally decided to censor it out of Etsy listing. It seems to tickle you! Perhaps I should have left it:)

  8. Thanks for all these kindnesses, ladies!!!

  9. such pretty colors!

  10. The colors are so beautiful Jillian! It makes me want to dance off into a summer sunset wearing that beauty!!

  11. captivating in such a simple raw way!

  12. Thanks again, girls. You’re very kind.