A True But Short Story

First he ate them.

Then he wore them.

The End



  1. Hahaahaaa! Love!

  2. Awww! He’s so cute! (even though he’s a boot-eater 🙂

  3. LMAO!!!!!
    oh those puppies!!!

    love and light



  5. oh my goodness. i love the look on his face.

  6. Jamie Robert says

    Oh the sweet little devil! His brown velvet head makes me want to smother it with kisses!!

  7. i. love. this!
    the. end.

  8. pure poetry : )

  9. Aw, a sorrier puppy I never did see.

    Did you manage the scolding with a straight face?

    (I wouldn’t have either.)

  10. Best photo ever!!! How can you scold a face like that with those floppy ears to boot?

  11. oh my God that is classic.

  12. suspenders. he needs suspenders.

  13. OMG.
    good lord:
    poor tater.
    poor boots.
    poor you.

  14. bahahaha! He’ll have his boot and wear it too. cutie patootie!

  15. Simone Turner says


  16. that was his plan all along! i’m sure he thought if he chewed them up a little you wouldn’t want them and then he could have snazzy purple boots all to himself!!!

  17. His face! Ahhhh, what a good photo to see in the morning. Thanks for the smile.

  18. Love the photos!!!

  19. My god you have trained him so well! (x)n

  20. Snort! This totally made my morning! Love that face 🙂

  21. Thought you would enjoy this…a Tater in the making?

    Garden & Gun’s good dog photo contest

  22. Yes! Love it. You are such a good storyteller -shorter or longer tales – they’re all fantastic!

  23. mashed potatoes says

    Hahhhhaaaaaa! LOVE IT! xo

  24. I knew these photos would make you all laugh! Thanks for all the smiles. x

  25. Bahahahaha! Omg. Love.

  26. And then he said, “Hey! Why are my back feet so wet??”

  27. hmmmmmm…I have a pair that looks just like that these days!!!!!!!!…Unfortunately if Henry tried to wear em I think he’d topple over! great pix!

  28. Oh the puppy!!! How CUTE he is! At least he only took a *little* chunk out of the boots 😀 And he looks so handsome in them, besides.

  29. Marcia Hron says

    Oh thank you for posting this precious “lesson in life” for your gorgeous puppy. What an awesome way to tell the story!!!! Great job!

  30. blue tick hound or pointer ??? so cute !!!